Gw2 ingame community is awesome
The nice thing about GW2 is there isn’t this omg-I-found-something-I-have-to-do-it-before-anyone-else-finds-it-and-steals-it-from-me feeling, and that has made encountering other people in the game world a joy rather than a burden.
Glad to hear you’re having positive experiences though.
Edited by moderator: Refrain from the use of all caps when posting
Edited by user: Because the moderator edit looked silly!
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
(edited by Corian.4068)
Mixed, but mostly very negative. Decent people on Far Shiverpeaks are few and far between, so far. I’ve been called, or seen others be called a plethora of vile names, arrogance, elitism, people being kicked from parties right before the last boss dies, and I’ve also been told to go kill myself.
I hate this server. Though I honestly doubt it’s much different anywhere else.
Aurora Glade has a nice community. Like the op says, use /m and talk/inform/ask for help. A think a lot of people who see the game as a bit anti social, just need to get the ball rolling for themselves and speak first
Gunnar’s Hold has a great community too. My experiences so far has been exactly like the OP says. I haven’t actually seen a real jerk yet.
The players I have bumped into have been friendly too and map chat is good compared to others. One thing that is needed I think is more ways to draw players together and perhaps a first step might be to give the group events a somewhat higher yield in terms of karma and rewards compared to other activities. But, perhaps, it’s hard to get the right balance between that and encouraging zerging.
Ferguson’s Crossing has been great. Not too crowded, but people are generally very nice and willing to help, and we have some good times. Map chat gets a few idiots now and then, but it’s easy to block them and have decent discussions or get questions answered.
Yup I transferred to tarnished coast and I don’t regret it at all. Very friendly and talkative group of players!
Tarnished Coast is a great server for community; I can’t say about any others since I haven’t been there, but it looks like most of ‘em are doin’ well – with only one complaint in this thread so far. (Tomlin, go, run for the chopper, go now!)
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I’m loving Gate of Madness community.
Dragonbrand has been great so far! I think I only saw 1-2 trolls in Divinity’s Reach chat early on. I assume they’ve since been turned into pandas.
the great thing about being on the smallest server is that Kaineng just can’t afford to have drama. the few times i’ve seen someone in WvW try to talk trash against a player or a guild, the response has always been like, “are you kidding? why bother?” it is so refreshing. we’re nonjudgmental of the new, since we need them, and if a random speaks up in WvW with a good idea, people will listen. it’s pretty chill.
That’s the main reason I chose TC as home world. I just didn’t want to take any chances with having to play alongside needlessly aggressive and immature players. Other players are part of your game play experience and can significantly influence your enjoyment of the game.
The only remotely negative experiences I have had so far was having to witness a player at an Bloodtide Coast event calling others “idiots” for not playing right, and rezzed to within a sliver of being back up to my feet, only to see the player stop and run away. Of course that was in Orr.
(edited by ASB.4295)
SBI has a good community. I personally enjoy going out of my way to rez a defeated player, or assist a downed player. I then continue on my merry way, like Texas Lone Ranger…not saying hello, not requiring a thanks.
I fade off into the distance, and seered into that person’s memory is… “wow, did that just happen?”
In general the people I run in to are nice, but Map Chat is usually full of elitist little punks. Don’t even mention something about a bugged skill point or bugged event, you’ll be told to go back to WoW and called everything from a Troll to a wow employee quicker than you can press enter.
… told to go back to WoW and called everything from a Troll to a wow employee quicker than you can press enter.
Go back to your Pandas you WoWPlower!
(Kidding, kidding … I just wanted to use the word “wowplower” in a sentence. )
So far, in game, GW2 (and before that GW) has had one of the friendlier MMO communities I’ve experienced.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I wouldn’t say it is the friendliest community but it is average I would say. Haven’t really experienced anything that made me go, “Oooo this community rocks” nor have I have run into the opposite. For me I would rate this 4th best community I have seen for all the mmo’s I played.
1) SWG
2) ToR
3) WoW
4) GW2
Worst Community for me
1) Tera Online
2) EQ2
3) Warhammer Online (felt nonexistent)
4) UO
I wouldn’t say it is the friendliest community but it is average I would say. Haven’t really experienced anything that made me go, “Oooo this community rocks” nor have I have run into the opposite. For me I would rate this 4th best community I have seen for all the mmo’s I played.
1) SWG
2) ToR
3) WoW
4) GW2Worst Community for me
1) Tera Online
2) EQ2
3) Warhammer Online (felt nonexistent)
4) UO
Have you ever played LotRO? From what I remember it was ranked #1 friendliest community a few times on some MMO website.
