As pretty much everyone is aware, the people who ordered the soundtrack from DirectSong fall into 3 categories
1.) got it without issue
2.) got it after a long wait
3.) never got it
I happen to fall into category 3, as I’m sure quite a few others do. Last summer I contacted ANet support looking for some help or guidance in resolving my issue and was told they couldn’t really help me. At the time, I was fine with this and I went on to make a BBB complaint against DirectSong, a complaint they ignored, which annoyed me even more, but there isn’t that much one person can do.
Recently however IGN went to bat for one of the GW2 players;
Now while DirectSong never replied to them according to the article, ANet did help out and sent a copy of the soundtrack to the player. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m happy he got a copy, but some of us have been waiting a lot longer than he was (28 weeks), I myself have been waiting for about 15 months. I don’t expect ANet to suddenly give out a copy of the soundtrack to everyone who can prove they’re owed one, I doubt they have that many copies laying around, hell the copy they did give was probably someones personal copy and they thought it would be a nice thing to do. But I’d really love to see ANet stand behind us, the players, and put a bit of pressure on DirectSong to honor their commitments. DirectSong took my money ($10, I think it was $10 and I don’t feel like checking my records right now, cause I had the coupon for a signed copy of the soundtrack from buying the physical collectors edition), and gave me nothing in return. In my books that is THEFT. Maybe it’s a small amount of money and not worth going after them for it on my own, but when I think about how many different threads I’ve seen on this subject, I think that number is quite a bit bigger. Perhaps it’s big enough that lawyers should start to get involved.
Ideally I’d love to learn that ANet or NCSoft unleashed their legal department against DirectSong to try and get things set right, IMO, that would generate a HUGE amount of goodwill in the player community, but at the same time, I’d be just as happy if someone in the player community who has the time and/or resources also took the reigns on this. Surely someone in the GW2 community is a lawyer or knows a lawyer who might want to do a bit of pro bono work to set a wrong right and show DirectSong and other businesses like them that we don’t like being screwed over.