(edited by Moderator)
Gw2 still bad??
It doesn’t seem like you like anything about gw2, so maybe you should just stick to gw1..
They’ve reduced the drop rates (multiple times, removed dyes altogether) and have added grind you’ll be happy to know.
Best way to get an answer is watch the manifesto video and imagine the opposite of everything they say.
How to ask for feedback on the current game state: Politeness, awareness of your tastes, and argumented comparisions.
How you have asked for feedback on the current game state: Massive amounts of unwarranted passive-agressiveness, straight off 4chan styled complaints.
That being said, the game remains in the same development schedule as it did at launch. If it wasn’t your cup of tea then, it won’t be now.
- crashes
- empty servers
- no end game
- grind all the time (80 lvls?? Come on in gw1 there were 20. I could hit max lvl in 3 hours. In gw2 its much much longer)
- crafting – also grind
- dumb login procedure (every time I had to login onto my mail, I still have to)
- support not responding for tickets
- Boring classes (skills – small amount and all almost same [deal x dmg] )
- 5x Guardian team so op
- No level scalling (80lvl character in 30lvl area is still stronger than 30 lvl character there)
- Gem shop news all the time
- Insane server structure (gw1 districts ftw)
- Can’t say about that, I haven’t really ever experienced crashing on GW2 in the nearly 2 years that I’ve played it.
- Pretty much completely gone due to Megaservers
- Well there’s still no gear grind nor raids, if that’s what you mean.
- It’s still 80 levels. The difference is that now you start getting traits at 30 and unlock Master level at 60 and Grandmaster at 80.
- Crafting has only had things added to it, such as Celestials, Ascended armor and weapons and a handful of seasonal stuff.
- The login hasn’t changed.
- The support team regularly gives updates to the tickets that they’ve dealt with in the Support forum.
- Well, there’s been a decent amount of changes to the skills since the game was released. But you still get 5 weapon skills, 1 healing, 1 elite and 3 utilities.
- That’s… definitely not the case here. You don’t see anyone running that combo anywhere. Mostly because people have learned that you’re not supposed to heal and tank in the game.
- Um… There’s always been level scaling. A level 80 is always going to be stronger than a level 30, simply because the former has access to traits and a wider amount of stat combinations.
- Well they do release plenty of new stuff into the Gem Store.
- I don’t really know what you mean by that.
Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:
-empty servers
-no end game
-grind all the time (80 lvls?? Come on in gw1 there were 20. I could hit max lvl in 3 hours. In gw2 its much much longer)
-crafting – also grind
-dumb login procedure (every time I had to login onto my mail, I still have to)
-support not responding for tickets
-Boring classes (skills – small amount and all almost same [deal x dmg] )
-5x Guardian team so op
-No level scalling (80lvl character in 30lvl area is still stronger than 30 lvl character there)
-Gem shop news all the time
-Insane server structure (gw1 districts ftw)So my question is:
Is anything improved right now? Or I have to wait for Guild Wars 3?
Or just play gw1 – best mmo ever made.Probably this thread will be deleted so gg arenanet.
If not – Wow You can deal with some criticism? Awesome.
Thanks For Answers.
Wow. gem shop news all the time ohh life must be tough for you. Having to live with such outlandish annoyances.
It’s weird you enjoyed GW1 so much then. That game had some serious design flaws, like copy pasted skill sets that favored quantity over quality. hmmm. I guess rose-tinted glasses are really a powerful thing haha.
Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:
Sorry, but I don’t believe you. In all that time, this is the only post you have managed to make and it’s suspicious to say the least.
It’s weird you enjoyed GW1 so much then. That game had some serious design flaws, like copy pasted skill sets that favored quantity over quality. hmmm. I guess rose-tinted glasses are really a powerful thing haha.
What you call “quantity over quality” others call “diversity”. If you used only meta builds provided by PvX wiki or similar sources then there is no way for you to understand why there were so many similar skills with subtle differences. Those were essential for creating fully functional builds in a system where there was a secondary profession, not because it was a “design flaw”. I.e. a subtle difference in a skill could be really beneficial for a W/Rt compared to lets say W/Me.
