GuildWars2 is Awesome
Actually I agree with him, if you simply compare GW2 to other MMOs nowadays, it’s unbeatable in its core design apart from a few flaws (either being huge or minor). The foundation is too much solid for it to fall apart in a near future, I only expect the best, I just hope they speed up things a bit.
Seriously guys, GuildWars2 is a masterpiece in the making, and close to being finished.
You just admitted that we’ve just been playing a beta for two years.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
Seriously guys, GuildWars2 is a masterpiece in the making, and close to being finished.
You just admitted that we’ve just been playing a beta for two years.
So he saw what he did there, eh?
Currently the bad outweighs the good (for me). Hopefully that will change eventually.
FYI, if you have to resort to broad generalization and labeling that opinions which differ from yours are unintelligent it gives the impression, to me at least, that your position is indefensible or without merit., or that you just dont care enough about your own position to bother.
Oh dear, someone who seems to like the game is posting on that games forums. What is the world coming to?
GW2 is just another Flappy Bird clone. That’s all.
P.S. I agree with OP. When I try new MMOs I just stop it because Dynamics here are something I can’t forgive other MMO’s not having.
white knights in this forum are welcome.
i have my complaints (balance, bugs, pve power dps-only meta), and try new games, but i always come back. it just seems to be “my game”. love the combat, the lack of “kill steal” stuff, and love the exploration (jp’s and mini-dungeons for the FTW).
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Hi everyone,
Please keep in mind that every feedback, either positive or negative, is welcomed on our forums as long as it is written in a polite in constructive way.
All posts that are inflammatory, off topic or rude towards forum users will be removed.
Thank you for your understanding.
Agreed gw2 awesome game best mmo on the market.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Totally agree with OP. Guild Wars 2 is absolutely my favorite game of all time. Seriously. It’s refreshing to see a thread that ISN’T some kind of complaint (although admittedly there are some very viable complaints, but others are just dumb).
GW2 is not without its shortcomings (and, mind you, some of them are -really- bad) but what it does well, it does -really- well.
so far it’s 65%-35% in favour for me, hopefully it will only get better.
have to admit though… i do not feel very optimistic about the things i do not like.
Perhaps the only RP-oriented guild on the server
Main Character: Farathnor (sylvari ranger) 1 of 22
Having permanently departed World of Warcraft recently and come back to GW2, I once again find that this really is a ruddy nice game. I’ll have to send Blizzard a thank-you note for finally managing to drive me off with some of their (I think) absurd plans for their next expansion – I forgot how much I loved just -playing- GW2.
Having permanently departed World of Warcraft recently and come back to GW2, I once again find that this really is a ruddy nice game. I’ll have to send Blizzard a thank-you note for finally managing to drive me off with some of their (I think) absurd plans for their next expansion – I forgot how much I loved just -playing- GW2.
Honestly, I’d probably give WoW a try if it wasn’t for the subscription (I really like Taurens, and would love to play them). That, and I’m sure the player base would eat me alive. I’ve heard nothing but bad things about the WoW community in general.
Speaking of which, that’s another thing I love about GW2. Most of the players you meet are actually quite friendly, making the MMO experience all the better!
Agreed. It’s a beautifully designed game, from the art direction to the underlying mechanics. Even the pay model is still revolutionary and immensely appreciated.
Of course if I worked at ArenaNet (who knows, maybe someday since I am studying game design) I’d have a few things I would suggest at the morning meetings. Overall though I’m constantly impressed by how much heart and artistry continues to be put into this game.
Recently someone commented on a Youtube review of another MMO (which was overwhelmingly negative) that they were interested in GW2 as it looked really good but were nervous about all the negative feedback they saw on the forums. I encouraged them to give it a try and know that while there is a very vocal minority that has more negative feedback than positive, for the most part they are only that passionate about GW2 because it’s important to them.
