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Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Profit.9037


I’ve never actually played GW1 before, but I’m trying to find a way to get a fourth point (I already have the 3 from linking accounts) easily. I read somewhere that you can get a miniature and dedicate it in your hall for an easy point, but I don’t really understand how to get a miniature without a lot of money or waiting a year.

Is there any way I can just play the game for a little while and get a point? With over 30 I’d think getting 1 would be easy, but I’m still not really sure how it all works and the guides I’ve read have been a little confusing.

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I can give you a mini if you like.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Profit.9037


If you could, Vayne, I’d really appreciate it. It’d certainly make things a lot easier.

Thanks for the link, Shockwave. I did read that, but it seems more for getting all the points rather than just 4. The first part of the guide basically says to do everything campaign-wise, if I’m not mistaken.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


If you log in now, I’ll log in, just add Mythra Stark to your friend’s list.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Profit.9037


I’m still downloading the game, but can I add you to friends list on GW2? My internet’s a bit bad, so the first game is going to take about 12 more hours to finish.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Go for it. 15 chars

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Profit.9037


Alright, thanks a bunch. I’ll send you a tell when I can get on the game

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Remember, you will not be able to Dedicate your new mini until you have EotN installed and linked, as well as having a character leveled up to L10, and completed the quests to get to Eye of the North, as well as enough quests to obtain a Tapestry piece (specifically the one for dedicating mini-pets).

Good luck.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Profit.9037


Thanks! I think I’ve found out how to get to Eye of the North. I’m just glad I don’t need to hit level cap or something. I’m a bit unclear on how to get a tapestry, but I’m sure I can find that one out pretty easily.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You get one tapestry for just talking to Gwen once you get there.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Profit.9037


Oh, yeah. That’s awesome, this is much easier than I expected it to be. Thanks again for the help, everyone.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


As long as you have a level 10 character I can get you to EotN

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Profit.9037


I don’t yet, but once the games finish installing it should be easy. I’ll let you know whenever I’m there, I added you in gw2

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


I’ve never actually played GW1 before, but I’m trying to find a way to get a fourth point (I already have the 3 from linking accounts) easily. I read somewhere that you can get a miniature and dedicate it in your hall for an easy point, but I don’t really understand how to get a miniature without a lot of money or waiting a year.

Is there any way I can just play the game for a little while and get a point? With over 30 I’d think getting 1 would be easy, but I’m still not really sure how it all works and the guides I’ve read have been a little confusing.

Let me know if you need more minis, I can give you a few whites (common minis) too. Don’t remember how many is needed for extra points.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: C Gunner.9406

C Gunner.9406

I’m not going to lie. I got 50/50 in the hall of monuments and I dont use any of the items or rewards. They are disappointing considering how much time was put into doing it.

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mental Paradox.3845

Mental Paradox.3845

I wasted 4000 hours of my life getting GWAMM and 50/50.

Don’t do it. I regret it every day.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I wasted 4000 hours of my life getting GWAMM and 50/50.

Don’t do it. I regret it every day.

I loved getting gwam and full 50/50. But then again I loved doing Gw1 :/

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I have 50/50 and I have used all the items at one time or another and still use some. The undead mini chick and the scepter for my necro. The daggers on my thief. The armors while leveling for a consistent and free style. I use both of the bracers. The Dwayna one with the proper dyes almost glows on the wing parts. My ranger has the Rockfur Racoon now and wore the armor till a couple of months ago. And of course, the flaming dragon sword.

Maybe you won’t care for the items OP, but then again, maybe you will.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


I have 36/50 and while I don’t have the title, for me it wasn’t a big deal. I do, however, frequently use the reward skins, especially when leveling. Don’t let the naysayers tell you different, having free to apply skins is ALWAYS good!

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


50/50 and GWAMM here. Never regretted it.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: C Gunner.9406

C Gunner.9406

Obviously i don’t regret doing it because i enjoyed gw. but if you have never played it and doing it just for the rewards which can take a lot of time then it’s not worth imo. up to op though.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.8456


I got 30/50 so I could unlock all of the skins. I don’t use all of them but I love having the options there. This was especially true before the wardrobe system when transmutation was a bit more of a pain. Free skins are always nice.

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lalocat.6793


I wasted 4000 hours of my life getting GWAMM and 50/50.

Don’t do it. I regret it every day.

1200 hours for me. I don’t regret it and use the titles and skins a lot. Recently started playing again just for fun. Careful OP, “just one more point” might turn into 50.

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


As said above, you need a Tapestry to place statues in the Fellowship, Devotion, Resilience, and Valor monuments. Honor does not require a Tapestry. When you arrive at the Eye of the North, Gwen will give you your first Tapestry. The other three are earned from completing the three racial storylines in the Eye of the North.

