Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sky.7610


Judging from the forum, it seems a lot more like a ghost town then it used to be. Also, the game seems to be on a decline month after month. The very act of implementing megaservers was to address the decline population. Even if China is a huge success, it is irrelevant to us US and EU players since we are separated from them.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Yeah, and judging from these forums the game have been dead since release.

If the game is a success in China it will effect us massively, seeing as that will mean more money for development.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Try loging in and check for urself how dead it is

Maybe not at the high peak it used to be, since all this long wait for new content have driven people away for a break, check other games, etc. but they will be back.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Lol. We’re just in a bit of a dead zone between updates, next week when the Festival of the Four Winds starts up we’ll probably see more typical forum activity.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


Try loging in and check for urself how dead it is

Given the megaservers are now consolidating us, this doesn’t quite work. :P

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Ever heard of Magic: the Gathering… I’m sure you didn’t because fans of that game pronounced it Dead As A Doornail over 20 years ago (and constantly remind everyone “The End Is Nigh!” ever since). The company that released it went out of business and certainly hasn’t been making money and releasing new card sets three times a year for two decades now.

You can trust everything you read on the internet, it’s all true.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sky.7610


I don’t play any mmorpg. I’m not saying gw2 ducks but I’m saying it’s declining base on observation.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arc.5862


Well, you´re still here, so all seems fine to me.

Yeah, just superimposing whatever you need onto people to back up what you want to believe certainly isn’t evidence of a deluded person. :P

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Well, you´re still here, so all seems fine to me.


There’s a lot of problems with GW2 right now to be sure, but a significant population decline fortunately isn’t one of them (on NA servers, at least).

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I don’t play any mmorpg. I’m not saying gw2 ducks but I’m saying it’s declining base on observation.

What observation on the forums can you make that the player base is declining though? Are there less post here can you see when the last time some one played on these forums can you account for ppl only posting when they feel strongly one way or another? To base things purely off of seconded hand observation on something slightly related to something else is a bad way to say one thing or another.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Yeah the game is dead. The only hangers on are these kids who either aren’t wise enough to put 2 and 2 together or people who literally have no life and need the game to provide them with whatever kittened up life-propping-up stimulation it gives them.

Yes, we get it white knights, you don’t see any problem with dropping stock shares, dwindling populations, constant sales and massive dev drops. How very lucky for you that you were born capable of deluding yourselves so effectively, I’m sure that isn’t at all part of why you’re on the internet defending people you don’t know from things you don’t want to understand.

I guess the part I don’t get is why you had to say that?

If everyone left, and there were only 20K of us left and we were all having a really good time with the available content, what does that matter? Does that justify hate?

It’s like if a show you enjoyed on television for the past 4 years was canceled and given once final season, would you watch that fifth season? Or do you say, “What’s the point?” and leave?

And, I guess my example isn’t any better than what you said, to be honest. If you ‘are’ the type of person that would just quit watching the show, and that makes you the most happy with respect to how you spend your time, I’m in no position to tell you you’re wrong.

I know there are types of people that like to chase the newest and best game. I don’t know if it’s a fear of missing out on the beginning of something awesome, or what it is? They try to get a feel for where everyone is going, lots of fishing for “Are you guys going to try [Game1]?” posts in forums. If they get a sense that everyone is going to be playing it, they try to get in on the ground floor and rip through the content like locusts, just so they can say they played it all (I guess) before indicators (dwindling populations, stock prices, new game killer on the horizon, etc) dictate that it’s time to close shop and get ready for the next thing (“Are you guys going to try [GameN]?”)

And that’s fine, that’s a way to play. It seems kinda fun in some ways, getting to experience every single game out there as fast as you can (some arbitrary goal like level cap) and then move on to the next thing. I can see why some people enjoy that. I wouldn’t presume to say they are wrong.

So, what that text, exactly? What was the point of it? Does it make you feel better about not playing? Do you truly not understand that human beings attribute values of ‘fun’ in a variety of ways, and really thought we all must have something clinically wrong with us, and are hoping we seek therapy, because what we say is fun is somehow categorically ‘not’ fun?

