I just wanted to get others opinions on the following: I personally am not to thrilled with the ability to represent option in guild. I feel it takes a way from the social aspects of the guild & basically causes division among members.
I appreciate what ANET is trying to do but I do disagree with it. Isn’t a guild supposed to be a group of people that are united as one, with similar objectives within the game, socially & gameplay?
I realize that players have different tastes WvW sPvP PvE & not always is a guild going to have the people on or the people into forming a group for ie WvW & I can see the convenience of being able to guild hop but can’t the same be accomplished via friends list? I just find the current system causes a lack of cohesion in the guild.
Besides If a guild isn’t meeting a players gamestyle etc: etc: quite easy to find a new home that will make them happier & accommodate their playstyle & needs. Quite simple.
I don’t know maybe it is just me & not used to it, I don’t think so though. But curious to see other peoples opinions on this.