(edited by holodoc.5748)
It’s weird you enjoyed GW1 so much then. That game had some serious design flaws, like copy pasted skill sets that favored quantity over quality. hmmm. I guess rose-tinted glasses are really a powerful thing haha.
Maybe I am a little nostalgic, but I still say that GW1 skills were better. You actually had to plan your skills rather than just equip a weapon and go out, then smash 1 2 3 4 5 on your keyboard until the enemy is dead. Skill bars worked well if you planned your skills to work together (and your equipment). Imagine trying to do a SF Assassin in GW2. You just can’t, because none of the skills are able to work together and you have no freedom to mix and match. I used to farm bosses as a 55hp SV Necro. It is literally impossible to have that amount of control over your character in this game.
Thanks For Answers.
What answers ? Do you even want to hear answers to your complains ?
Ok here is one : The game is still NOT GW1 .. and it will never be, so it will never get better for you.
If you want GW1, play GW1 .. the servers are still running.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:
Sorry, but I don’t believe you. In all that time, this is the only post you have managed to make and it’s suspicious to say the least.
You do realize the number of preorders vs the number of people who post on the form vastly out weighs the number of people on the forum, right? Also, rather you believe him or not (which there is no reason not too) How does that address any of his (admittedly crying) well worded questions?….
Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:
Sorry, but I don’t believe you. In all that time, this is the only post you have managed to make and it’s suspicious to say the least.
You do realize the number of preorders vs the number of people who post on the form vastly out weighs the number of people on the forum, right? Also, rather you believe him or not (which there is no reason not too) How does that address any of his (admittedly crying) well worded questions?….
Well considering at least some of his questions are pure opinion (I don’t find most of the classes boring) and some of them seem to be his problem (not having a stable IP so the game keep asking for verification for security’s sake), I would say that not all his questions need to be addressed. In fact, this entire post is made strictly to instigate a response.
Yes or no, do you still beat your dog?
Yes. I know that. Thats why Im asking, if anything was changed.
Many thanks for very detailed answer.
Have you played gw1? In gw1 You can switch to any district (server) anytime. No guesting etc.
@Sad Swordfish.9743
I paid 50€ for game. And I dont like reading every day that I really should buy something extra.
1)You dont need to believe me.
2) Im making threads only when I’ve got reason.
And I stopped playing gw2 after 6 moths from release.
Indeed, that was huge fun with them. And I think different professions could make better combos than in gw2.
Gw2 from my dreams is gw1 but better, bigger, more complex.
In gw1, I played for 2500+ hours.
I’ve created this thread to see what gw2 is after 2 years. And only good news is megaservers.
So thanks again for all answers.
So basically Guild Wars 1.2. Nope, sorry, it’s not.
GW1 wasn’t an MMO, developers of GW1 stated as such.
Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:
-empty servers
-no end game
-grind all the time (80 lvls?? Come on in gw1 there were 20. I could hit max lvl in 3 hours. In gw2 its much much longer)
-crafting – also grind
-dumb login procedure (every time I had to login onto my mail, I still have to)
-support not responding for tickets
-Boring classes (skills – small amount and all almost same [deal x dmg] )
-5x Guardian team so op
-No level scalling (80lvl character in 30lvl area is still stronger than 30 lvl character there)
-Gem shop news all the time
-Insane server structure (gw1 districts ftw)So my question is:
Is anything improved right now? Or I have to wait for Guild Wars 3?
Or just play gw1 – best mmo ever made.Probably this thread will be deleted so gg arenanet.
If not – Wow You can deal with some criticism? Awesome.
Thanks For Answers.
-crashes = Had few crashes from time to time at headstart and a month after but never had a crash after that.
-empty servers = Megaservers ftw
-no end game = What is end game? I don’t think there will ever be any “end game” in this game.
