(edited by Narum.7402)
Hall of Monuments 24/50. Help getting to 30?
There are some amazing hero builds to assist with vanquishing. Ive been using some modified ones and in a week have nearly cleared Nightfall with little effort. I’ll try and find the link and post it here later.
Whilst doing that, you will gain hundreds of platinum. Also make sure you do Zaishen quests. To get the pvp title is a tad long winded using zaishen coins, but the platinum will help. Vanquishing will also max out your sunspear title pretty quick
Make sure you pay attention to the bonus week. Last week was double lightbringer points – amazingly quick to cap when vanquishing. This week is Zaishen bounties double coins.
Well, you could look up which armor would be cheapest for your character to make, and then make four of the cheapest armors for Resilience. That’d give you three points.
You could also hang around kamadan to try to buy a unique mini pet, or you could try doing the whole Black Moa Chick chain to get one that way. That’d get you another point.
I’m avoiding PvP titles as they take a long amount of time to do. Again, I’m completely broke and have little to no progress on PvP titles. I’ve read doing Frostway DoA runs is the quickest way to get money and that I should buy armor/weaps/minis to fill it out, but I’m broke and there doesn’t seem like there’s a huge existing player base in GW1 to assist with farming/trading =(
It’s been a while since I really gave HoM much thought but here’s a few suggestions based on what I did that you haven’t and it can all be done solo.
1) Black Moa Chick – This is a Unique minipet that isn’t that hard to get and is one point.
2) Armor – Vabbian, Canthan, Ancient, Asuran, Norn, and Monument are the ones I have that you don’t. I don’t recall why I chose those ones but I’m sure it was because I felt they were the easiest/cheapest to acquire at the time. Except Vabbian but that is a point by itself.
3) Titles – Your missing one Protector. Otherwise, Vanquisher, Skill Hunter, Cartographer, and Guardian are some relatively simple but time consuming titles to get. Eternal Conqueror of Sorrow’s Furnace is one I have which means I did it with heroes. I don’t really remember it though.
Just the Black Moa Chick and the armors I listed would get you to 30/30 though.
I’ll probably do the black moa chick quest. The “easiest” way it seems to me is to get Vabbian, Obsidian, Ancient, and Primeval armor to get the last 6, but again, I’m broke and I’ve heard that Vabbian and Obsidian armor is ridiculously expensive.
I’m avoiding PvP titles as they take a long amount of time to do. Again, I’m completely broke and have little to no progress on PvP titles. I’ve read doing Frostway DoA runs is the quickest way to get money and that I should buy armor/weaps/minis to fill it out, but I’m broke and there doesn’t seem like there’s a huge existing player base in GW1 to assist with farming/trading =(
Ive made 50 platinum from 3 days vanquishing and that’s before selling any rare runes or crafting mats. It really mounts up
Thank you unspecified, this helps greatly! If you happen to remember, how expensive are the ancient, asuran, norn, and monument armors?
I’m avoiding PvP titles as they take a long amount of time to do. Again, I’m completely broke and have little to no progress on PvP titles. I’ve read doing Frostway DoA runs is the quickest way to get money and that I should buy armor/weaps/minis to fill it out, but I’m broke and there doesn’t seem like there’s a huge existing player base in GW1 to assist with farming/trading =(
Ive made 50 platinum from 3 days vanquishing and that’s before selling any rare runes or crafting mats. It really mounts up
I’m not familiar with vanquishing. What is it?
3) Titles – Your missing one Protector. Otherwise, Vanquisher, Skill Hunter, Cartographer, and Guardian are some relatively simple but time consuming titles to get. Eternal Conqueror of Sorrow’s Furnace is one I have which means I did it with heroes. I don’t really remember it though.
I’m missing one protector because I only needed 5 titles to get the points, I’ll have to look into getting these other titles though and see how close I am. Thank you!