I agree 100% and im happy to finally see little positivity on forums.GW2 is amazing game,it has good combat and great graphic,also is vary well polished.Yeah there are annoying bugs here,there are some problems and lack of end game content as well but what people dont understand is that Anet doesnt have 100000 people to work on this game super fast.If this game had all that people want then we whould need to wait for GW2 for 3 more years before game launch.They compare this with GW1 and how Gw1 had by now 3 expansions but lets look for real…how much GW1 have content comparing to GW2?Not even close,they compare content in terms of "expansions’ and not by content it self.Besides this Anet already said that with this game they just made foundation for great game that they will build in next few years.This game will have everything we like it will just take some time.If people really dont like this game then they whould go and play something else,they whould not even bother to read forums and write here…every post they make (positive or negative) just proves that they are still interested in game which goes against everything they say about GW2 been a “bad game”.
I agree 100% and im happy to finally see little positivity on forums.GW2 is amazing game,it has good combat and great graphic,also is vary well polished.Yeah there are annoying bugs here,there are some problems and lack of end game content as well but what people dont understand is that Anet doesnt have 100000 people to work on this game super fast.If this game had all that people want then we whould need to wait for GW2 for 3 more years before game launch.They compare this with GW1 and how Gw1 had by now 3 expansions but lets look for real…how much GW1 have content comparing to GW2?Not even close,they compare content in terms of "expansions’ and not by content it self.Besides this Anet already said that with this game they just made foundation for great game that they will build in next few years.This game will have everything we like it will just take some time.If people really dont like this game then they whould go and play something else,they whould not even bother to read forums and write here…every post they make (positive or negative) just proves that they are still interested in game which goes against everything they say about GW2 been a “bad game”.
We already had about 5 years to wait since they announced the game around 2007. If another 2 or 3 years meant that we wouldn’t still be Beta testing the game, I would be all for it.
– Euripides
I’m glad you find the game to be so good and fulfilling but as the mod says all opinions that aren’t inflammatory, off topic or rude towards forum users are welcome apparently. I suppose these things are often open to an individuals perception. The thing is I would like the same respect from people like yourselves that I give to you and not to be patronised or ridiculed for making critical comments.
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.
Having permanently departed World of Warcraft recently and come back to GW2, I once again find that this really is a ruddy nice game. I’ll have to send Blizzard a thank-you note for finally managing to drive me off with some of their (I think) absurd plans for their next expansion – I forgot how much I loved just -playing- GW2.
Honestly, I’d probably give WoW a try if it wasn’t for the subscription (I really like Taurens, and would love to play them). That, and I’m sure the player base would eat me alive. I’ve heard nothing but bad things about the WoW community in general.
Speaking of which, that’s another thing I love about GW2. Most of the players you meet are actually quite friendly, making the MMO experience all the better!
WoW isn’t so bad if you have, or can find, good people to play with. If you’re going solo and relying on their dungeon finder and raidfinder at endgame though? There’s no shortage of people that deliberately troll those things to ‘punish the scrubs looking for welfare epix’, and the general abuse and mockery rained down by an extremely vocal minority of raiders, wanna-be raiders and other tryhards upon pretty much everything and anyone they deem to be ‘casual and ruining the game’ can be pretty flagrant.
There’s a lot of cruelty and hate between those that wind up identified as ‘casuals’ and those that try to identify themselves as ‘hardcore’. Honestly, most of the decent people are the ones nobody ever really hears from – they’re off playing the game and ignoring pretty much everybody except their guildmates.
Its one of the most horrible games I’ve ever played for the social experience outside of good guilds though. There is no forgiveness for being new and no mercy for those that don’t basically have an inveterate knowledge of how pretty much everything works.
Ask questions at your peril if you ever give WoW a spin. You might go through quite a few people that’ll mock you before you find one that’ll help.
It didn’t used to be that way so much waaaaay back when, but now…I have to say that wow’s ‘community’ has well earned its reputation abroad for being toxic and cruel.