I wouldn’t say it is the friendliest community but it is average I would say. Haven’t really experienced anything that made me go, “Oooo this community rocks” nor have I have run into the opposite. For me I would rate this 4th best community I have seen for all the mmo’s I played.
1) SWG
2) ToR
3) WoW
4) GW2Worst Community for me
1) Tera Online
2) EQ2
3) Warhammer Online (felt nonexistent)
4) UOHave you ever played LotRO? From what I remember it was ranked #1 friendliest community a few times on some MMO website.
I actually did but I think I may have started to late because when I played the server seemed bare. I hardly saw anyone while questing and the main chat for that area had very few even talk. I downloaded it the f2p version a few months ago, haven’t played it much except for the first week after downloading it, but there were a couple people who were very friendly. Just not enough though to make me feel like the community rocked though.
Having not played SWG I can’t comment, but WoW after vanilla/TBC community got gradually worse and worse. The introduction of gear scoring and LFG tool only increased the gradual decline of what was genuinely quiet pleasant to begin with.
ToR had a healthy mix of really nice people but some absolute obnoxious idiots. Such as people who get incredibly angry if you do something slightly lazily, Huttball springs to mind, if you missed one pass the whole game you could be at the receiving end of some totally un-needed abuse.
GW2 also has a mix, though I haven’t been shouted at yet for not performing at 100% 100% of the time, which has been pleasant, the community in general seems a lot more relaxed than some other MMO’s I have played. However, there have been times when people don’t talk at all, which is a little sad.
I agree on Tera, when there actually was some talking, not a great deal of it was very nice.
Community Coordinator
Hi Everyone,
This discussion is very interesting, but please stay in the topic.
This thread is about GW2’s community so let’s just speak about this topic and no other ones.
Thank you
(edited by CC Charles.3675)
Most people are anti-social and/or just rude and pessimistic. Finding people to do dungeons with is often impossible without a dungeon finder and when you do finally get a group there is usually one person too impatient to get the instancing to work as it should and leaves the party. At which point everyone gets ticked off and leaves in turn. Or people discover that dungeons are endless corpse runs and then leave the party, resulting in the same domino effect. Communication in zergs in WvW is often hopeless and strategic gameplay is only possible with guilds. My point is that outside of DE’s randomly popping up, the game is in no way design to encourage even a slight bit of cooperative multiplayer outside of tightly knit groups of guilds/friends with the same motives and opinions on the game.
TC is a great server, having a lot of fun here! I’m one of those who will lead people up to Sharkmaw Caverns and through the jump puzzle if they’re so inclined, because it’s amazing and deserves to be seen! Troll’s End, too.
I have found nothing but friendly and helpful people in my time in game. I credit the non-punishing game mechanics for that. However, I also haven’t done much PvP, nor have I done any dungeons. I can imagine the frustrations that come out in both though.
A lot of the pessimism I’ve seen has been on these forums, but that’s not anyone’s fault. All MMOs with official boards generally have that, because it’s not like most people spend their days posting to laud a games good points
The community was excellent during pre-view.
Since then, it depends on where you are. Trolling Lion’s Arch seems to be an “endgame” for a number of people, but there are also a number of kind and helpful people there as well. The Orr areas are generally unpleasant (probably because of the “endgame” attitudes that it causes). The starter areas are a mix. Frostgorge is generally very pleasant. Mid level areas, while they may have low populations, are fairly friendly.
I don’t PvP or go into WvW, so I don’t know about those areas.
People in Borlis Pass are excellent. Last night a complete stranger offered to help me get a skill point by basically throwing herself at a veteran cave spider to distract it while I got the point. We had both died just a few minutes prior to that while we were both trying to get it, and she succeeded and then came back to help me! That was pretty awesome.
I also love how people say thanks when you rez them. It’s just one of those little things, you know? Totally not necessary or expected, but nice anyways.
I agree about WoW now, but I still have them as my 3rd because it is very active still and yeah there are a lot of those kids still who flood trade chat with lame stuff and people will mount up and sit on mail boxes, vendors, quest givers etc. but overall since there are still tons who play, people have still been a blast. I form a lot of old school raids and everyone who has joined has been fun. So for me anyways, for the most part, I still enjoy the WoW community overall and how active it is.
SWG pre-nge was a completely unique and different game. There was pretty much 0 content except for these “theme parks” you did where you ran quests like in Jabbas palace or the imp/reb bases etc. But you leveled by just killing things. Just grab a mission from the terminal and kill. 0 end game. No levels 1-80 etc. You needed people to train you for your next level in the profession/combat field you select which was pretty cool.