I’m avoiding PvP titles as they take a long amount of time to do. Again, I’m completely broke and have little to no progress on PvP titles. I’ve read doing Frostway DoA runs is the quickest way to get money and that I should buy armor/weaps/minis to fill it out, but I’m broke and there doesn’t seem like there’s a huge existing player base in GW1 to assist with farming/trading =(
Ive made 50 platinum from 3 days vanquishing and that’s before selling any rare runes or crafting mats. It really mounts up
I’m not familiar with vanquishing. What is it?
Vanquishing involves clearing whole zones in hard mode. With the right hero set up, it almost does itself, however it is a very good platinum gainer whilst also working towards other titles.
Likewise you have Guardian, which is the clearing of missions on a campaign in hard mode
I’m avoiding PvP titles as they take a long amount of time to do. Again, I’m completely broke and have little to no progress on PvP titles. I’ve read doing Frostway DoA runs is the quickest way to get money and that I should buy armor/weaps/minis to fill it out, but I’m broke and there doesn’t seem like there’s a huge existing player base in GW1 to assist with farming/trading =(
Ive made 50 platinum from 3 days vanquishing and that’s before selling any rare runes or crafting mats. It really mounts up
I’m not familiar with vanquishing. What is it?
Vanquishing involves clearing whole zones in hard mode. With the right hero set up, it almost does itself, however it is a very good platinum gainer whilst also working towards other titles.
Likewise you have Guardian, which is the clearing of missions on a campaign in hard mode
Cool! I’ll definitely look into it. Thanks!
I will add that if you plan on vanquishing the maps within the Prophecies campaign, it’s best to start from Temple of Ages and clear everything east including Ascalon and then west to include all of Maguuma. For Crystal Desert, start out from Mouth of Torment and work your way to Arid Sea.
All of this is so that you have a larger party than you normal would had you started from the closer outposts.
Definitely vanquish. Pay attention to what the upcoming Zaishen Vanquish quests are, so you can essentially double your reward (along with getting coins to trade for plat or ectos).
The Black Moa quest is well worth doing. The end of it is at the final fight of Sorrow’s Furnace, so it’s another thing to double your rewards (by getting your Sorrow’s Furnace Honor statue as well). You can purchase the rest of your common minis for 1-3 plat each in Kamadan. The Mini Black Moa will take you to 25.
The cheapest prestige armor sets are the Eye of the North title track ones and Ancient armor. You’ll need rank 5 in asura, norn, and Vanguard. If you’re a warrior, you could also get the Silver Eagle from being rank 5 in the Deldrimor track, but it’s more expensive material wise due to needing feathers. Ancient armor can be bought in the Bone Palace, and is similarly cheap. Buying asura, norn, Monument (Vanguard), and Ancient will take you to 28 points.
In late August, you can do the Wayfarer’s Reverie event to get a free Tormented weapon. In the meantime, you can do “Wanted” quests daily to get War Supplies, which in turn will get you more Oppressor weapons. You can also do the Hearts of the North chain to get enough Medals of Honor and War Supplies for another one. Now is a good time to start Hearts of the North, since many of the expensive “scavenger hunt” materials are going to drop this week.
Your last Protector title is not too difficult (though it may be best with a friend, especially if it’s Moddok Crevice). When you vanquish the maps in Istan and Kourna, you will get your entire Sunspear title. You’ll get most of your Lightbringer title by vanquishing Vabbi and the Desolation. You’ll likely have to do a little farming or turning in a book to finish out the Lightbringer title.
Of the Vanquisher titles, Cantha is probably the easiest. Your only really difficult maps will be Imperial Sanctum and Minister Cho’s Estate. Tyria is long (with 54 maps), and some sections are best done by “caravan”, going from say Yak’s Bend, and vanquishing every Ascalon map along the way. Be sure to bring merchant summoning stones. Magesty’s Rest can also be tough, because of Rotscale. It’s quite easy to build up a 60% death penalty to the party and get kicked out if you don’t do a lot of hero micromanagement.
There are several difficult maps that are tough in Nightfall. Many of the Vabbi maps have elementals that need special care taken to deal with them safely. Take special care with the Hidden City. Garden of Seborhin, and a number of the Desolation maps also require care in taking out the ressers while trying to survive a lot of incoming damage (sometimes without your normal skills). Take special note of The Sulfurous Wastes, since there is an area you will NEED to use Jujundu Smash to access, and that requires enough adrenaline and fast enough movement to get to the spot and use it.