-grind all the time (80 lvls?? Come on in gw1 there were 20. I could hit max lvl in 3 hours. In gw2 its much much longer) = Have almost never grinded in this game and most importantly not fealt the need to grind or to grind to level up. Even though there is 80 Levels in this game it is almost easier to get to level 80 than to get to level 20 in GW1.
-crafting – also grind = If you think it is a grind, don’t to it if you don’t like it, but crafting has gotten “worse”. But compaired to other MMO’s crafting is a walk in the park.
-dumb login procedure (every time I had to login onto my mail, I still have to) = It is not stupid but a good way to protect you from hackers and there is a way for you to not have to go through mail all the time.
-support not responding for tickets = Not getting the full story but all I know is that support has done an awesome work for me and my friends.
-Boring classes (skills – small amount and all almost same [deal x dmg] ) = That’s the point.
-5x Guardian team so op = Just no… Play the game for crying out loud, I can’t even beleave that you played this game for six months.
-No level scalling (80lvl character in 30lvl area is still stronger than 30 lvl character there) = There is level scaling and they have done some work to it, but it is realy hard to make the game even. Ofcourse a level 80 with 80 gear will be better than a level 30 with 30 gear… But a level 80 with 30 gear is not better.
-Gem shop news all the time = Please… There is no banners floating around in the game telling you that you have to buy anything. Once you open the BLTC you will see it and well… How wierd is it that when you enter a shop they have signs with their best deals up O_o How odd! And well before you press play on the startup there is news about the game and sometimes they say we now have quaggan backpacks!!! Woohooo!!! Is that wrong? That is how they earn their money. But you are never forced to buy anything and it isn’t interupting your gameplay at all. Try playing LotrO and try to dodge the store.
-Insane server structure (gw1 districts ftw) = Yea Destricts are nice…
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
I can’t say I’ve had a problem with many items on your list. Mega server populated the maps quite a bit, and the level grind really isn’t bad (although trait acquisition may have made it more annoying.). Endgame is the big loser in gw2, the reason it will always be “good, for a free to play.” And the dungeons suck, but at least they won’t be copied. At least the new living story chapters are kind of cool. Dry top looks wonderful, poke around and do some events, then bounce.
Well for me – there should ne NO END GAME as with a living world, you never get to the end.
“Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:”
-crashes – nope have had none since the beginning – most due to drivers on my system
-empty servers – ??? you mean areas – that happens in EVERY game
-no end game – See comment above
-grind all the time (80 lvls?? Come on in gw1 there were 20. I could hit max lvl in 3 hours. In gw2 its much much longer) -
- WAH? GW2 has a linear progressions so it takes the same amount of XP to go from lvl2 to lvl 3 as it lvl 79 to lvl 80.*
-crafting – also grind * So? There really wasn’t any crafting ion GW1*
-dumb login procedure (every time I had to login onto my mail, I still have to) * you had to do it in GW1 also – security first*
-support not responding for tickets – depends if the what was complained about can be dealt with in a ticket
-Boring classes (skills – small amount and all almost same [deal x dmg] ) stop ysubng cookie cutter builds from the internet and you will see a difference
-5x Guardian team so op – No they can still be brought down – kind of like a team of monks in GW1*
-No level scalling (80lvl character in 30lvl area is still stronger than 30 lvl character there) – * of course that is because of your armor, trinkets and weapons. If you want to be weaker, try lvl 30 on you 80*
-Gem shop news all the time – and other games don’t? Try Rift, TERA< WoW, etc. they all do the same.
-Insane server structure (gw1 districts ftw) – G W2 is a true MMO and GW1 was not. That is why there can’t be the same server structure
What you are complaining about is GW1 is a different game than GW2. Since it is, they should have a different architecture and build.
(edited by Dusty Moon.4382)
Game almost never crashes
Megaservers are amazing
What has a satisfying “endgame” anyway?
I never really got the grind complaints about GW2. The game is equally unrewarding everywhere, so go do whatever you want.