But that is why the community was amazing because it was up to the community to create the content and fun. So guilds would have cities and build walls with houses and the opposite faction would organize all out attacks to try and destroy the base. So you had to rely on your allies to help. The game was pretty much all pvp or socializing in the cantinas.
I too generally have rather good experiences in game. On Darkhaven, we used to have a guy that would do daily trivia at around 7pm, handing out silver to those who get the question right. It was fun.
I also come across the same people here and there while hunting dragons and such. But of course, there are the goobers that will pop up every now and then to shout silly things in /m chat for their own amusement.
This household has four active players on Tarnished Coast, and we’re very happy. A nice community, people are helpful (often without being asked), not much bull-kitten.
I suspect this is due to TC being advertised (by the community) as an unofficial “RP” server. There’s no enforced RP, but no one gets their knickers in a knot is you do a bit of role-playing. I haven’t seen any cybering on the tramway… oh, right! Wrong game.
Yup, Tarnished Coast has a fine community. Couldn’t be happier there.
I’m on Far Shiverpeaks and I think it has a good community. There are some bad eggs, but they mostly stick to WvW, and in my experience, are far outnumbered by good people.
>> Bojangles said "SWG pre-nge was a completely unique and different game. There was pretty much 0 content except for these “theme parks” you did where you ran quests like in Jabbas palace or the imp/reb bases etc. But you leveled by just killing things. Just grab a mission from the terminal and kill. 0 end game. No levels 1-80 etc. You needed people to train you for your next level in the profession/combat field you select which was pretty cool.
But that is why the community was amazing because it was up to the community to create the content and fun. " <<
See, I’ve been getting a lot of SWG vibe from rpers in this game as well; the very open world and deep setting lends itself to it well. The difference here is, we actually have adventures and content on top of the huge world to explore, so it’s some of the better of both. As time goes on and people make more and more of the world their own – especially once player housing or the like gets introduced – we’ll be seein’ even more of this. All of the ingredients are here, and we’ve got a good start, so I’ve got high hopes for the community in the long haul.
PS. You get a +1 to your awesome rating for usin’ the name “Bojangles” … one of the best songs ever.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
(edited by Jack of Tears.9458)
For the most part its a good community. The only problem I have is with people not letting other people know events are up, specifically the dragon(s). I was waiting for it Tequatl to show up, but he wasn’t on time, so I went off to finish the map figuring someone would say he was up, but no, noone said anything about it until after he was defeated. It really kittened me off.
Please give us a keyring…
TC here also. Its a good server and community. Not without an occasional bad apple that shows up from time to time. But hey…just put em on ignore forever and go about your business.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Tarnished Coast is nice. Hubby and I play on TC, and people are helpful. If I make a successful entrance into Sharkmaw, I’ll wait and see if the next person makes it or needs rez, and same has been done for me. Recently had a person show me the vendor there on the way out. yay!
Majority of people are helpful and friendly, and are willing to help with a group activity if it is advertised in chat. I don’t do dungeons yet, so can’t speak to that.
As for the RP, I kinda like those guilds being there. It’s rather amusing to ease drop on what they are doing sometimes. Some of them are really very good with their scripting!
I picked Devona’s Rest at random. I’m loving the community. I’ve had people help me when they had no reason to, I’ve had interesting conversations in Map chat, I’ve seen people jump in to help when there was no impetus other than just being nice. In comparison to WoW, I feel like I’m home.
In general the people I run in to are nice, but Map Chat is usually full of elitist little punks. Don’t even mention something about a bugged skill point or bugged event, you’ll be told to go back to WoW and called everything from a Troll to a wow employee quicker than you can press enter.
I haven’t seen that at all on my server.
I’m also from Tarnished Coast, and I have to say that I adore our community. We are the unofficial roleplaying server, which is why I ended up there. In my many years of playing games online, the RP servers have generally had the best communities. TC has easily the best community I have found in any MMO to date. I moved from Blackgate after getting tired of all the negativity in the channels. The elitists, the whiners, the trolls, the people that literally just hadn’t figured out how to play and were whining because the game is broken for them…
If you don’t mind people RPing, and you hate your server, I would highly suggest you try Tarnished Coast. We would love to have even more people, and we do decent in WvW if that is your thing. =)
I have found the in-game community to be great. Most people will thank you for a res if they are able, people will help if you get in over your head, and will even assist if you need help getting to skill points or vistas.
I was hoping the lack of loot squabbling and resource competition would make for a better community, and I really think it has. I have no complaints about the server I am on or the players on it. It is so nice being in a cooperative game as opposed to all of those “me, me, me” games out there.