Easy points:

  • Finish any campaign: 1 statue in Honor, which is 2 HoM points for your first one. (5 total)
  • Recruit MOX (if you have all three campaigns), place him into Fellowship for 1 point. (6 total)
  • Charm a Black Moa pet, which is done by doing a long quest chain halfway through the Factions storyline (if you choose to go with Mhenlo and recruit the Kurzicks). The pet is charmed at level 20 and can immediately be placed in Fellowship for 2 points. (8 total)
  • 1 mini, if it’s a white or purple you get 1 point. If it’s a green or yellow, you get 2 points in Devotion. (9 or 10 points)

More time consuming:

  • Complete the other two campaigns, and get the Protector title in two of them. This will give you 5 statues in Honor, for another 3 points. (12 or 13 points, depending on the quality of the mini you added).
  • Partway through the Nightfall storyline, you can get access to the Dajkah Inlet challenge mission. It can give you Stolen Sunspear Armor to upgrade hero armor. Get three pieces and put them on Koss, Dunkoro, and Melonni. Get another two Stolen Sunspear Armor for future use. Place those three heroes in your Fellowship monument for another 2 points. (14 or 15 points)
  • Once you complete all the campaigns (and thus have access to all the areas), you can do the Black Moa Chick scavenger hunt. This will give you a green mini (if you don’t already have one) for 1 point. Also, if you’re able to, complete Sorrow’s Furnace while you’re down there for another statue in Honor. (15 or 16 points).
  • Once you finish the Prophecies storyline, you get access to the War in Kryta content. Complete that quest line (some of the missions are quite difficult), and you should have enough Medals of Honor and War Supplies to create an Oppressor weapon. This will give you 2 points in the Valor monument. (17 or 18 points).
  • Once you have rank 5 in any of the Eye of the North racial titles, you will be able to purchase prestige armor from that race. Buy a set of Norn, Asuran, or Monument armor (you don’t need the helmet), for 1 point in Resilience. (18 or 19 points).

From here, it comes down to earning titles (more Protector and Guardian titles, Vanquisher, Sunspear and Lightbringer, EotN racial titles, Skill Hunter), making a Destroyer weapon, doing the Wayfarer’s Reverie scavenger hunt in August for a free Tormented weapon, buying more Prestige Armor (Luxon or Kurzick is the cheapest of the bonus point ones), charming a Black Widow Spider, charming and training an Imperial Phoenix, using the extra two Stolen Sunspear Armor on the two Acolyte heroes, getting five Ancient Armor pieces from the Remains of Sahlahja challenge mission, and buying more minis.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SonOfJacob.7396


32/50 and working toward GWAMM slowly. Here’s another link for those interested:


Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xander.9024


I have some extra minis that I could part with. They’re sitting in my storage chest, collecting dust.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Satenia.9025


The gaming-hours spent getting GWAMM and 50/50 were certainly amongst my best. But that was long before GW2-release and I would suggest that if you don’t actually enjoy playing the game now, don’t bother just for the points as its beauty will be wasted.

(but if you do, make sure you check out that 7 hero link above, that’s closest to auto-pilot you can get)

Anyway, I likely got some spare minis myself if you’ll still be short.

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warcry.1596


Ugh GW1…

11,000 hours, 50/50, everything… hated the game after two years. It was too easy and simple for my tastes. But if you need anything let me know cuz I got stuff!

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SonOfJacob.7396


Ugh GW1…

11,000 hours, 50/50, everything… hated the game after two years. It was too easy and simple for my tastes. But if you need anything let me know cuz I got stuff!



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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warcry.1596


Sure… I got some minis and what not, but the OP has first dibs

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pokecenter.3548


I think (quite often) that i should play gw1 again. I got Nightfall, Prophecies, EotN (was starting on these when some of you guys were on your first gw2 year) but barely explored them. Only did ~75% of the Nightfall and Prophecies campaign and found my way to the EotN. Feels such like a waste. Anyone knows if the gw1 community is still active at all? And would you really need 4k hours for the 50/50? Or you guys think that having experienced gw2 for a while now, it wouldn’t make sense to go back to the original?

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


While I had GW1 at launch, I never played it much because that was back when I lived in dial up land and playing online games was like living with someone who you knew was going to commit a murder-suicide. I really regret not filling out my GW1 monuments as the skins I did get are all pretty nice.

Server: Devona’s Rest

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I think (quite often) that i should play gw1 again. I got Nightfall, Prophecies, EotN (was starting on these when some of you guys were on your first gw2 year) but barely explored them. Only did ~75% of the Nightfall and Prophecies campaign and found my way to the EotN. Feels such like a waste. Anyone knows if the gw1 community is still active at all? And would you really need 4k hours for the 50/50? Or you guys think that having experienced gw2 for a while now, it wouldn’t make sense to go back to the original?

GW1 is still pretty active. I always see at least a couple of people in each outpost I go to, and there are always tons hanging around in Kamadan for trading and such.