If you’re like me, you wouldn’t like crafting in just about any MMO anyway.
The classes themselves are not boring. However, we have not seen much in the way of new stuff for them.
The gem store news isn’t annoying. The rewards for gems vs the rewards for gameplay will still drive you crazy though.
Overall that’s looking at a lot of the flaws directly and ignoring the good stuff.
Personally every time I go to another MMO and that STUPID screen pops up saying “Need” “Greed” “Pass,” I come running back to GW2.
GW1 wasn’t an MMO, developers of GW1 stated as such.
Unfortunately they didn’t develop GW2. It does seem they wrote the manifesto then left.
GW1 wasn’t an MMO, developers of GW1 stated as such.
Unfortunately they didn’t develop GW2. It does seem they wrote the manifesto then left.
Actually a few are still around so you can’t say what you just said since A.Net did develop GW2 and is still updating it. Unless you think A.Net is actually another company now…
GW1:Utopia was supposed to be the 4th chapter but was cancelled in favor of GW2.
(edited by Dusty Moon.4382)
More than a few are still around. Just watch some of the ‘Making of’ old videos for the previous Campaigns. You will see almost all the same people here now. Plus, of course, lots more people because the company has tripled in size.
In you i would return to gw1, u dont deserve to play this game.
GW2 is an awesome MMO.
If you didn’t like it back then, then I think it’s unlikely you will like it now. The “style” of it, the way it plays and the skills are so different that they are 2 different games connected only by the lore.
If you want to enjoy Guild Wars 2 then you will have to approach it on its own terms. If you are constantly comparing it to Guild Wars 1 (which you like better) then no, you might as well not bother.
So first of all I got question to some of you.
Why are you so toxic? That someone got questions? Dont like the same things?
I dont understand.
To other group of you who think that Im lying. I played gw2 for 500 hours .
Back to topic:
-manifesto. I was so exited about game after reading it and watching all videos about. But sadly. That wasnt 100% accurate.
Other thing:
GUYS I stopped playing it after 6 moths so I dont know anything about some living story, megaservers, all changes. Thats why Im asking you for any bigger updates.
About support. I wanted to know your experiences. Because shortly after release it was rubbish.
5x guardian team. Come on semi tank + semi healer = almost impossible to kill. And guardian had no problems with searching team.
But even after some toxic answers I decided to play it again. And, no one of you mentioned, new better “lfg” mechanic. Its cool.
And most important: GUYS chill out. Why are you so exited so mad at me.
Edit: In steam guard you dont need to log in with e-mail. So whats the problem with implementing something similar here?
What is your gripe with the log in? I totally don’t understand. I load up the launcher and click on “Log in” and then “Play”. Wow it’s so hard…
So first of all I got question to some of you.
Why are you so toxic? That someone got questions? Dont like the same things?
I dont understand.
- Negative title and negative attitude – Kind of like – “Go ahead Knock this block off of my shoulder.” *
To other group of you who think that Im lying. I played gw2 for 500 hours .
Back to topic:
-manifesto. I was so exited about game after reading it and watching all videos about. But sadly. That wasnt 100% accurate.SO – what game doesn’t put out ideas then backs off when they see how much work they are – Ever hear of ESO – look at there Manifesto – nothing on it got into the game – NOTHING. That is nothing more than the DEVELOPERS DREAMS FOR THE GAME NOT PROMISES. If you think they are promises then I suggest a course in reading comprehension
Other thing:
GUYS I stopped playing it after 6 moths so I dont know anything about some living story, megaservers, all changes. Thats why Im asking you for any bigger updates.About support. I wanted to know your experiences. Because shortly after release it was rubbish.
After release every game has issues because there are so many tickets in. Jeez, you would think this was your first MMO or game
5x guardian team. Come on semi tank + semi healer = almost impossible to kill. And guardian had no problems with searching team.
They are not difficult to kill – All you need is one Mesmer with buff stripping and they are dead.
