Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


I’d go as far to say hardcore UWsc/FoWsc and PvP guilds where the ones who kept GW1 alive for years, not the players who played regular missions and not the ones who logged in for 30 minutes in week.

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sollith.3502


I think they need to do an overhaul on many of the events throughout the game of all levels; make the larger events more dynamic and more “raid-like.”

Claw of Jormag, Tequatl, Shatterer, Shadow Behemoth, The Frozen Maw, Golem Mark II, etc.; all these big events could be made to be so much better than standing there auto-attacking while taking a kitten .

I mean there are your potential raids; they are just so flipping easy that they are ridiculously boring. If they didn’t provide that free rare at the end, I doubt very many players would bother with them at all.

A raid doesn’t need gear grind, it doesn’t need some large number of players either; it just needs to be something that requires a bit more coordination, a bit more planning, than the “jump in, think later” approach most events present currently. I mean you couldn’t run into another servers zerg by yourself, a decent commander won’t even run a zerg into another servers zerg without stacking/etc. or trying to position most of the mass into a more favorable position beforehand; why should dynamic events be that way?

P.S. I am enjoying the living story so far; flame and frost was pretty good, especially the dungeon. Still didn’t need to think with anything in it, but at least it was entertaining for a while lol.

(edited by Sollith.3502)

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Folk.2093


go kill the fire shaman in fotm lvl 48 with 0 ar.

you’re welcome

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


go kill the fire shaman in fotm lvl 48 with 0 ar.

you’re welcome

Only thing hard about this is having to run fractals for more than 47 times.

Again, for the crowd that only knows WoW Theme Park “longevity”.
Which is nothing else but Pavlovian type programming of having to repeat the same type of raids over and over so you get better gear for other raids with different “mechanics”.

A theme park is by definition the antithesis of longevity. The only reason they still exist in RL is because people don´t go there(more than once) for the rides but for the Atmosphere. Which is actually created by other people, mostly your fellow visitors.

Something that is almost impossible to reproduce in the virtual world when you only stick to preprogrammed raids(rides).
So logically there can never be enough rides or good enough ones as coding and designing takes much more time than consuming them.

Coming back to the EVE Online example.
After some hickups last year, when even their devs forgot the above, it is now in the tenth year!
Still going strong and actually EXPANDING, because they don´t provide new rides but a FRAMEWORK for the player to act in. To create their own content by territorial disputes, betrayals, espionage (meta & ingame), creation of cartels(by “legal” ingame means and actual criminal gold sellers) and outright riots when the Devs start hurting the game as they loose the plot.

ANet wants to be different.
For now they only are different in flavor to the standard “Theme Park” MMOs out there. I had high hopes for WvWvW to bring us a bit of sandbox gameplay longevity, but it is proving to be quite the disappointment too in that regard.
The new (& even old) DAOC looks much more promising there.

Polish > hype

(edited by HawkMeister.4758)

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I wouldn’t mind some extra missions or events purely built on the Order you chose.
Vigil missions dealing with more ‘in your face’ moments.
Whispers having various sneaking missions or specific assassinations based on timers.
Priory using neat weaponry and you have to kill things using just that.

ANet could really branch out with unique and fun missions just on these ideas and whatever else pops in their mind. F&F dungeon was a fun example of a boss duo which posed some challenge.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


What about PvE challenge missions – survive waves of monsters as long as you can.
It would be quite easy to make in my opinion and it would be a good start on improving the end game for those who want it.

Make a leader boards and award the monthly/weekly best team.

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


-Dunegons with time limits and leaderboards.
-Unforgiving mechanics that MUST be evaded by dodging or jumping.
-Encounters require interruption of devastating abilities.
-Use of “Light of Sight” cover to prevent death from environment dynamics.

(edited by Calae.1738)

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

Even if all the people complaining that there is no “Hard Content” would get actual “Hard Content”, this is how it would go….

Group/raid leader: “Ok, so what we are going to do here is run past all the mobs til we got the boss”…“Kill Boss”

If they made it so mobs would not lose aggro and follow you to the ends of earth in dungeons..all of them would be more challenging as they are now. ANet needs to force dungeon runners to take down all trash mobs, maybe then I could get into running dungeons.

