Mods: Please don’t merge this with a topic about putting hard content into the game or whether people want it or not, this is really a separate issue, that involves a problem with hard content in general, not specifically the hard content being or not being added to the game).
I’ve been thinking a lot about hard content, and I think I know where some of the disconnect is between me and other players. It’s not that I don’t want challenging content, so much as what challenging content has come to mean, and to some degree, why it has come to mean that.
I used to play RPGs back in the day and those games were quite challenging. But they weren’t challenging in the platforming sense and they weren’t challenging in the dodge timing sense, or the DPS check perfect rotation sense. That isn’t what I think of as challenging content, even though it challenges some people.
There used to be mental challenges in games. Things you could actually solve, and puzzle out, and work towards that didn’t require you to be aggressively spamming your keys, and that wouldn’t have mattered if you have a bit of lag. Face it a good percentage of the playerbase does get some kind of lag or latency making certain things in the game harder to do. Not impossible, but it’s certainly more challenging to do liadri with latency/lag than without it.
But that’s one type of challenging content. In my opinion the reason why the other type of challenging content is no longer offered by games is because of wikis and sites like Dulfy. They’re instantly passed for anyone who wants to look at them. The attention span people have has certainly gone down. More games to consume, easier to access means less time spent not only on a single game for many people but a single puzzle in a single game. Early games had puzzles you have to solve. Anyone who knows the evolution of the Tomb Raider series will remember how hard the puzzles were in the beginning and how it’s changed in later games.
I do want some challenging content. But I don’t want them in the form of an arcade game. I want something I can bend my mind against and beat mentally, like RPGs used to have. The closest thing we have in this game is figuring out how to craft Mawdrey or finding coins in Dry Top. But the coins in Drytop thing, there aren’t really clues, it’s just wandering around with your ctrl key down. Not much to figure out.
The problem is, a huge percentage of the population would end up going to the wiki to get the answers to any puzzle and it would take no time at all, and so for most players, the time to complete it would be like nothing and then they’d complain there’s no new content. But that’s the kind of challenging content I’d want to see. Stuff like the guild puzzles or better, even like the Mad King quest with the riddles where we had to figure out where to go. That was more fun for me than Liadri will ever be. I didn’t enjoy the Queen’s Gauntlet. I like different kinds of challenges.
Anyway just some thoughts about why saying I want challenging content isn’t enough. Because the stuff some people think of as challenging content others think of as either not challenging, or a waste of developer time.