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDoom.8506


i know this thread is very old but i would need some help. i already have 30/50 points. maybe some rich gw1 guys could help me little bit here?

you can whisper me in gw2. i can give you gold or something. some help would be really nice! :/

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

i know this thread is very old but i would need some help. i already have 30/50 points. maybe some rich gw1 guys could help me little bit here?

you can whisper me in gw2. i can give you gold or something. some help would be really nice! :/

I’ve given most of my stuff away, but I have a couple of minis I’ve gotten recently as well as a couple of everlasting tonics I can give you that you can sell for a little bit of plat.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

doctor doom pm me here ill get on gw1 to give you stuff if you want any of it. i got tons of minis i could give you wolfmistress aybara if my gw1 character name. i got other stuff buffs and tonics if you want to sell them you can have all you want

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

If you beat the game you will get a point.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Ugh GW1…

11,000 hours, 50/50, everything… hated the game after two years. It was too easy and simple for my tastes. But if you need anything let me know cuz I got stuff!

Got any of those armor or weapon pieces that are oh so important. Thanks to another super helpful forum goer I have minis down, but I’d love to get anything else that is primarily a situation of gold out of the way too.

I don’t even want 30 points, I only want 21 points so I can get the raccoon mini for my ranger main.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Radnar.9814


Remember HoM are down and have been for months now though, with no clear indication of when theyll ever be returning other than “soon”

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


I wasted 4000 hours of my life getting GWAMM and 50/50.

Don’t do it. I regret it every day.

I loved getting gwam and full 50/50. But then again I loved doing Gw1 :/

Agreed! I wish I could be bothered to finish my 50/50. I’m 47 or 48. Just need to max titles. But then I’ve got the rest and don’t really need the last title. I do love my Dragon sword. Best sword skin in GW1 and 2.

If you need.more minis OP let me know. I have a load I’m not going to use.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDoom.8506


doctor doom pm me here ill get on gw1 to give you stuff if you want any of it. i got tons of minis i could give you wolfmistress aybara if my gw1 character name. i got other stuff buffs and tonics if you want to sell them you can have all you want

thank you very much!
i don’t know why but, i have to wait 2 days to send you a pm? lol
maybe we can write in GW2 or 1 ?

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

yep ill be in game tonight for some hours char hunting in pre
contact me in game gw1 char name wizard aybara my main name cant recall my pre chars name

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


I’m 3 short from the Focus skin, and been trying to figure the best way to get those last 3 points (27/30) without having to do something incredibly time intensive or farming.

I’m probably one of the few GW1 players who never got elite armors, but getting 1 or 2 sets would put me over top. Except one problem…. only have 29 plat and a stack each of common mats to my name. I guess I could sell the few ultra rare mats I have, but the return wouldn’t be high enough to cover the cost of an armor set.

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m 3 short from the Focus skin, and been trying to figure the best way to get those last 3 points (27/30) without having to do something incredibly time intensive or farming.

I’m probably one of the few GW1 players who never got elite armors, but getting 1 or 2 sets would put me over top. Except one problem…. only have 29 plat and a stack each of common mats to my name. I guess I could sell the few ultra rare mats I have, but the return wouldn’t be high enough to cover the cost of an armor set.

If you are at 27/30 then you’ve probably done all the easy stuff and after that it’s time consuming. As a couple of possibilities you can do quests for trade contracts on multiple chars or repeatedly vanquish an area for faction to use to buy jadeite or amber.

If you get trade contracts, 7 will buy one ruby which are used to craft Vabian armor
The Zaishan quests give plat (I think it’s 1000 plat) and Zaishan coins that can be sold
Mount Qinkai speed clearing http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Faction_farm#Fast_faction_farming

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sdcmgs.7348


I’ve never actually played GW1 before, but I’m trying to find a way to get a fourth point (I already have the 3 from linking accounts) easily. I read somewhere that you can get a miniature and dedicate it in your hall for an easy point, but I don’t really understand how to get a miniature without a lot of money or waiting a year.

Is there any way I can just play the game for a little while and get a point? With over 30 I’d think getting 1 would be easy, but I’m still not really sure how it all works and the guides I’ve read have been a little confusing.

I am sure I have minis I can give you to go into your monuments. Add Madam Bonez to your friends list and I will pass them to you free. I never play anymore although, I do miss it occasionally. 40/50 here, never finished the last 10 points. You can message me here or in GW2 and I will meet you when you are available. Good luck and have fun!

Level 80, Sylvari Necromancer
Not So Epic [HAL]

Hall of Monuments Points Help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDoom.8506


Now my minis collection is full and I have some Minis left. Anybody need them?

What I go for now are the Armors: Vaabi, Obsidian and Kurzick or Luxor. Extreme expensive stuff and I don’t even have the favour to craft it but I already got some Materials for it.
Maybe someone can help me out here? I am thankful for every little piece and donation, someone who could craft it for me would be nice too

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Vabbi and Kurzick/Luxon are relatively cheap. Obsidian will be the fun one to farm for. You also don’t need the favor as you can use scrolls or wait for the weekly bonus which happens to be this week.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narwhalsbend.7059


I’m SOOO close to GWAMM and 50/50, but I just don’t have the time or patience to grind out titles and farm items/platinum.