Its hard to find the good sorts if you don’t know any going in. They can be found, but you’d better just have very thick skin and a saint’s tolerance for abuse if you ever decide to take the slog toward finding them.
The game is superb at its core, but has been marred by an unreal number of bad decisions in design direction since launch – most especially the high focus on temporary and/or gimmicky content instead of iterative development on the foundation. It was never conceptually sound to begin, and the execution was even worse than the concept.
(edited by Einlanzer.1627)
Guild Wars 2 is a very good game. I heard about it only 4 months before the release and it immediately captured my ‘gaming desires’.
After playing One-Massive Multiplayer Role-Playing Game-Which-Title-Should-Not-Be-Said for almost 7 years and witnessing other random MMORPG’s (free-to-play included) which felt extremely poor to me, I’m extremely happy that I’ve found this game.
As my experience in Guild Wars and my knowledge of it’s lore is non-existent, I was reading wiki and watching videos explaining the lore non-stop (thanks, WoodenPotatoes!). I am the person who likes exploring and experiencing everything what a game has to offer (not every game, but most RPG’s, MMORPG’s, RTS’es), it was a blast to go on an adventure here. Those little details in Tyria are incredible. I was stuck in Ascalon for a big chunk of my gameplay doing world exploration and just wandering in caves, ruins, occasionally finding jumping puzzles, mobs with chests, diving places.
Then I was invited to join Victory Is Life Eternal. Events, dungeons, missions, just chatting with them is so fun! Guilds are required to enjoy this game to it’s full, I must admit it.
Of course, there are flaws in this game, but instead of ranting about every single thing, I’m instead getting used to what’s already in the game without any high expectations. and may post some feedback sometimes, but mostly discussing in the Lore and Class forums.
And of course, I am hoping that this game will achieve a lot in future.
gw2 is awesome because:
_wonderfull open world
_no need to grind for pve or pvp
gw2 have problem with:
_game balance, pvp and pve had shared skills and traits and this is make it no possible make a good balance for both
_spvp have more AI then pve (minion,spirit,clone etc etc)
_spvp have too many condi and cc spam for everyone, not really funny
_spvp have only 1 game mode and u can enjoy it only if u have a good team/friends
_dungeon it’s all about zerkers, corner, skip, 8 profession 0 differences needed
_dungeon dont have any kind of mechanism, just stack on corner and max dps
gw2 it’s like a 17yo football player with good skill he can be a champion or a big fail… time is running and this player is became old and the football team is think about sell him (alot of player is not happy about spvp and pve, many of them alot of friends had left the game for those reason, and i’m lf something more stimulating)
I love the Guild Wars universe. I have criticisms of some areas, praise for others. I tried WoW. I tried to like it. Between not liking AND having to pay a fee monthly, Blizzard lost me. I went back to playing GW1 & was happy there. However, it was not really an MMORPG by the time Nightfall came. It was more of a single player online RPG with graphic chat rooms (towns). GW2 is an MMORPG
Well, I got cut off there.
GW2 is an MMORPG that’s a living, changing world. Yes, that creates problems for the personal stories for new characters & players, who’ve never seen LA in all its glory. I think ANET is making efforts to build the framework of a great world, a stage for stories going forward. I hope they’re successful.
And the wallet…three cheers for the wallet! I remember the dark ages before ArenaNet gave us the account wallet, those were some primitive times indeed.
There is a lot of amazing things in GW2 that is either forgotten or taken for granted, but once you spend some time in other MMOs it’s always oh so good to be back.
compare GW2 to other MMOs
- Why do people keep saying this? Tobacco is a mild drug if you compare it to heroin, but still wrecks your health and doesn’t improve your life in any way. What does it prove to compare one dull thing to another dull thing? MMO is the worst genre of gaming there is, no matter if you’re casual or hardcore player, no matter if you prefer to experience story or play against other players, no matter if you prefer using reflexes or thinking to succeed. There’s always a genre that serves your needs better.
