Gw2: Inventory Space Nightmare
Here’s the trick I figured out:
If you drag & drop items you don’t want out of your inventory and onto the game screen, you will be able to destroy them. That way, they won’t take up bag space you might need for items you actually want.
You’re welcome!
Pack rat much? There’s no reason to keep those ascended rings or materials, just vendor the rings and toss the mats, and sell the sigils and mithril on the post.
That, or buck up and buy more space.
Step 1: Merch the rings
Step 2: run the sigils/runes through the Mystic Forge, sell them on the trading post, or merch them.
Step 3: sell the mithril on the TP
Step 4: use Mawdrey II and Star to max capacity, then destroy the rest. Remember, you can make multiple Mawdrey’s!
You can also send all your mithril and all other crafting mats that fill your inventory, directly to me
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Guild Vault adds some room easily, and if you can’t seem to figure out how to refine stuff…then uh tough. I’m a pack rat, I hoard good….but I always have some room somewhere. learn to craft, upgrade material storage, etc etc.
Ya you can destroy those things. But what is frustrating is that Anet could add a new sink anytime. I used to sell silk to the npc vendor and now I can’t get enough. This can be frustrating if you destroy thousand of ascended crafting material and 2months later you need several thousand of it when they finally add the precursor crafting or some other stuff.
Why do you keep any of these?
Bloodstone dust and empyreal fragments can be fed to Mawdrey II or the Star, or just deleted if you still have too much. You’ll still get them just as quickly in future if you do need more.
Ascended rings, same as the above. If you don’t need that stat combination sell them to a merchant. You’ll get more the same way you got those and if you want a specific one you can buy them with laurels.
Sigils are the most confusing item on the list to me. Why keep them? My guess is it’s at least partially because you can’t sell them on the TP because they’ve hit the minimum price. But that means if you ever need them you can buy them extremely cheaply. Sell the ones you’ve got, or throw them in the Forge and then if you need one at any point you can buy them extremely cheaply.
Mithril… it depends on why you’re keeping it. I currently have 500 unrefined because I’ll need it soon for levelling armorsmith and weaponsmith, but any extra on top of that I sell. If I need more I can get it again. Sure it might jump up in price one day and I’ll lose some money, but that’s something that might happen one day. I definitely need bank space today.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Please create more item sinks.
the first sentence of the thread is really good point.
some rationalist-designerminds (and hey its needed novadays) will feel really bad when they destroy those things. this thing could be useful, why it’s not, why must i spend time to destroy this instead of making something out of it.
maybe those “useless” items could be “salvaged” into useful materials?