But even after some toxic answers I decided to play it again. And, no one of you mentioned, new better “lfg” mechanic. Its cool.
And most important: GUYS chill out. Why are you so exited so mad at me.
Edit: In steam guard you dont need to log in with e-mail. So whats the problem with implementing something similar here?
One game – In Rift, TERA, TSW, ESO, WoW, etc all use your email address. They want to know if it is a fake – that is what Gold Sellers and hackers do
I need to log in onto my email to authorize log-in attempt.
Wow it’s so hard… to understand?
If I say something is horrible then put a smiley
face I lack credibility
with what I am saying
I need to log in onto my email to authorize log-in attempt.
Wow it’s so hard… to understand?
Your IP must change a lot for that to happen. Having to authorize login from different IPs is there for the security of your account.
I need to log in onto my email to authorize log-in attempt.
Wow it’s so hard… to understand?
That’s because your IP address changes, if you log in from an unauthorized address you have to authorize it. This is a security measure to help keep someone from hacking your account. Complain about it all you want, it’s not going away.
My IP address does not change. I authorized it once, and I have no trouble logging in.
Remember, that with a dynamic IP address, the range will eventually be learned by the Authorization process, as long as you tick the ‘Remember this address’.
I’m sure you would want to support any and all security measures put in place to keep your account safe from nefarious individuals. =)
Man if I had a gold for every time i see these threads id have my legendary.
GW1 best MMO ever? LMAO i played browser games that were more entertaining. GW2 still didn’t become GW1, there won’t be another game like GW1 ever again cause very few people would want to go through nightmare of playing it. Enjoy GW1 while Anet still wastes bandwith to host it. Won’t last much longer.
GW1 best MMO ever? LMAO i played browser games that were more entertaining. GW2 still didn’t become GW1, there won’t be another game like GW1 ever again cause very few people would want to go through nightmare of playing it. Enjoy GW1 while Anet still wastes bandwith to host it. Won’t last much longer.
It doesn’t take much bandwidth. I think as long as GW2 is going GW1 will be going.
Nice snarkiness there also.
I need to log in onto my email to authorize log-in attempt.
Wow it’s so hard… to understand?
If you click on My Account and then go to the security tab, you can set up Mobile Authentication instead of email authentication. You can then use your mobile phone to ‘authenticate’ the login.
GW2 security page links you to google authenticator downloads for iOS, Android and windows phones. The google authenticator page (on google code) also has an app for Blackberry. You could also look into TOTP authentication programs for your PC instead of using the phone, but that might take a bit of research.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
Kuew Kuew! Those ‘issues’ you had with the game haven’t been fixed because they were so insignificant for so many people, they weren’t even recognized. The won’t likely be addressed either because they only affect the most sensitive, unknowledgeable player. Enjoy GW1.
Nice snarkiness there also
Sorry is just I was trying to force myself to play it for HoM rewards for few months even though it was as enjoyable as sticking needles in my eyes. Is very few games i hate as deeply as i hate GW1, seems like whole game was designed to be huge pain in the backside. I still shudder at a memory of playing it.
Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:
-empty servers
-no end game
-grind all the time (80 lvls?? Come on in gw1 there were 20. I could hit max lvl in 3 hours. In gw2 its much much longer)
-crafting – also grind
-dumb login procedure (every time I had to login onto my mail, I still have to)
-support not responding for tickets
-Boring classes (skills – small amount and all almost same [deal x dmg] )
-5x Guardian team so op
-No level scalling (80lvl character in 30lvl area is still stronger than 30 lvl character there)
-Gem shop news all the time
-Insane server structure (gw1 districts ftw)So my question is:
Is anything improved right now? Or I have to wait for Guild Wars 3?
Or just play gw1 – best mmo ever made.
Thanks For Answers.