Skill Hunter is fairly easy to do, but it costs a fair bit to buy the required Signets of Capture. I would recommend saving this for after you make all your big monetary purchases. Skill Hunter will earn you a fair bit of experience, so you can work on trying to get Survivor at the same time. Take special care of Cantha and Elona elementalist bosses, as even in normal mode they can do some very lethal hits.
Between the Vanquisher titles, Sunspear and Lightbringer, Sorrow’s Furnace, your last Protector, and earning more Oppressor weapons, you should get 30 in time.
For money, the aforementioned vanquishing, Zaishen Bounty/Mission/Vanquish quests, Wanted quests, MOX quests, and doing the normal mode Winds of Change chain will all earn you a good bit of mats and money. When you start work on hard mode mission completions, the books you can turn in will also give you a nice amount of coin.
There are still active Guilds, who are also doing farm runs.
One last question: I only have master reward in 3 of the 20 Nightfall missions. I also will be getting the 3 EotN titles (only need rank 5 I believe?) as well as the Conqueror of Sorrow’s Furnace. Protector of Elona would be the last title I need for 30 points. Is there a quicker title to earn than repeating 17 missions in Nightfall?
Neato. Had a friend recently pick up GW1 with the intent of doing HOM from scratch; I’m at 13 points myself, but would love to finish up getting to 30, maaaaybe 35. I only played GW1 for about a year, maybe (stopped when Nightfall was about to release), so I have a lot of catching up to do.
There are some amazing hero builds to assist with vanquishing. Ive been using some modified ones and in a week have nearly cleared Nightfall with little effort. I’ll try and find the link and post it here later.
Whilst doing that, you will gain hundreds of platinum. Also make sure you do Zaishen quests. To get the pvp title is a tad long winded using zaishen coins, but the platinum will help. Vanquishing will also max out your sunspear title pretty quick
Make sure you pay attention to the bonus week. Last week was double lightbringer points – amazingly quick to cap when vanquishing. This week is Zaishen bounties double coins.
I would love that link, if you ever come back here! I started GW1 recently, and I’m not sure where to find current info. Been searching the internet for builds and stuff, but I have no idea how to know if it’s outdated. Also any links to ranger builds (PvE) would be awesome! As well as leveling in Nightfall- I’m level 8 and everything seems to be level 10+, which I keep failing at.
There are some amazing hero builds to assist with vanquishing. Ive been using some modified ones and in a week have nearly cleared Nightfall with little effort. I’ll try and find the link and post it here later.
Whilst doing that, you will gain hundreds of platinum. Also make sure you do Zaishen quests. To get the pvp title is a tad long winded using zaishen coins, but the platinum will help. Vanquishing will also max out your sunspear title pretty quick
Make sure you pay attention to the bonus week. Last week was double lightbringer points – amazingly quick to cap when vanquishing. This week is Zaishen bounties double coins.
I would love that link, if you ever come back here! I started GW1 recently, and I’m not sure where to find current info. Been searching the internet for builds and stuff, but I have no idea how to know if it’s outdated. Also any links to ranger builds (PvE) would be awesome! As well as leveling in Nightfall- I’m level 8 and everything seems to be level 10+, which I keep failing at.
Many use this:
Some use this other one which requires a substantial investment in gear to be effective and it requires you to either be rit main or have it as your second class.
One last question: I only have master reward in 3 of the 20 Nightfall missions. I also will be getting the 3 EotN titles (only need rank 5 I believe?) as well as the Conqueror of Sorrow’s Furnace. Protector of Elona would be the last title I need for 30 points. Is there a quicker title to earn than repeating 17 missions in Nightfall?
You need rank 5 to get the armors from the respective groups you’re helping. You need the max rank (10) to get the EOTN rank titles.
There is no faster way of getting the Protector title. You’ll have to complete all 17 of the missions you’re missing, and earn the bonus. Be sure to have a book with you when you do this, so you can turn it in and get a decent amount of Lightbringer points, money, and experience.
