(edited by Zeata.6830)
Hall of Monuments
While I did a huge giveaway of my 200k+ in platinum, mats, and other things to help with peoples HoM an hour before GW2’s launch, I’m happy to help bump it as its a good idea for people who want to. I got to 40/50 and didnt care enough to get the last bit.
Nice idea! I recently bought GW1 during an Amazon sale to start working on HoM and it’s a bit overwhelming, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Nice work Jblade! any help to others is great! it cost so much to get HoM done and some people dont wanna spend that much time or lack that much time. with a job and family! i think assassin speed clear and monk 55/55 are good ways to farm ecto’s to sell so you can buy the items are a good way to start for people. might take some time to learn them but they do good at farming ecto’s for plat/trade! message me if you need any items on my list!
One thing a lot of people don’t realize is whenever you make a new account in GW1 you can get a bunch of free zaishen keys via talking to a guy on the battle isles. I don’t know what they go for now but I think you used to be able to get 50plat worth of keys. That could easily get someone their first handful of points.
new account? what if you haven’t talk to that guy before? i have had my account for 6 years. can i go back and talk to him if i never did before? ty for the tip tho!
I still actively play, and most of my hom points left are money requirements.
Anyone wants to donate ectos, obby shards for obby armor, zkeys for zaishen title track, or booze/sweets/party points would help a lot. And of course straight up gold helps get these things.
new account? what if you haven’t talk to that guy before? i have had my account for 6 years. can i go back and talk to him if i never did before? ty for the tip tho!
You should be able to get the keys, once per account.
Sweet Vayne! thanks aton, ill have to check that out man!
okay ectos, iron ingots, granite slabs and feathers and some hero armor gone! sorry all. still have some stuff left!
I just want enough for the baby dead chicken!
I play GW2 and am obsessed with getting every achievement possible. But for some reason, in GW I never got into any of it. I found it frustrating instead of fun. So, the BDC will have to wait until I can figure out how to get the last 7 points I need.
Hi Everyone!
I am at 8 on the HoM and would absolutely LOVE to get to 10 so I can have the flaming sword. If you guys are willing to help I would be forever in your debt! I would also definitely “pay it forward” with my account’s remaining money and mats. Thanks!
I should also say that I am not sure how to turn the stuff you have offered into HoM points. So any help in explaining would also be appreciated!
I am at 25, and would love to get to 30.
I am going to make a list of the extra minis I have, would love to trade for some I do not have.
Awesome thread!
I just want enough for the baby dead chicken!
I play GW2 and am obsessed with getting every achievement possible. But for some reason, in GW I never got into any of it. I found it frustrating instead of fun. So, the BDC will have to wait until I can figure out how to get the last 7 points I need.
I just want enough for the baby dead chicken!
I play GW2 and am obsessed with getting every achievement possible. But for some reason, in GW I never got into any of it. I found it frustrating instead of fun. So, the BDC will have to wait until I can figure out how to get the last 7 points I need.
PM me in-game and I’ll help you out.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I am going to start working on HoM soon, actually. I have had GW1 since 2005, but only got to level 17 on a necromancer. I only got the HoM points for linking accounts…so apparently I have a lot to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I wonder if it’s against the TOS for me to offer GW2 gold to offer someone to help me achieve GW1 HOM stuff?
The stuff to get points, is that soulbound? Or can you sell some stuff to me that I’ll pay in GW2 gold?
Please don’t ban me again ;_;
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I wonder if it’s against the TOS for me to offer GW2 gold to offer someone to help me achieve GW1 HOM stuff?
The stuff to get points, is that soulbound? Or can you sell some stuff to me that I’ll pay in GW2 gold?
Please don’t ban me again ;_;
It can all be obtained with money, nothing is really soul bound, unless you count titles (which can be obtained by paying people to run you through missions etc).
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I wonder if it’s against the TOS for me to offer GW2 gold to offer someone to help me achieve GW1 HOM stuff?
The stuff to get points, is that soulbound? Or can you sell some stuff to me that I’ll pay in GW2 gold?
Please don’t ban me again ;_;
It can all be obtained with money, nothing is really soul bound, unless you count titles (which can be obtained by paying people to run you through missions etc).
You mean it can all be obtained by spending gold in GW1?
Or that I could spend my GW2 gold to pay someone to do all the stuff in GW1, and they’ll just transfer whatever items and help me run quests with my GW1 character?
I wonder what’s a good amount to get full HOM. 200g in GW2? ;|
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Happy to support anyone that’s just starting up in GW1 to get up to 30/50. PM me here, I’ll respond to the first few I receive.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I’ll have to get eotn first though ;_;
when will it be on sale >_>
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I got 30 points in a month by completing all 3 campaigns and then running the Auspicious beginnings missions about 500 times. Then I just bought everything else I needed to finish my 30 points.
Fastest way to grind money for a newcomer by far.
I’m at 25/30 in Hall of Monuments, and I need some help to get the last 5 points to get to 30!
Do anyone got any tip with what I can do? I know I should get the last remaining Hero Armour pieces for my heroes, but what else can I do?
I don’t really have any friends playing the game, and I got no clue on how to ‘farm’ platinum, that said, I got almost like no platinum at all.
I’m at 25/30 in Hall of Monuments, and I need some help to get the last 5 points to get to 30!
Do anyone got any tip with what I can do? I know I should get the last remaining Hero Armour pieces for my heroes, but what else can I do?
I don’t really have any friends playing the game, and I got no clue on how to ‘farm’ platinum, that said, I got almost like no platinum at all.
