Guild rush - multiple guilds at once -- HOW?

Guild rush - multiple guilds at once -- HOW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archranis.2375


If another guild is running a rush when our guild wants to do it, we can launch it from our guild panel, but the flag at the start of the rush still belongs to the guild that has already started it, and that’s what also shows on the screen (timer, counter of completions, etc.). But our guild panel shows a fresh timer that doesn’t match what you see on-screen.

Also, it seems very inconsistent who is getting credit when our guild starts a rush that another guild is already running — some guild members get the reward, other don’t. Sometimes our guild gets credit when there are 15 completions, other times we don’t. We haven’t been able to discern any pattern to this after trying different things over several weeks.

If no other guild is doing the rush when we start it, things behave as we’d expect — the flag is ours, the guild panel and on-screen timers are in sync, and completion credit happens as we’d expect.

Please tell us how this works so we are doing it properly to get credit for our guild and its members on a rush when another guild has already started one. If the answer is “you have to wait for them to finish”, then may I propose this needs some enhancements because when multiple guilds are trying to do the same rush at the same time, waiting hours for a “slot” to open up isn’t feasible.

[JUGs] Just Us Grownups —
Contacts: Archranis.2375 // Neksis Syxx.6983

Guild rush - multiple guilds at once -- HOW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyri.2093


I’m not sure but hopefully someone will answer.

Guild rush - multiple guilds at once -- HOW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I believe the event UI timer is for the first guild to start it and participation is based on all runners from all players successful in that time limit, no matter who they represent.
The flag is also for the first guild who activates.

Your personal timer for the guild isn;t shown, although it might be from the guild mission tab. Our guild just declares after 1 person wins to get guild credit and then runs a second attempt to get everyone personal credit to avoid confusion.

Players don’t seem to get credit if you have declared victory even if the timer is still running and they make a successful run

They are my observations, but happy to be corrected

Guild rush - multiple guilds at once -- HOW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


The event must be incomplete when you start, and complete while your guild has the mission active, and you must be doing the same difficulty as the starting guild. Sometimes there are weeks where guilds with different preference settings have two different difficulty levels of the same rush, and that can result in not getting credit if, say, your guild activates a 30 minute version of a rush guild mission, but someone has already started a 17 minute version. You won’t be able to get credit during the 17 minute version.

Sadly, this is hard to check as the event as displayed doesn’t say what difficulty is currently being attempted, and you may show up with less than 17 minutes left on the timer and thus be unable to tell what difficulty is being attempted. The only sure fire way to check if your guild will get credit when another guild has started is to run someone to the finish line and see if they get their chest. if they do, your guild is doing the mission in progress, and can get awarded for completion.

There is an NPC that appears at the end of the rush once the target 15 players have crossed, and you can talk with him to instantly guild-complete your guild mission, awarding you the favor. You can even do this if you started the mission, but if you do the event will still run its entire duration so that anyone else participating has a chance to get their rewards as well.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Guild rush - multiple guilds at once -- HOW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archranis.2375


So it seems there isn’t a reliable, predictable way for a guild to successfully complete a rush for the guild and all its members, when another guild is already running the same rush.

I’d suggest an enhancement: Instead of there being a single rush per map, let multiple guilds run the rush simultaneously, and track each guild’s progress separately. When a player goes to join a rush, they’re given a list of which guilds are currently holding the rush, with the time remaining and how many have completed it thus far. They then join the rush they select. But as far as what happens in the map — nothing changes — from an observer’s view, there would be many players from all different guilds doing the rush at the same time.

Credit would be given to individual players based on whether or not they completed the rush in the time allotted (based on the guild whose rush they signed up for), and credit would be given to the guild if they had 15 people who signed up for their rush successfully complete the course.

[JUGs] Just Us Grownups —
Contacts: Archranis.2375 // Neksis Syxx.6983