Gw Vs Gw2
Season 2 has just started and you’re already complaining?
Alright then.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
First thing you are forgetting is that GW1 IS NOT AN MMORPG. GW1 was an online rpg. BIG difference between the 2. In my mind its far easier to develop something for a small group of players online (or for one player solo with minions) than to make content that has to be able to handle hundreds if not thousands of people at the same time. Also Anet, with the prodding of NCSoft im sure, has opted to go the direction of the living story in an episodic manner. And its a great idea. It keeps the happy players playing longer. So we do a episode every couple of weeks, we want to see whats going to happen next, so we keep logging in. Where as content you are describing (read:expansion) can be zerged through in a couple of weeks tops, then the player base is bored and loses interest and stops playing until the next expansion is rolled out. (8 to 12 months later)
Im sorry you dont like the living story, but if it bothers you that much, maybe its time to stop playing gw2.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
The reason I still complain, cause I still have hope on gw2. I have been played this game since launch. Mostly everyday. I also used to play a lot of gw. So I believe 2 always better then 1.
In fact at start it is. After a year and half it so boring. Every day doing the same thing. Dungeon, wvw, pvp. That’s y so many people left the game.
Well I ready start moving on to an other mmorpg game. Hopefully u guys will enjoy the living story then.
(edited by JUN YANG.4328)
First thing you are forgetting is that GW1 IS NOT AN MMORPG. GW1 was an online rpg. BIG difference between the 2. In my mind its far easier to develop something for a small group of players online (or for one player solo with minions) than to make content that has to be able to handle hundreds if not thousands of people at the same time. Also Anet, with the prodding of NCSoft im sure, has opted to go the direction of the living story in an episodic manner. And its a great idea. It keeps the happy players playing longer. So we do a episode every couple of weeks, we want to see whats going to happen next, so we keep logging in. Where as content you are describing (read:expansion) can be zerged through in a couple of weeks tops, then the player base is bored and loses interest and stops playing until the next expansion is rolled out. (8 to 12 months later)
Im sorry you dont like the living story, but if it bothers you that much, maybe its time to stop playing gw2.
What makes you think gw1 wasn’t an mmorpg? Just because you had the option to solo the content? How is that any different to the personal story of gw2 and the LS stuff?
i’m bored of this …. yeah a new season of crap. They sold us a pvp game ( e-sport bla bla) and now we have nothing more than a pve game.
Call me biased, but I was under the impression that the hype surrounding Guild Wars 2 was all about its World verse World PvP system. This was the big selling point, the killer feature that would change the MMORPG genre and save us from the horrid existence of theme-park games, but after reading a post on ScaryWorld’s I’m not so sure.
I never even really considered that PvE would be the reason for some people to be excited about GW2. I mean, been there done that, right? Sure PvE is a must have and ArenaNet is adding their own features and flavor to it, but in the end, it’s just more PvE. There’s dozens of other games that have great PvE, but not one triple A title I would consider to have great PvP, with the exception of Eve Online of course.
To be honest, if Guild Wars 2 didn’t have WvsW, I don’t know for sure if I’d even try it out. So how about you? Are you guys excited for PvP (WvW) or the PvE system? and if PvE, why? "
i was thinking the same…
Yes, let’s compare.
Guild Wars 1 through EotN, less quests than Guild Wars 2 has dynamic events, counting no other content at all.
In other words, you’d have to take away content from Guild Wars 2 at launch to equal the amount of content that was in Guild Wars 1 after Eye of the North launched.
I’d say that’s pretty good.
quests/story grind dosnt make a game, gw1 had much more implemented much quicker that kept it interesting and fun. Gw2 story lines not even worth listening to, and all that matters is the living story content. Pvp is nothing but a joke now 2 yrs and we still have ONE game mode, e sports is out the window. The only real additions was a single release of mostly horride gm traits, even wvw is dwindling because all aspects other than pve living story is mostly unchanged since launch, and after 2 years honestly just boring. The biggest change this games seen is the april 15th patch which isnt saying much.
As far as dynamic events, following timers isnt fun for me. Its the same events, on the same timers, every day. Itd be no different if every quest in gw1 was repeatable, and the same issue at that point occurs, it get old quick, unless the reward is worth it which in the case of dynamic events isnt even true.
What sucks the most is this game has awesome potential with its setup and mechanics. I just feel like its allot of wasted potential that i keep hoping for but never rewards my patience….. oh well, maybe ill see if gw1 has at least enough ppl to make a RA match ;D
(edited by Splatter Paw.7238)
What makes you think gw1 wasn’t an mmorpg? Just because you had the option to solo the content? How is that any different to the personal story of gw2 and the LS stuff?
Because A-net always said Guild Wars wasn’t a mmorpg, even on the box it says: Guildwars is a online co-op rpg.
I don’t know if this has been pointed out but this is only a fraction of the whole Dry Top map that we have access to right now… There’s a reason the textures on the edge of the map resemble fogged out bits rather than just bits that have no map. There’s more of the map to come as the season continues.
Yes, let’s compare.
Guild Wars 1 through EotN, less quests than Guild Wars 2 has dynamic events, counting no other content at all.
In other words, you’d have to take away content from Guild Wars 2 at launch to equal the amount of content that was in Guild Wars 1 after Eye of the North launched.
I’d say that’s pretty good.
In My Opinion Guild Wars was more enjoyable for me for 3 things that were gutted out to make Gw2.
Hundreds of skills that could be freely included or excluded, Not weapon Locked skills.
Elites that needed to be unlocked by defeating Bosses.
These 3 features added to the endgame, by in many ways becoming the endgame.
It wasn’t Just defeating a dungeon it was defeating a dungeon as a dervish/assassin, or maybe deciding to go dervish/monk.
Playing through content as a Necromancer/Ritualist, or maybe a Necromancer/Elementalist?
Gw2 may have more dynamic content, but since the skills are wepon locked and a LOT less, since there is no subclassing, you do a dynamic event chain once, you’ve done it forever. Same ol’ Same ol’…
For me… the different combinations you could explore content with, kept the game fresh for me.
(edited by Nerelith.7360)
I agree with you. Two years of nothing, i’m tired of living story. No new pvp mods, no instances………
At the start this game was amazing, best MMO ever, but after 2 years i have nothing new to do.
This game is all about gem store, they only do new skins for gem store.. what about earning something new by playing the game instead of farm gold all day to convert in gems.
Please ANet i love this game but you need to change this tip of content.
Look the manifesto video
(edited by Leugim.3012)
Hi everyone,
This forum is dedicated to Guild Wars 2, therefore, discussions about other games (even Guild Wars 1) are not allowed.
Thank you for your understanding.
(edited by Moderator.6840)