Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddy.5986


Aight I’m here to drop my personal opinion on game so far what I like and dislike and what I think it needs to change. So instead of being kitten fanboy please read and respect my PERSONAL opinion on stuff since I will do same for you.

- Fun leveling experience
- Unique questing system
- Good itemization
- Melee combat is lovely animated.
- Amazing story with really good voice over
- Enviroment design is mind blowing in a good way (especially norn areas)
-Sylvari (unique)

-Really boring end game

-WvW is nothing more but zerg vs. zerg (there is no real skill involved)
-Spvp is not really balanced as much it could be especially since they oriented entire game around pvp.

-Boring tournaments

- Playing around orr/arah is mindblowing and frustrating experience unless grouped with 5+ people

- PvE is everything but fun (we don’t want our players to grind) and yet you grind like mad man to complete that set you desire so much (yeah time and effort needs to be rewarded but they could made it much more fun and exciting instead of just boring and repetitive runs).

- PvE content needs more mechanics… fights are just really bad and nothing more but
avoid fire or w/e and dodge once or twice trough entire encounter.

- Forced to do mostly pvp (what I mean by this is the fact that sooner or later you will have to pvp. Since after you complete everything at PvE side of the game you will be stuck with boredom- because you got nothing else to do) And this happens rather fast because only “hard” part of PVE is the fact that you have to grind alot for good looking items and thats all everything else goes fast and all of this you can get done under 150 hours played (I did it with casual play so every one should be able to do it).

I got only 140 hours and 59 mins played on my main and around 201 hour on all characters. So basically I did not burn out I just got nothing else to do.

-Crafting Legendary… honestly it sucks it’s just a big grind. I don’t have any suggestions myself on this one, but they could have done it better. Once again this is my opinion so I’m entitled to write it up how I feel about this.

- No healer profession (this one was really big letdown for me, I always enjoyed playing healer/support class in mmo’s. This is where MOST of you if not all will disagree with me but well F* it. PvE simply can’t have any proper mechanics without healing class. Unless they give us option so we can dodge way more at PvE instead of just twice.

I got more stuff that I don’t like but I’ll end it here for now. Obviously some of you will just flame because you got nothing better to do. But bring it.

I will see you when next expansion launches (hopefully it will bring some kind of nice PvE) If not GW2 will be just another game on my list that was marked as huge letdown with big potential. It’s funny how most of latest mmo’s start out well but end up as huge disaster (I’m not saying GW2 is bad or anything but currently it lacks stuff and content to keep people like me interested into playing)

And I honestly can’t queue up for another WvW because I’ll f* freak out.

~Peace out.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lymain.6723


Funny, I’d pretty much swap your pros and cons. The leveling and story was much worse than SW:TOR’s imo, but maybe that’s an unfair comparison since BioWare poured so much money into that aspect of their game. On the other hand, I pretty much like all aspects of this game’s endgame, and I love that we don’t have dedicated healers.

[AS] Tarnished Coast

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirye.9463


They’re about tastes, pros and cons. I personally agree with Lymain. I’d swap yours.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gennyt.3428


-On the voice acting front, I think a lot of it was good, some of it was great (I love Tybalt Leftpaw!) but TheHernia, I mean Trehearne >.> was a let down. I don’t care that he was the guy everyone looked to for wisdom and all that other good stuff(even if he did materialize out of nowhere as I was playing an Asuran and had no idea I was going to be saddled with this seemingly random NPC), what bothered me was that his tone was so “matter-of-factly” throughout some pretty dire situations, like the words were just secreting from his neck.

The story got a bit shaky at some points to the point where I never bothered to do the last story mission and my Engineer has been 80 for at least 2 months.

-The craft system is a horrendous money sink that is not profitable, I usually love crafting but I had to stay away after I realized it punched a hole in my pockets.

-Like you, I enjoy playing a healer, and I find myself jumping on my Druid in that other game and signing up for battlegrounds more often. I can appreciate the whole, no trinity thing but it seems to be more damage centric then anything, sure you dodge sometimes but at the rate at which offensive abilities are spammed in this game and the respawn rates, trying to play defensively seems to be a waste of time.

Also as a side note, I would love to be wrong but this game doesn’t have a pvp match observation feature, which I enjoyed from GW.

Whispers with meat.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddy.5986


They’re about tastes, pros and cons. I personally agree with Lymain. I’d swap yours.

Yeah this was aim of my post. Every one has different opinion~ so bringing up important issues like this is always good. It’s good to see both sides of coin. I always enjoy reading constructive criticism and also I love to write some. Even tho my english is not really perfect and sometimes it can be a bit off when I try to express myself.