Also, they could make it so you couldn’t drop what is supposed to be one of the hardest dungeon bosses in under 1m or soloable…that would help also lol.

(edited by Amun Ra.6435)

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Afya.5842


go kill the fire shaman in fotm lvl 48 with 0 reflect/guardian/mesmer/warrior.

you’re welcome


Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


As I said in the other thread calling for ‘harder’ content, we don’t need hard content for the simple sake of being hard. Its not even what we’re really after, since ‘hard’ content will simply result in some new gimmicky speed clear so people can get through it in what they feel is a ‘reasonable’ amount of time. They aren’t actually ‘playing’ the content, they are just racing to the shiney. Then they will just kitten some more that they need something ‘harder’ or just something ‘more.’ Because the beat the new ‘thing’ into the ground.

What we ‘want’ are things that inspire out of the box thinking, things that are ‘fun’ (and I use the term loosely), that inspire camaraderie, that invite us to group up and enjoy being with each other. Yes, SOME people find this enjoyment in speed clears, but not most. For most, imo, its about ATMOSPHERE, and that’s what we’re really missing. Some of our best memories come from group play…sometimes good, sometimes terrible. Some of the best times have come from failing, but having fun doing it with some great people made it worthwhile.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Afya.5842


I think what GW2 missing is complex game play in stead of hard. Take the Deep in GW1 for example. each room has its own effect and the first room separates a 12men team into 4 3-men group. If one group fail, other 3 will have to “solo” the first room boss and pick them up later.

Or a environmental effect of a KD every 5 seconds, that would requires people to bring antiKD. (of course that would give another edge to guardian, but just as an idea)

Or a frostbite effect that can be cleansen, that may make necro more useful.

I believe things like this would bring a more diverse gameplay than the DPS everything meta.

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


I think the only way to make truly challenging instances would be to force each group to bring certain tools throughout the map. This needs to vary so-as not to pigeonhole certain professions. In other words, don’t make mesmers a must to have in every group, or don’t make engineers especially weak with regards to the necessary tools. A fight that relies on group stacking projects for a phase, and then a phase rotating group rez skills, and then a boss that requires speedy movement, etc. Forcing players to rotate skills throughout an instance and work hand-in-hand to win (you block 1, I’ll block 2, you block 3, etc).

Also, I’d like to see more open instance layout with larger concentration of enemies, a la GW1 Fissure of Woe (FOW). A sweeping landscape with clumps of enemies would allow for more movement for evasion & kiting, which in turn would allow more mobs per fight. As it is, most dungeons areas force a bottleneck for trash fights.

Also, trash in “hard” content needs to be more challenging. As it is, most people just want to speed thru trash for their chest/boss. I remember in FOW that a party could wipe on trash if not properly played. The whole of the instance was a challenge, forcing slower progression with planning. This slower plod would require an incentive of course, granting multiple smaller chests along the way perhaps, or just better loot drop chances.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Hard content needed for gw2's longevity.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ratty.5176


OK, It doesn’t necessary have to be Harder Content. But more Engaging Content.

One of the issues with dungeons is they run the same every time you do it. This means that the team doesn’t have to react at all. They just need to learn how to run it and then do it over and over. Even making it harder doesn’t change this. It’s still just the case of learning how to do it and then repeating.

So what do we need. RANDOMNESS.

What causes teams most often issues. The Cave Troll Jumping out, the team having to react to it. The Dredge boss agroing on the lever puller, so the team has to change who is pulling.

Now how do we add this Randomness. Add a number of events to each dungeon that mean the team has to react and change what they are doing to deal with them. These could be a variety of things eg.

  1. The route through TA passageways changing.
  2. A breakable door sometimes appearing on a route you normally run. Meaning you have to deal with some of the mobs you are trailing
  3. Extra Bosses that give enough loot to make them worth killing appearing at certain points.
  4. Additional phases added to bosses occasionally, that change how the team has to deal with them (Imagine if the Ascalonian Captain didn’t always go Sword/Shield -> Staff -> Fiery Greatsword).
  5. Mobs not always being the same, imagine the Harpy Fractal where the 4 creatures were not always the same and some had combo finishers, fields and buff that could combine in different ways. Suddenly the fight becomes fresh every run.

(edited by Ratty.5176)