Guilds and Their Various Problems

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Alymer.3406

Sir Alymer.3406

Guilds as we all currently know them are a great place to jump in to get parties of like-minded people to play the content in this game. However, I see a few problems with influence and how it is gained, roster management, and mailing and suppression.


Influence is the biggest problem affecting the ability for a guild to build upgrades, missions, buffs, ETC. More people want a fully upgraded guild than to help build a guild. This forces the leadership of said guilds to enforce a 100% representation policy in order to actually build the guild up. This isn’t good as it makes the end user of the guild feel forced into one guild in a game where you can be in up to five at a time and forces guilds to be PvX in order to attract most players to the guild.

I think the solution is simple, every guild a player is a part of gains influence from events everyone in the guild completes. The only difference should be that the guild one represents at the time gains +10% more influence from all sources. Representing should still be necessary for using the influence consumables and buying influence.

This way, every guild gains influence from the members’ actions and 100% representation rules are no longer necessary thus making everyone happy.

The Roster

There’s hardly any way to tell how active guild members are unless one uses the achievement leaderboards to see if the player has earned any AP lately. This gets rather tedious for larger guilds. The solution is simple, either add a ‘last logged in’ date or, better yet, make a statistic that tracks influence individual members have gained for the guild in a set time frame such as all time, this year, this month, this week, this day.

Mailing and Suppression

Mailing to guild members is more hassle than it’s actually worth. Most guild leaders I’ve come across would love to inform via mail of a promotion, demotion, kick, or ban, but if more than one person is promoted, demoted, kicked, or banned suppression sets in after the first two messages. I propose a guild mailing system. This in an alternate tab in the mailbox that shows mail addressed to the player from all guilds they are a part of. This system can’t be suppressed, though should be under the guild permissions to set a minimum rank to start sending out guild mail.


  • Influence needs a rework to make being part of multiple guilds viable for guild owners and other players
  • The Roster needs a way to notify guild owners of the player participation and activity in their guild
  • There needs to be a guild wide mailing system.

(edited by Sir Alymer.3406)

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Alymer.3406

Sir Alymer.3406

Not even a response pointing out that I only stated the obvious or that there’s a thread already dedicated to this?


Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

It might have been the time you posted it.

Anyway, I totally agree. Good news though: the next CDI might be on guilds!

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


It’s pretty embarrassing that these things aren’t already there, especially stuff like Guild mails.

For a game that calls itself Guild Wars, there’s hardly any focus on it.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Escadin.9482


It’s pretty embarrassing that these things aren’t already there, especially stuff like Guild mails.

For a game that calls itself Guild Wars, there’s hardly any focus on it.


  • Guild banners are nice.
  • Guild missions, well…
  • Claiming objectives in WvW is awesome, imo, but almost nobody gets to do that (limited to leaders).
  • Guild UI is subpar, outdated and a waste of the immense budget put into this game.

Depending on wether you get to lead a successful guild and on your preferencies, I’d say guilds in Guild Wars 2 are no more than a basic ingame friendlist with access to special food.

Everything OP suggests has to be implemented as a first step. However, it’s even more important that anet starts freeing ressources for such polish and fixes not in 1 year, not in several seasons, but NOW. I don’t mean they should release it now, but they should start working on it so we can expect something within the next months at least.

edit: Formatting.

(edited by Escadin.9482)

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


I hope their major feature patch (that’s not due for quite a while) will finally address guild issues.

Because after 2 years, I find it extremely annoying that you can’t get any “last logged on” information. I thought this was a standard in game that have guilds >.>

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Alymer.3406

Sir Alymer.3406

Would it be in bad form to make this a faux CDI thread on guilds? I’d love to hear some other people’s ideas on the guild system as a whole.

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

yes, allow non representing guild members to contribute influence too! this would help a lot!

representing members should contribute 100% more though, not just 10%.

or maybe, let non representing members contribute -50% influence perhaps?

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


For a game that calls itself Guild Wars, there’s hardly any focus on it.

This bull-kitten, again…
“Guild Wars 2,” the game, is named what it is for marketing reasons, to ensure that the players of the first game would know that this was a “continuation” of the original “Guild Wars,” Co-OpRPG. The original “Guild Wars” was named as such because of it’s original design, that being a PvP-based MMO, but was changed during its development into a PvX centric game (with PvE eventually taking the spotlight).
Additionally, lore-wise, both games are named after an event which predates their timelines, that being the Guild Wars. The Guild Wars were a series of wars fought by some of the largest guilds on continental Tyria, with the last one ending due to Ascalon entering into serious conflict with the Charr.

“Guild Wars 2” isn’t named the way it is due to a focus on guilds, that content was never meant to be a focus of the game. It was named after its predassosor who kept its original name despite it having its original design elements changed.

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Alymer.3406

Sir Alymer.3406

So a game that has lore that focuses on guilds isn’t supposed to have guild UI and features?

Forget I asked because this will just lead this thread tragically off topic.

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blakdoxa.7520


Honestly, this game should have never been named Guild Wars anything.

All it does is soil it’s predecessor name.

Devona’s Rest

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I’ll add guild halls and LARGE, back-slot guild banners. Why can’t we show our colours properly in a battle. The current back banners are pitifully small and anyone in front of you cannot see them.

One – Piken Square

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moon.7310


I agree that the roster needs work and an option for guild-mails / messages would be great. Also guild halls would be very much appriciated. And more guild missions.

But I really disagree with the influence problem. My guild normallyhas 5-10 active members online, on best days, we might reach 12 or 13 and we have fully build every guild upgrade possible, we have almost always full guild marks and our influence is getting more and more since we earn more then we spent… so while same changes in the influence system could be nice, I would prefer it, if the devs invest their time in other guild features then this.

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Remove the option for players to be in several guilds at the same time, make it like gw1.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Guilds and Their Various Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Alymer.3406

Sir Alymer.3406

Remove the option for players to be in several guilds at the same time, make it like gw1.

I disagree, I’d rather be in five different guilds that are actually specialized and decent at what they do than one jack-of-all-trades guild that is only average and only has the promise of a large roster.