I like GW2 because of its business model, its armor/weapon models/textures/effects (I would love to meet and thank the person(s) involved in designing the armor and weapons), it’s combat, and its consistent updates – I think these are a few of the things it does well.
One thing I wouldn’t mind hearing more about is optimization being performed on GW2. I know they add changes over time that are subtle and in the works, but it’s one of the things that I just like hearing about – regardless of the game. But I don’t expect ArenaNet to take it upon themselves to pander to me. Not even I would advise they do that. :p
Edited by moderator: became off topic
(edited by Moderator)
compare GW2 to other MMOs
- Why do people keep saying this? Tobacco is a mild drug if you compare it to heroin, but still wrecks your health and doesn’t improve your life in any way. What does it prove to compare one dull thing to another dull thing? MMO is the worst genre of gaming there is, no matter if you’re casual or hardcore player, no matter if you prefer to experience story or play against other players, no matter if you prefer using reflexes or thinking to succeed. There’s always a genre that serves your needs better.
Oh for the love of…
If you think all MMO’s are dull, then what in the heck are you doing posting in an MMO forum? Why do you even have an account for that matter? For crying out loud, go find something else to do!
I felt moved to read and post in this thread as I often get the impression in this forum that I’m the only person left in the world who actually loves GW2 lol… I thought I was the Last Woman Standing
And I actually loved the LS, too. I enjoyed every minute I spent playing every bit of new stuff. I literally waited for the Tuesday updates and sat drumming my fingers and munching M&S pitta snacks* while it downloaded achingly slowly on my rural threadband.
I only really have 2 complaints at the moment – 1. My staff ele fire skill 2 only works intermittently, and 2. There’s no LS/events on at the moment. Personally I’d be very happy with a Bazaar of the Four Winds, even if it was exactly the same as last year’s, since that was probably my most favourite event.
*the food of Heroes.
I think this game actually has a lot of potential but I just despise the temporary content which is why I won’t be staying after Archeage is released.
Yay. A good posting for once.
I agree with OP. There are flaws like every MMO, but it’s very solid, and has kept me playing and wanting more… Faster! More content! nom nom nom
If you think all MMO’s are dull, then what in the heck are you doing posting in an MMO forum? Why do you even have an account for that matter? For crying out loud, go find something else to do!
- And if you hate MMOs then you REALLY wanna check out Guild Wars 2 !
If you think all MMO’s are dull, then what in the heck are you doing posting in an MMO forum? Why do you even have an account for that matter? For crying out loud, go find something else to do!
- And if you hate MMOs then you REALLY wanna check out Guild Wars 2 !
Thanks for the link never saw that one before. No idea what your point was but thanks all the same.
Here’s another one:
If you think all MMO’s are dull, then what in the heck are you doing posting in an MMO forum? Why do you even have an account for that matter? For crying out loud, go find something else to do!
- And if you hate MMOs then you REALLY wanna check out Guild Wars 2 !
Thanks for the link
never saw that one before. No idea what your point was but thanks all the same.
Here’s another one:
His point was to respond to the question about why he would even own an account for GW2 if he does not normally like MMOs. The game was advertised as being particularly desirable for or targeted at people who do not normally like MMOs.
Actually I agree with him, if you simply compare GW2 to other MMOs nowadays, it’s unbeatable in its core design apart from a few flaws (either being huge or minor). The foundation is too much solid for it to fall apart in a near future, I only expect the best, I just hope they speed up things a bit.
I agree to, if you look at whats out there and whats coming out, its easy to see why this game is so much better than most. And it not having a subcription is really amazing for what you get. I’ve played so many different games and non of them held me more than 6 to 7 months. I’ve been been playing this since release and have liked every update. The only other game i play alot is Neverwinter which also keeps getting better. The foundry in that game is pure greatness. It would be fun if we could have something like that here. Imagine user created quest in this game.