Also another thing that I would like to add is really terribad crafting system. I mean idea was good but the way it was implemented… well it’s poor.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melonamen.1275


-On the voice acting front, I think a lot of it was good, some of it was great (I love Tybalt Leftpaw!) but TheHernia, I mean Trehearne >.> was a let down. I don’t care that he was the guy everyone looked to for wisdom and all that other good stuff(even if he did materialize out of nowhere as I was playing an Asuran and had no idea I was going to be saddled with this seemingly random NPC), what bothered me was that his tone was so “matter-of-factly” throughout some pretty dire situations, like the words were just secreting from his neck.

The story got a bit shaky at some points to the point where I never bothered to do the last story mission and my Engineer has been 80 for at least 2 months.

-The craft system is a horrendous money sink that is not profitable, I usually love crafting but I had to stay away after I realized it punched a hole in my pockets.

-Like you, I enjoy playing a healer, and I find myself jumping on my Druid in that other game and signing up for battlegrounds more often. I can appreciate the whole, no trinity thing but it seems to be more damage centric then anything, sure you dodge sometimes but at the rate at which offensive abilities are spammed in this game and the respawn rates, trying to play defensively seems to be a waste of time.

Also as a side note, I would love to be wrong but this game doesn’t have a pvp match observation feature, which I enjoyed from GW.

Nor sure if I heard this right, but I thought Anet had plans to add the pvp observation feature at some point in the future?

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melonamen.1275


Aight I’m here to drop my personal opinion on game so far what I like and dislike and what I think it needs to change. So instead of being kitten fanboy please read and respect my PERSONAL opinion on stuff since I will do same for you.

- Fun leveling experience
- Unique questing system
- Good itemization
- Melee combat is lovely animated.
- Amazing story with really good voice over
- Enviroment design is mind blowing in a good way (especially norn areas)
-Sylvari (unique)

-Really boring end game

-WvW is nothing more but zerg vs. zerg (there is no real skill involved)
-Spvp is not really balanced as much it could be especially since they oriented entire game around pvp.

-Boring tournaments

- Playing around orr/arah is mindblowing and frustrating experience unless grouped with 5+ people

- PvE is everything but fun (we don’t want our players to grind) and yet you grind like mad man to complete that set you desire so much (yeah time and effort needs to be rewarded but they could made it much more fun and exciting instead of just boring and repetitive runs).

- PvE content needs more mechanics… fights are just really bad and nothing more but
avoid fire or w/e and dodge once or twice trough entire encounter.

- Forced to do mostly pvp (what I mean by this is the fact that sooner or later you will have to pvp. Since after you complete everything at PvE side of the game you will be stuck with boredom- because you got nothing else to do) And this happens rather fast because only “hard” part of PVE is the fact that you have to grind alot for good looking items and thats all everything else goes fast and all of this you can get done under 150 hours played (I did it with casual play so every one should be able to do it).

I got only 140 hours and 59 mins played on my main and around 201 hour on all characters. So basically I did not burn out I just got nothing else to do.

-Crafting Legendary… honestly it sucks it’s just a big grind. I don’t have any suggestions myself on this one, but they could have done it better. Once again this is my opinion so I’m entitled to write it up how I feel about this.

- No healer profession (this one was really big letdown for me, I always enjoyed playing healer/support class in mmo’s. This is where MOST of you if not all will disagree with me but well F* it. PvE simply can’t have any proper mechanics without healing class. Unless they give us option so we can dodge way more at PvE instead of just twice.

I got more stuff that I don’t like but I’ll end it here for now. Obviously some of you will just flame because you got nothing better to do. But bring it.

I will see you when next expansion launches (hopefully it will bring some kind of nice PvE) If not GW2 will be just another game on my list that was marked as huge letdown with big potential. It’s funny how most of latest mmo’s start out well but end up as huge disaster (I’m not saying GW2 is bad or anything but currently it lacks stuff and content to keep people like me interested into playing)

And I honestly can’t queue up for another WvW because I’ll f* freak out.

~Peace out.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I’ll admit I disagree with a lot of what you wrote, but it’s just purely opinion on my part. I’ve only really done pve, so I can’t speak of pvp or wvw, and it sounds like you already finished the main story. So just curious, have you done the map completion, jumping puzzles, are any of the dungeons (both official and mini ones) for fun (assuming you find those fun)? Just wondering because these are some of the things I’m working on that still make pve worth playing to me. Also have you tried any of the wintersday stuff? It’s pretty fun so far. And like you said, they have some big updates coming in the next 2 months, so they may add more content that you might like, but we’ll just have to wait and see what actually happens.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaltastic.3146


-WvW is nothing more but zerg vs. zerg (there is no real skill involved)

Running around as a single person attached to a PuG zerg can get mindless and lacks skill.

Working as part of a team/guild and strategically attacking and defending objectives is immense fun and extremely rewarding. To be successful takes a group of skilled and dedicated people working together.

We share apocalyptic views, how comforting that we see it too.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aupheus.9038


The game is choking it self.

