Halloween Skins Raffle

Halloween Skins Raffle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluefox.9580



I have some specific questions.

1. Will someone be allowed to win more than 1 ticket?

2. When will the results be determined?

3. I noticed there only seems to be a limited amount of each skin, I assume this is to prevent flooding of a single item for monetary value (Shield). Is this correct?

4. What happens when the tickets are released? Will there be a mad rush to obtain the most valuable skins before everyone else, leaving those who can’t happen to be there at the perfect time in the dust? (This one I would REALLY like to know.)

5. What happens if someone wins, but for some reason (banned maybe) can’t collect?

6. Will there be any consolation prizes for the 10’s of thousands of tickets spent? (more aimed at the gem store purchasers)

7. Why did the Undead Chicken cross the road?

Bluefox Matari – Elementalist – Maguuma

Halloween Skins Raffle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

1. Yes

2. Sometime after the 4th of November

3. There are either 100 or 200 skins available for each weapon skin offered

4. No mad rush. Players who submitted a winning wrapper will have their randomly-selected prize mailed directly to them by Terksli

5. Don’t know

6. Doubtful

7. To find out which came first…the Undead Chicken or the Unhatched Egg

Halloween Skins Raffle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steveway.3167


4. What happens when the tickets are released? Will there be a mad rush to obtain the most valuable skins before everyone else, leaving those who can’t happen to be there at the perfect time in the dust? (This one I would REALLY like to know)

From what i understand they will mail the skin to you if you win. I think I read this in the dialog from the skritt. Hope this helps

Halloween Skins Raffle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


5) it will sit in their inbox until they are able to retrieve it. same as when you buy stuff off the TP from inactive accounts.