Halloween event: Can we get more information on level requirements, etc.
Maybe it will be like personal storyline.You will start the quest chain in your personal instance.Who knows.Maybe a new zone?
The only thing we know is that there’s a story for it with DE, possibly a dungeon. Could always bring in upscaling if they needed to.
I would think they wouldn’t be callous enough to put in something that everyone, regardless of level, didn’t have a chance to participate in, so I wouldn’t worry about it that much. That’s generally a good way to tick off your player-base, when it comes to things like holiday events.
Halloween event: Can we get more information on level requirements, etc.
Posted by: Snarky Snarf.8463
I assume this update will be amazing and cool. I also assume people will find a way not to enjoy it. It’s amazing how far some people can go to avoid having fun playing what is now my favorite game.
^It doesn’t matter how accessible they make it, someone will complain about it.
If you go by the GW1 standards the events will be in each cultural home city and in Lion’s Arch. Anything will stem out of there but be kept close enough. I doubt they will bother with bringing any quests into Orr or any high level area’s.
haha yeah true, even perfect stuff, ppl find some way to complain about xD
I suspect it won’t be level restricted, just based on design strategies so far. They used to do mini-game things in GW1 that would give everyone the same health and stats temporarily to even it out, so they may do that.
Generally there’s something for everyone. In GW there were events in the cities that everyone could participate in, but there were also quests that had varying level req. I would say except something similar.
Halloween event: Can we get more information on level requirements, etc.
Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619
Well, the joy of downscaling, they could make the entire events require you to be level 1. And tune the event for level 1. Then just downscale you to level 1 so it is challenging no matter what level you are.
This way it is open for everyone, regardless of level. I think that would be the best way of going about doing it, in my opinion.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
In Guild Wars 1, special event drops were broadly available in all zones and at all levels. I expect that the vast majority of holiday content will be accessible at any level.
However, if you want to be sure you can do absolutely everything, then you ought to get to 80. That’s just common sense. I wouldn’t be surprised or disappointed if they put some special events in 80 zones as long as there are things for me (not max level) to do. If complete special event participation is your top interest, get something to 80.