Drop rate is plain aweful, it wasnt, but they changed it that way. Champs with no loots or at best some point in doing that anymore, for nay sayers, one of the fun factors in all games are to be rewarded.

Grind or no grind, all hard to get items in this game involves grinding, the grind is only to be done by fraction runs or a few dungeons.

All aspect in earning money are effectivly removed, they nerf it all the time, so we are forced to buy gems with no other effort than using real cash.

World gameplay is removed, we are lfg fraction x and buying some gems to get our gold and thats it.

RNG system has very low chance of giving you what you need. So if you infact did grind for a very long time and finally get something worth a few, you can bet you just subtract it all to nothing using the mystic well. Gamble system that wins over you time after time are not fun.

Balance between classes are needed, as long we have some sort of pvp we need it no matter what people think or say.
Elementalist, Engineer and Ranger the worst, then Necromancer, Mesmer in the middle, and at top Warrior and Thief wich stomp the most with less efforts. I ignore this as best i can but getting killed by thieves in a matter of seconds knowing it is a class balance issue is rather annoying.

Anet don’t focus enouf on the ‘FUN’ factor, it is way to many cons to actualy feel happy when playing as a average player. The game started out pretty well, after that they have removed or done changes that hurts the main reason to play.

Many still holds their breath, hoping that Anet will come to their far theres not much of that.

(edited by Aupheus.9038)

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dessan.9420


-Sylvari (unique)

Actually they’re really just elves, only they’re plants. Also, they’re lame.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melonamen.1275


The game is choking it self.

Drop rate is plain aweful, it wasnt, but they changed it that way. Champs with no loots or at best some point in doing that anymore, for nay sayers, one of the fun factors in all games are to be rewarded.

Grind or no grind, all hard to get items in this game involves grinding, the grind is only to be done by fraction runs or a few dungeons.

All aspect in earning money are effectivly removed, they nerf it all the time, so we are forced to buy gems with no other effort than using real cash.

World gameplay is removed, we are lfg fraction x and buying some gems to get our gold and thats it.

RNG system has very low chance of giving you what you need. So if you infact did grind for a very long time and finally get something worth a few, you can bet you just subtract it all to nothing using the mystic well. Gamble system that wins over you time after time are not fun.

Balance between classes are needed, as long we have some sort of pvp we need it no matter what people think or say.
Elementalist, Engineer and Ranger the worst, then Necromancer, Mesmer in the middle, and at top Warrior and Thief wich stomp the most with less efforts. I ignore this as best i can but getting killed by thieves in a matter of seconds knowing it is a class balance issue is rather annoying.

Anet don’t focus enouf on the ‘FUN’ factor, it is way to many cons to actualy feel happy when playing as a average player. The game started out pretty well, after that they have removed or done changes that hurts the main reason to play.

Many still holds their breath, hoping that Anet will come to their far theres not much of that.

That might be your opinion (and sorry if I’m misreading your post, because it sounds like you’re trying to speak for the majority), but I’m not alone when I say that I’m still finding a lot of fun things to do in game.

Guild wars 2 pros and cons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aupheus.9038


The game is choking it self.

Drop rate is plain aweful, it wasnt, but they changed it that way. Champs with no loots or at best some point in doing that anymore, for nay sayers, one of the fun factors in all games are to be rewarded.

Grind or no grind, all hard to get items in this game involves grinding, the grind is only to be done by fraction runs or a few dungeons.

All aspect in earning money are effectivly removed, they nerf it all the time, so we are forced to buy gems with no other effort than using real cash.

World gameplay is removed, we are lfg fraction x and buying some gems to get our gold and thats it.

RNG system has very low chance of giving you what you need. So if you infact did grind for a very long time and finally get something worth a few, you can bet you just subtract it all to nothing using the mystic well. Gamble system that wins over you time after time are not fun.

Balance between classes are needed, as long we have some sort of pvp we need it no matter what people think or say.
Elementalist, Engineer and Ranger the worst, then Necromancer, Mesmer in the middle, and at top Warrior and Thief wich stomp the most with less efforts. I ignore this as best i can but getting killed by thieves in a matter of seconds knowing it is a class balance issue is rather annoying.

Anet don’t focus enouf on the ‘FUN’ factor, it is way to many cons to actualy feel happy when playing as a average player. The game started out pretty well, after that they have removed or done changes that hurts the main reason to play.

Many still holds their breath, hoping that Anet will come to their far theres not much of that.

That might be your opinion (and sorry if I’m misreading your post, because it sounds like you’re trying to speak for the majority), but I’m not alone when I say that I’m still finding a lot of fun things to do in game.

There are stuff to do but the cons ive listed overshadows alot of the fun stuff to do. They are higly real for the majority of the players, its not just a few that states these issues in almost the same way as i did. Anet takes a to harsh grip on alot of the aspect of the game, so its choking it self…slowly..