If you didn’t like GW2 before, you won’t like it now. Most of the issues you listed are still there. Add to that the lack of balance and support for game modes other than LS and you see there’s little hope of having these issues resolved in the future.
still no end game
classes the same (almost no new skills)
1 spam combat remains
no roles outside of zerker
PVE imbalance still exists (as warriors are still allowed to solo 5 man dungeons and sell slots to kill bosses)
even with megaserver there are often empty zones even on large pop servers
still no rewards revamp which was mentioned 7 months ago
guardians are still op and only viable healing build in the game
traits cost more for leveling now
traits imbalanced (having to go to a level 70 area and complete the map at level 60 to unlock grandmaster traits.
scaling is worse in lower zones
nerfed PVE farming locations due to problems with rewards being so low
RNG still central
RMTAH still going strong with ever increasing prices for essentials.
5% of the population controlling open world boss design (Raiders)
certain bugs still exist like the teleport crash
grind still exists
better inventory (due to wallet)
really light achievement rewards (they are there at least I guess >.>)
couple of mini-games stayed
able to save ls stories and repeat them(basis of rewards in new zones)
Free trait resets
new traits XIII (even tho they are still a bit limiting, not at all the answer in their current form to the need for diversity)
Account-wide dyes
Wardrobe system
Minor Improvements to guilds and LFG
Still soooo much to fix at this point 2 years into the game I’m not really hopeful honestly for these things to be addressed. I’m merely watching now to see if something surprising happens. It’s more of a curiosity thing to see if something comes along and shakes things up.
So first of all I got question to some of you.
Why are you so toxic? That someone got questions? Dont like the same things?
I dont understand.
Because of the tone of your topic title and entire post. You can criticize stuff without being a kitten.
Yes, it is still bad. I just came back recently, and my friend and I tried to play by starting a brand new character. It is still filled with bugs, and still failed in wanting me to play again. As a GW1 player, Anet should have marketed to its core demographic, but at least GW1 is still fun to play.
They’ve reduced the drop rates (multiple times, removed dyes altogether) and have added grind you’ll be happy to know.
Best way to get an answer is watch the manifesto video and imagine the opposite of everything they say.
Watching this video makes one wonder how a company can stray so far away from the vision of/for GW2.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I will not be drawn into another manifesto debate…I will not be drawn into another manifesto debate.
If I keep saying it, it might come true. lol
Hello, I bought gw2 long long time ago. More specifically I preodered it. And I was very very very VERY disappointed with:
-empty servers
-no end game
-grind all the time (80 lvls?? Come on in gw1 there were 20. I could hit max lvl in 3 hours. In gw2 its much much longer)
-crafting – also grind
-dumb login procedure (every time I had to login onto my mail, I still have to)
-support not responding for tickets
-Boring classes (skills – small amount and all almost same [deal x dmg] )
-5x Guardian team so op
-No level scalling (80lvl character in 30lvl area is still stronger than 30 lvl character there)
-Gem shop news all the time
-Insane server structure (gw1 districts ftw)So my question is:
Is anything improved right now? Or I have to wait for Guild Wars 3?
Or just play gw1 – best mmo ever made.
Thanks For Answers.
I argee with you, in Chinese server,Large number of players AFK
I’m almost certain the OP hasn’t played GW2 since 2012.
The OP asked why people why so many responses are so toxic.
The answer is that many of the people who read this forum never thought the game was bad in the first place, or at least not in all the many ways mentioned by the OP.
It is like going to a meeting for a political party or a religious service, and asking: “So guys, can I join now, or are you guys still wrong?”
My answer to the OP is:
Try the game out, and draw your own conclusions.
(And stop blindly assuming that everyone agrees with every single one of your opinions.)
You’ve come to the wrong place to find honest information, OP. If you really are curious I suggest you re-install the game and see for yourself if it’s improved. IMO the game is vastly improved from before.
It is like going to a meeting for a political party or a religious service, and asking: “So guys, can I join now, or are you guys still wrong?”
Haha .. i like that
Remembers me also when in my youth me and some friends went into a McDonalds
and asked : Hello .. can you please tell me where we can get something good to eat
around here ?
Of course we were kicked out
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.