Guild Wars 'Refurbished'
A Faithful GW Redux? Count me in.
I just don’t think this would be as popular as you think it is.
I can see this appealing to 2 types of people:
- The MMO player who heard about the original GW but decided not to buy it due to the graphics but hasnt played GW2.
- The MMO players who are playing GW2 but are still interested in GW1.
The rest of the people would just be wondering why Anet would even try such a thing, why would you buy the first generation of something when the second is already out. Not to mention it would cut GW2’s current population by I’d say 1/4th. Possibly more.
Also, I think it would be far too much work to do it in the way you suggest. They would basically have to rewrite the whole game.
Though I didn’t play the first GW, I understand that you miss it since I have friends that still love playing it alongside GW2.
Also, what about the people who already have GW? Would this be a complimentary upgrade or would they have to pay?
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
Highly unlikely. I mean it would be great, but the chances of them doing a redux of the Guild Wars 1 is slim if any. I mean you can look at all the other games out there that people want a remake for such as the Final Fantasy early editions. The chances of them doing it is kitten near impossible….. But I would lover for them to do it though…
It would probably be more likely that they release certain popular GW1 missions in GW2 to help tell the back story. I don’t see them creating another game to compete with themselves.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
It would probably be more likely that they release certain popular GW1 missions in GW2 to help tell the back story. I don’t see them creating another game to compete with themselves.
I suppose I imagined it more as an enhancement for Guild Wars 2, a way to bring in another swathe of people to the game who may not have experienced the original Guild Wars, and perhaps find it now a little dated visually.
Or perhaps, admittedly, a way for sad individuals such as myself that still cannot stop playing the original game, even after the continuance of the series has been released, to have the best of both worlds, so to speak.
I just find Tyria in Guild Wars 2 so breath-taking, that I cannot help but continually wonder every time I go back to the original, how incredible it would be to have access to the same assets that make the sequel so staggering, and I wondered if any others felt the same.
I would love to see GW1 recycled into a single-player game. It’s too polished to simply take down, and I imagine becoming offline would address the server issue. It might also give light to a modding community to design their own maps and skills. GW1 was all about customize ability, so we should be able to make mods too!
(edited by Kain Francois.4328)
I think a better reboot to the original GuildWars would to port it over to the mobile market how this might work is if it was broken down to smaller area games like each game could have a town, outpost or two and the surrounding areas joining those points. The first game could be called GuildWars Lions Arch or better yet GuildWars Pre Searing. Servers can be set up to keep your character info so as you complete each game section and purchase the next game section your character grows threw the game just like in the original game. Each game segment would be sold in the App Store for like .99 and a new game segment could be released every month or so till the whole game has been released Each game would probably need to be download from a wifi source and then could be played over 3G cell or wifi. Also if it was possible to keep you existing characters that we have now have to play in the mobile version that would be fantastic.
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens
Hi everyone,
While we enjoy your interest in the game, and even though it is lore-related, these are the GW2 forums. Discussing GW1 has no room here.
Therefore we are closing this thread. Thanks for your understanding.