Honestly, what was the point of that?

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


Yeah, unfortunately the majority of zones are completely infested with bots (which accounts for most of the ‘players’ you do see, if you see any at all).

Without an AH having to spam /z chat looking for trade and no other way to get in-game gold with real cash people are resorting to just buying gold from goldsellers, fueling more bots.

Most players are already questing in VR1-VR10 zones repeating phased content in low level maps so you won’t see them unless you get to at least VR1.

A large number of players are cancelling their subscriptions after finding nothing to do after getting to Veteran Rank except endless bland questing. That coupled with all the game breaking bugs and bots it’s turning into a ghost town quickly.

Oh wait, this is the TESO forums right?…

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

(edited by Wasbunny.6531)

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arc.5862


Duhh I need everything spelled out for me because despite wanting to engage in a discussion about the game I can’t be assed to keep up on relevant info


Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I don’t play any mmorpg. I’m not saying gw2 ducks but I’m saying it’s declining base on observation.

I hope it’s not ducks! I prefer chickens.

The recent features patch brought back a lot of players who had taken a break from the game. No one but Anet has numbers but I would speculate the # of players online at any given moment is higher now than it was in March.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I don’t play any mmorpg. I’m not saying gw2 ducks but I’m saying it’s declining base on observation.

Alright then. The population is declining.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


GW2 is not dying, but it is on vacation.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arc.5862


Honestly, what was the point of that?

I tried reading your post but this was really the only thing I found worthwhile in it. I think you should meditate on it.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

Duhh I need everything spelled out for me because despite wanting to engage in a discussion about the game I can’t be assed to keep up on relevant info


If you can pull out player numbers for me and provide evidence of your ‘dev drop’ for me, hats off to you. Before you can do that, you sound like a child arguing everything with personal insults and circular arguments.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheGrimm.5624


Judging from the forum,

Problem 1. Problem 2, unless a game is in pre-launch with forums its rare to find positive posts on game forums. All the people that are fine and having a good time would rather be in game, and probably are. Those on the forums might be in game, but are more likely not or are at work at the time of posting. Good hunting!


De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Seems like a reasonable assessment. So GW2 is losing population, and by definition, dying.

At this rate it should be quite dead by the year 2075.


Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Seems like a reasonable assessment. So GW2 is losing population, and by definition, dying.

At this rate it should be quite dead by the year 2075.

Those are bots. You can totally tell by the fact that they’re all just standing there doing nothing.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Seems like a reasonable assessment. So GW2 is losing population, and by definition, dying.

At this rate it should be quite dead by the year 2075.

I guess I was conceding to the OP’s assessment of the numbers and how that at least to them, is a definition of ‘dying’, as it relates to software usage, game play.

I was waiting for what was next, or if that was it. Just to be sure we knew that information. I guess I suspected as much? Most games start losing numbers at some point? Some games get expected and unexpected jolts along the way?

So in case any of us didn’t know, or were not sure, there we go. We now know this information.

Although, now that I look up at the subject, there was a ‘slow and painful’ message in there. So was there more to say than just letting us know the population is in decline, and some day, would most likely not be able to support itself and possibly go into some sort of ‘automatic’ mode or be sunsetted?

If not, then I thank them, for the information. Always good to have more information with which to make a decision. I usually don’t base my assessment of enjoying something relative to whether one, many or most people do, but if there are others that do, this should be valuable information.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Are these guys bots too? (Bronze league btw)

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sky.7610


I don’t play any mmorpg. I’m not saying gw2 ducks but I’m saying it’s declining base on observation.

What observation on the forums can you make that the player base is declining though? Are there less post here can you see when the last time some one played on these forums can you account for ppl only posting when they feel strongly one way or another? To base things purely off of seconded hand observation on something slightly related to something else is a bad way to say one thing or another.