7 Hero Player Support is very useful for general purpose activities. It’s good also to have a few alternate builds to swap in for special purposes. You can find their builds on the above linked PvX wiki, under hero builds.
Specific ones that are useful in some situations are an Energy Surge mesmer (extra caster hate, in times you won’t need the blind from your illusion mesmer); UA Healer; Icy Veins nuker (when you don’t get use out of minions); Command paragon; and a Soul Twisting ritualist.
Here is a link to gw wiki that may be of some help.
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]
Hey just updating on my achieving =) I’ve found the easiest (quickest) way to earn what I have has been to VQ for norn/asura points using my old discordway hero build with some SoS rits.
For money, I’ve been farming Auspicious Beginnings (nets 5 War Supplies and 1k ~every 5 mins). That gets me my EV rep points. I’ve already made one more Oppressor and am halfway to my second (for a total of 4).
I’ll then farm enough for a fifth weapon for another point, and that’ll give me enough gold for the last set of armour (I’m completely broke now haha), and buying my 40th mini.
I’m wondering though, is there a good place to solo farm as a necro for ectos? It’d probably be easier to just farm ectos and use that to buy a destroyer weap/armor rather than doing Auspicious Beginnings 51 more times haha.
Anyway, thanks!
i would say only do the titles that you need, i only have 3 titles maxed yet i have 36 points.
try to fill your minipets, after 50 mini’s you don’t have to look further.
then look at armor, i see you don’t have the vabbi armor yet so save for a full set.
i also see you are able to get oppressor weapons so i assume you have finished WiK, it’s actually easy to get the tokens for the weapons so take your time and kill some white mantels.
type “sorudo wong” if you want the full list that i currently have
I’d suggest mini’s and armor set. buy your self a unique exotic and some other cheap purple u dont have. Then go get elite armor. Black Citadel, or kurzick, are cheap.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
I made all my plat farming feathers in jaya bluffs, with a rit/ele build you can solo easy, does not take long to do a full run and can get a stack per 2 rns easy, they did sell for 7-8k a stack at the time, but was real easy money for me.
Basically you kill anything with feathers on it..
I always make sure to do the Nahpui Quarter mission when it comes up for Zaishen Dailies; I get a lot of feathers from that mission, what with all the tengu.
I always make sure to do the Nahpui Quarter mission when it comes up for Zaishen Dailies; I get a lot of feathers from that mission, what with all the tengu.
Yeah I tried that mission but was not as effecient for me sadly..
There are some amazing hero builds to assist with vanquishing. Ive been using some modified ones and in a week have nearly cleared Nightfall with little effort. I’ll try and find the link and post it here later.
Whilst doing that, you will gain hundreds of platinum. Also make sure you do Zaishen quests. To get the pvp title is a tad long winded using zaishen coins, but the platinum will help. Vanquishing will also max out your sunspear title pretty quick
Make sure you pay attention to the bonus week. Last week was double lightbringer points – amazingly quick to cap when vanquishing. This week is Zaishen bounties double coins.
I would love that link, if you ever come back here! I started GW1 recently, and I’m not sure where to find current info. Been searching the internet for builds and stuff, but I have no idea how to know if it’s outdated. Also any links to ranger builds (PvE) would be awesome! As well as leveling in Nightfall- I’m level 8 and everything seems to be level 10+, which I keep failing at.
Many use this:
Yep that is the one I meant. I dont’t follow it exactly, I have some amendments, but overall that is an excellent build template to work from. It’s not for novice players though, simply because you need skills captured from all over the game to kit out the heroes, plus you need the heroes unlocked as well.
31/30 =) Maxed out minis and got 5 armors for the last bit I needed. Thanks for the help everyone, especially to a friend who really helped me out!
Now for 40 points for Flameseeker, the absolute best title.
haha I actually think Ghostly Hero is the coolest, but fair enough =P
Now for 40 points for Flameseeker, the absolute best title.
Chipping away at it a little bit every day!
34/40….ah the grindy grindness of the grind!