No one enjoys [it]. No one finds it fun.” —Colin J.
Guild missions must be unlocked in order!
No one enjoys [it]. No one finds it fun.” —Colin J.
And they all need to be unlocked in order also
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace
Wow I really wish they would explain things better. I might be blinder and dumber than some other folks, but if I didn’t catch these rules, I bet other people won’t either.
No one enjoys [it]. No one finds it fun.” —Colin J.
Another thing is that if you see a guild out in the world completing these events you wont get the commendations unless you are repping guild that started the event.
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace
I didn’t understand that they had to be unlocked in order either. I was hoping that all of the guilds in our alliance could research Bounties, then have each guild research a different mission type based on the guild’s size and influence income, thereby allowing alliance members to participate in each type of mission more quickly and allowing each of the individual guilds in the union to contribute meaningfully to the alliance. But with this information it appears that the largest guilds, the guilds with the most influence available to them, will always be the ones at the forefront.
Sad, really. At least without this required order we could be truly allies instead of just tag-alongs.
Sorrows Furnace