Guild chat twitch
Wall of text to read,
Only four periods were used there,
Too long did not read.
Wall of text to read,
Only four periods were used there,
Too long did not read.
But not long enough to combe through for the number of periods?
Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
Wall of text to read,
Only four periods were used there,
Too long did not read.But not long enough to combe through for the number of periods?
Ctrl-F is your friend.
Though it only found 3 for me.
Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.