I have found the in-game community to be great. Most people will thank you for a res if they are able, people will help if you get in over your head, and will even assist if you need help getting to skill points or vistas.
I was hoping the lack of loot squabbling and resource competition would make for a better community, and I really think it has. I have no complaints about the server I am on or the players on it. It is so nice being in a cooperative game as opposed to all of those “me, me, me” games out there.
Pretty much this. Overall community has been awesome.
My only complaint is that people don’t like my character names…
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner
My husband and I are on Sanctum of Rall and we have both noted that the community in general is pretty friendly and helpful. There were a few days a couple of weeks ago where the /m in Kessex Hills turned into something eerily similar to “Barrens chat” but overall it’s been good.
Sometimes people are too nice. Sometimes I’d rather see someone kill the mob that put me into a downed state then for them to try to res me — only for us both to end up dead.
But yes, people seem to be naturally treating each other as allies instead of enemies. (Which makes since since we’re all supposed to be united against the Elder Dragons.) The cooperative spirit is refreshing.
@ zoobaby: Okay, I’ll bite. What character names?
[GCI] Calamitous Intent | Sanctum of Rall
Transferred to TC once I found out the RPers are there. Don’t RP one whit, not really my thing, but whatever they’re up to, seems to involve being invested in the community aspect of the server. And that can’t be a bad thing. I also like that a bar is a bar, full of people chatting it up. Chatting it up with very dramatic flourishes at times, but still.
Out in the game world, the mechanics work as designed. People are helpful, group well, and seem to go out of their way at times to help one out of a bind. And ….as an added bonus having moved from Blackgate (a/k/a Botgate) I see far fewer bots which has generally brightened my entire outlook on the game.
Good server, good community.
(edited by Arsenal.2601)
Another transplant from Blackgate to Tarnished Coast, I’m glad you made it out.
TC (Tarnished Coast) here. I go out of my way to pick people up. If I see a down player on the mini-map, I’ll make a b-line for them to see if I can get them back on their feet and not get myself killed. By eliminating node competition and allowing shared loot on mobs, Anet got rid of two of the things that makes players in MMOs turn selfish and rude. There’s still going to be trolls in any community, but the environment in this game doesn’t set player gains against good behavior the way so many others do. Excellent design choice, Anet. A thumbs up to all you other helpful folks out there in Tyria.
I also transferred to TC after finding it was the RP server. I don’t RP myself but the RP community is generally friendlier.
Aurora Glade has a nice community. Like the op says, use /m and talk/inform/ask for help. A think a lot of people who see the game as a bit anti social, just need to get the ball rolling for themselves and speak first
I like Ag too, there were a few unfriendly players and trolls at the start, but I havent seen them for weeks now, all thats left is a nice friendly server
I’ve not run into any player related problems on Borlis Pass. Quite the contrary.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
I’m on Desolation and have found the community to be excellent. Channel chat is content but is rarely offensive. Help is given often and freely when people are asking for it. During DE’s lots of people help res/heal/support.
Overall I have had a superb experience with the community in this game and I love my home world.
a guy insulted me and another guy,right after we revived him. but that was the only negative experience. most ppl help or revive u. and thats the way this game its meant to be play. there is no ks(killsteal) , opposite in fact, u are very glad to see players in the same location with yourself. i was complaining about how hard is to get a skillpoint solo, at your lvl or higher. but i changed my mind,u can start the event and other ppl will finish it for you.. challenging higher ranked mobs give better exp and equipment. at low lvl that count alot
It feels similar to most MMO’s I’ve played at launch. Everyone is generally nice, because early adopters are always psyched about the game. In time people will get bitter or bored or realize they have little reason to help people. Soon enough people will just run right over your corpse instead of taking 5 seconds to rez you. Ask a question about the game in chat and people will say, “Why didn’t you just look at up at, you noob!” Or, “…you’re playing X class, you stink or you don’t have an exotic set of gear?? We can’t take you, sorry!!”
Its no different than WOW was in the first few months, because people cared about the game back then. The community was excellent, for a MMO, for the most part back then. As more and more people started playing and/or quitting the apathy went up and so went the general community….out the window.
I’m on Sorrow’s Furnace, and while it’s not super chatty, people will help you out. I’m kinda glad it’s not super chatty — it seems just right to me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone run away from a player needing a rez.
I think it’s mainly due to the design of the game, and I appreciate it so much.
Anyone familiar with SWTOR forums will probably agree that the forums here are much less acidic as well.
{SN} Sentimental Nightmares
Darsveth, Warrior – Dexter Oliver, Thief