Are you doing the war in Kryta daily missions where you can get war supplies which can be either turned in to get weapons for the HoM or sold for money? I haven’t played for several months now but feather farming was good money. Also farming for granite. A lot of the Zaishen missions gained good money. Also getting Zaishen keys to sell by doing PvP. Fiber farming might be worth looking into. Ecto farming in UW and Obsidian shard farming in the Fissure of Woe.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I’m at 25/30 in Hall of Monuments, and I need some help to get the last 5 points to get to 30!
Do anyone got any tip with what I can do? I know I should get the last remaining Hero Armour pieces for my heroes, but what else can I do?
I don’t really have any friends playing the game, and I got no clue on how to ‘farm’ platinum, that said, I got almost like no platinum at all.
Grab a rit spirit spam setup, if you have factions farm jaya bluffs, kill every bird on the map, salvage scalps, sell feathers, keching!
Edit: make a spirit spam if you have factions lol
I had 50/50 within a few minutes of the HoM coming out….so I never really spent my gw1 cash. In other words I have tons still sitting there and I have already helped out those in my guild. I don’t have any extra minis (put 90 in there), but I do have 400 arms I was gonna buy a high end mini with that I nvr did, as well as a plethora of mats etc…
Give me a wisp here or ig (gw2) and chances r I can help you out.
What a wonderful idea. I have 47/50 but have no interest in getting the last title.
I have bits and pieces (materials, minis, platinum) that will only sit there and gather dust, so give me a message here or in game and I’ll give out some stuff.
Edit: Thank you to the 4 people who took up on my offer, bags are now lighter ^^ I have no more stuff to give! I hope it helps you achieve your HoM points
(edited by Malhanjia.1452)
Thank you OP for creating this thread! And a special thank you to everyone that is contributing to the cause!
I’m in need of five more HOM points to hit my 30/50, and I’m willing to be your lackey for whatever needs!
-Want a bodyguard to keep an eye on your body while you farm?
-How about a exceptional addition to your dungeon run?
-Roleplaying is an option as well, want a Mesmer to escort you around calling you “sir!” and making comments on your in-game actions as “like a sir!”?
-Have particular taste in wealth instead? I can walk around Divinity’s Reach and beg for coins on your behalf! I will need to take 2% of the profit in order to sustain myself.
Decepticon Hero-ro-ro-ro
(edited by RAWR.4273)
currently i have 24/50 (thx to Essence Snow for the last 4 points) and i’m trying to reach 30/50 but i have low founds (and i need expensive things) and no time to play GW1 is there anyone who can help me?
GW1 IGN: Radegast Phobos
GW2 IGN: Karadak
If there is ever a major content release, I will return and help people with this.
I’m still waiting on Elona: Beyond. Seeing the GW1 world develop alongside GW2 would be wonderful because we have a more concrete idea how the games will connect.
41/50 here. I hadn’t thought about getting 50/50. What’s the advantage?
41/50 here. I hadn’t thought about getting 50/50. What’s the advantage?
just a title, I think. which comes free with bragging rights!
Ahh okay. I’ll not worry then. I don’t turn on any of the titles as it is
I’ll check my Account to see what I have to share. I remember 600 plat with another 500 imats and valuables. Tips always appreciated.
I was messaged in game by someone yesterday but forget to get their details as I was caught up with guild dramas. If that person wants to post me I can see about supporting them more.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I gave all my mats, mini pets, and hero armor away! so i got nothing left sorry guys. i do how ever need money to buy my last afew items for my 30/50 HoM! let me know if anyone can spare anything!
I’ve a fungal wallow mini pet and a ancient armor fragment(nightfall) spare if anyone wants.
Im also willing to fight Shiro to get the imperial pheonix and I’ve the black moa quest done if anyone wants him quickly
I’m also looking for some Deldrimor Armor Remnants(x3),which I’d be willing to buy for gw2 gold if anyone has them!
So now that 12 hour work days are over, back to HOM and my quest for Baby Dead Chicken. With great help from a friend (thanks Almighty), I am at 12 points. UGH so close. Grinding away!!!!
If anyone has any of the fragments to upgrade 2 of my heroes, I would be forever indebted to you!!
Almost there….
My guild does this kinda stuff all the time. We have several GWAMM members and tons of 50/50 members that often still play GW1 – myself included. Feel free to hit me up in-game or send me a message here if ever you need assistance, advice, or even see if I have anything that may be of use to you. I was in a Speed Clear alliance so I did dungeons nearly every hour of the day as well as AFK farming for hero armor.
I have a few characters made day 1 on the game so I have the latest bday presents and such so feel free to contact me directly or head to my guild’s website in the link in my signature. We have a thread dedicated to GW1 and HoM stuff check regularly.
I frequently give money, ectos, minipets, and other stuff away because I actually farmed a mini Polar Bear in Wintersday 2011 so I was able to get myself, my brother and my gf 30+ / 50 and most of the GWAMM titles.
Don’t be shy! :-) Guild is recruiting too if you’re ever interested in a guild that does GW1, GW2 and other games as well. Good luck to everyone with their HoM goals!
(edited by TehPwnerer.7215)
Currently at 11/50 (low, I know!) and would love to get to even just 15. Would appreciate any kind of help I can get! I am poor, though, and only have GW1 mini-pets to give (I’ve a ton of those) in payment for any help.
What’s the fastest way to get to 15?
I have 0/50 in GW1 just got the game and have no clue what i am doing lol.
If anyone wants to help me out that would be great or just point me in the right direction.
I only got the game for HoM so i can get cool skins in GW2 and pets.
Are people still giving stuff away? If so I could use a stack of z-keys for that PvP title (I’m not a big PvPer, but that is one of the most valuable titles). All I want is to get to 30, and currently I am in the mid 20s.