Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Northernnliht.9514


I think Guild wars 2 feel a bit “hollow”… This video vill expalin it :
if u agree, and think A-net should make more missons/quest in the towns, leave a respons
(i am a big fan of Gw2, don’t missunderstand!)

FS – The Zaiashen Order [TZO]

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Northernnliht.9514


This is what i mean;
-We should have quests.
-we should not have “kill 10 rats” quest’s but more quests like in skyrim, small 1uests that makes the world feel alive.
-we should have diffrent questlines that fellows a person thorught the world of Tyra.

FS – The Zaiashen Order [TZO]

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nethykins.7986


What can we can do?

Unfortunately, Nothing.

If we don’t like the way Dynamic events are and would like some real quests, we can’t do anything about it. We may have purchased the game but that doesn’t mean we can mould it completely.

Devs were way to headstrong in trying not to be “that other MMO”, they missed out on just trying to do fun things in game, no matter if it’s part of the average MMO staple or not.

I’d wager the reason why no-one ever sticks in hub towns is because there are no quests, events or fun things to do in those main hub towns.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


I’d like to see some Hard outdoor areas. Something akin to the Elite Areas of Aion. The game does not ‘force’ grouping enough to build a proper community.

WvW needs to have more impact on your world and players be properly rewarded for doing it.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Make parts or the world seem less cheerful.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


The thing is ppl start to auto run to the npc i mean look at WoW they have things that just simply point to the npc. In some ways npc become nothing more then walls to get quest it dose not have a point if they have things to say or not as long as it tells them where to go and what to do that is the quest. That in it self is very Hollow. The way GW2 ends up working is that you see npc talk to each other and you can keep with them and see where the npc are going. This could lead to more talking or into an event over all its gives the feeling that this is a true living places where YOU are not the center of the Universe you just happen to live in it. I think its all an ego thing at this point if your not the one and only one saving every thing from death ppl see it as being more hollow where this is how games use to be. By not being the center of every thing you can have a great deal more self personally in your character beyond the “one true hero in all the lands.”
Look at 2 games Oblivion and Skyrim. In Oblivion your more of a side hero not the main person who will save every one but you help the one person who will save every one. This let you do more then just the main quest with some true feeling there for giving the game’s story a great deal more depth. Now in Skyrim you are the one true hero so you HAD to do what the true hero would do and nothing more making the game’s story feel less then it should of been.
Its all about being a round character most “one true heroes” tend to be very flat and are not able to have a complex story behind them. To be some one who helps the “one true hero” you could chose to be good like or even bad it just open up a lot more chose how you want to play the game and build your character.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cawesome.1580


The “Dynamic” events they gave us pose no threat at all. If you don’t need the points or xp why do the event? Bandits are never going to go five feet past the area they just took over, they’re never going to attempt a siege on Divinity’s Reach. The AI in this game is terrible…..I watch as wave after wave of bandits and centaurs throw themselves at a camp and fail miserably, so what happens? Do they learn from that defeat? Do they take measures to counter it? No….10 minutes later they do the same thing.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AstralDusk.1670


I mentioned in the other thread linking to this video:

While I don’t think we need quests like other MMOs have, the game would be infinitely more rewarding if not all dynamic events were so telegraphed. There are very few places where it’s worth investigating because the UI already tells you in bright orange if there’s something worth getting involved in. There are some locations that do indeed have semi-hidden events (and all jump puzzles achieve that sense of finding something special pretty well) but I’d like to be able to go somewhere like that spot in the Black Citadel and be rewarded for my curiosity with some deeper quest/event/minigame-like aspects.

But I do not want every NPC that offers events/quests to have exclamation marks above their heads. That’s not interesting, it just automates us.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thomassassinate.9370


I watched it til about 1:27 he said traditional quests too much got annoying.

I do agree though i think maybe 1 quest per week could be good.

But its not a huge needed thing because a good percentage of people who do quests only do it for the a reward.

Then you’d get people who say omg your quest is too hard nerf it!

Then you’d get people who say why is your quests so easy make it harder?

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


Not in my server, Tarnished Coast.

We actually have Roleplayers that make cities feel living world.

You can rip into RolePlayers all you want… but face it, without them you only have a game where people shout in mapchat for parties.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halanna.3927


Make parts or the world seem less cheerful.

Go hang out in Orr for a few days. There is no place in the game less cheerful or fun then there.

I didn’t watch the video, I admit. Don’t really want to.

The game doesn’t feel hollow to me. If you talk to NPC’s, talk to scouts, read the books and different things that are laying around in caves and different areas of the world, it is a living world.

You can choose to race through it just looking for a reward or choose to peruse it enjoying what there is.

If you choose to just race through, only looking for rewards, then yeah, it will feel hollow because you didn’t spend enough time actually paying attention to the game, only to the rewards.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Yes i agree OP, im also feeling the “hollow” once you’ve seen an area, it kind of has zero point to see it a second time because other than eye candy it has no benefit or reason to go there..

I personally never had issues with quest givers, or running back to the quest guy, which is what we do anyway….with heart quests, sadly 99% of heart quests have generic this or that that become meaningless over the course of the game..

Anything nice looking or worth having, must be a “challenge” or a “hardship” or it feels to “easy” doesn’t cut it for me, i love customization, heart quest give nothing to the game for me very generic, and this “challenge” on everything nice just drives me away from the content…

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revolution.6301


I agree with the OP.

DE are a great idea but were not properly implemented. Honestly this comes now to the world not being an ‘open world’ since DE in an open world could have a much more dramatic effect then a sectioned of world.

DE need to be changed, we need to have more tunnel like grinds placed across Tyria so people have a reason to check out the rest of the game.

And what was the point of all these taverns?! Just to sit there? I mean why bother letting us enter them if there is NOTHING we can do in them?

For a game delayed 3 TIMES -09 then 10 then 11 and finally released in 12. It feels oddly unfinished.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thomassassinate.9370


“You can rip into RolePlayers all you want… but face it, without them you only have a game where people shout in mapchat for parties”

You mean you’ll only have mapchat full of people arguing about pointless stuff. Then argue about who is straighter than the other person, then who has has a life and who doesnt, then somebody says reported, then somebody says idc bro i been reported like 38 times, then somebody says something dirty and a new conversation starts.

I’m in tarnished coast as well and most non lion arch maps are full of it.

Gw2 feels a bit "Hollow" in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Guild Wars 2 could use some depth. Some of the longer scavenger hunt type quests would be a decent start. But they can still be in the form of triggerably dyanmic events, rather than traditional quests.

Even instanced deeper missions would be welcome.

That’s the one thing this game is missing for me.