The decline in activity. Granted, it may not be nearly as accurate as hoped, it is the only medium by which a player can evaluate in its entirety. Normally, a player would be limited to any particular server or magazone at any one point in time but on the forum, you can grasp the activity level very well. Just for example sake, let’s look at Lol. We all know it’s popular, not arguing about which game is better or Apple to orange, their forum is VERY VERY active simply due to their population. In that sense, we can get a sense of how the game is doing base on the activity on the forum.

When you look at a game’s forum, you will generally notice that the more popular and populated the game is, the more activity there is. If there is a decline in activity, it would not be far fetched to assert that there is some level of decline for the main game in popularity and therefore by definition, population as well.

(edited by Sky.7610)

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I find most of the forum activity is on reddit. Did you know that the GW2 reddit gets more views than the WoW reddit (over 10 million per month)? With almost as many unique viewers!

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I don’t play any mmorpg. I’m not saying gw2 ducks but I’m saying it’s declining base on observation.

What observation on the forums can you make that the player base is declining though? Are there less post here can you see when the last time some one played on these forums can you account for ppl only posting when they feel strongly one way or another? To base things purely off of seconded hand observation on something slightly related to something else is a bad way to say one thing or another.

The decline in activity. Granted, it may not be nearly as accurate as hoped, it is the only medium by which a player can kitten in its entirety. Normally, a player would be limited to any particular server or magazone at any one point in time but on the forum, you can grasp the activity level very well. Just for example sake, let’s look at Lol. We all know it’s popular, not arguing about which game is better or Apple to orange, their forum is VERY VERY active simply due to their population. In that sense, we can get a sense of how the game is doing base on the activity on the forum.

When you look at a game’s forum, you will generally notice that the more popular and populated the game is, the more activity there is. If there is a decline in activity, it would not be far fetched to assert that there is some level of decline for the main game in popularity and therefore by definition, population as well.

But how do you observe the decline in forum activity? I mean, we don’t have any solid numbers, and any observation is a tiny sample and arguably very subjective because how do you quantify activity based on your observations?

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I’m sure it has nothing to do with serial complainers moving to ESO and Wildstar forums…

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Declining population != Dying game.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sky.7610


Seems like a reasonable assessment. So GW2 is losing population, and by definition, dying.

At this rate it should be quite dead by the year 2075.

A hundred or so ppl on a screen on server wide events at prime time is not at all proving that it is not dying.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Judging from the forum

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foosnark.1784


I have seen this thread in literally every MMO I have ever played.

Most of those games are still alive years later.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I don’t play any mmorpg. I’m not saying gw2 ducks but I’m saying it’s declining base on observation.

What observation on the forums can you make that the player base is declining though? Are there less post here can you see when the last time some one played on these forums can you account for ppl only posting when they feel strongly one way or another? To base things purely off of seconded hand observation on something slightly related to something else is a bad way to say one thing or another.

The decline in activity. Granted, it may not be nearly as accurate as hoped, it is the only medium by which a player can evaluate in its entirety. Normally, a player would be limited to any particular server or magazone at any one point in time but on the forum, you can grasp the activity level very well. Just for example sake, let’s look at Lol. We all know it’s popular, not arguing about which game is better or Apple to orange, their forum is VERY VERY active simply due to their population. In that sense, we can get a sense of how the game is doing base on the activity on the forum.

When you look at a game’s forum, you will generally notice that the more popular and populated the game is, the more activity there is. If there is a decline in activity, it would not be far fetched to assert that there is some level of decline for the main game in popularity and therefore by definition, population as well.

Absolutely right. Good assessment. Just like Firefly had roughly 4.7 million viewers around the time of it’s cancellation and something like, say, Dancing With The Stars had about 14.36 million viewers last Monday.

It is good information to have, in the event it’s pertinent in making a decision.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Looking at the number of views, seems to be clearly on the rise.

Gw2... Dying a slow and painful death?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6840


Hi everyone,

Since this thread doens’t offer a constructive debate, we’ll now close it. Please keep in mind that we welcome every feedback on this forum as long as it is written in a polite and constructive way.

Thank you for your understanding.