Has GW2 ruined other mmo's ?
Same for me. I can’t go back to standard quests and static combats. I can’t go back to content that leads you around instead of giving you options. I can’t go back to worlds where NPCs tell me someone is attacking them but nothing is happening.
Whatever flaws some folks think that GW2 has, the alternative isn’t better.
implying any of this is a bad thing. MMOs are adapting to the new market and GW2 did it right first. eventually there will be other kinds of MMOs that have similar tactics with the buy for free to play. or they’ll die lol
i don’t think it did, wow still best mmo, & no i don’t play that game, but i love following some of it’s community. For me, best mmo will always be Gw1. sux that it had to die for gw2
I never played another mmo than gw1 (which isn’t one bla bla bla) and Tera’s beta which i fund was a laughable joke of a game. MMO standards are pretty low and outdated so i’d understand if someone couldn’t go back to stationary combat after gw2. GW2 did nothing to me, im as hyped for phantasy star online 2 as i was when this thing was announced for NA
The one thing that my previous MMO (Perfect World) lacked was combat. PvE was essentially all about repeating the highest DPS rotation ad nauseum, whereas PvP was dominated by the cash shoppers with top gear. Even if you were in the minority who had the best gear (which, for the record, costs thousands of $$), PvP was a massive CC spam, usually lost by whomever picked the worse time to use their immunity potions.
Honestly, even if all you added was the ability to move around while attacking, that would be a massive improvement. But GW2 goes beyond that. Instead of healing and high uptime on damage immunities, you have dodges and actually taking advantage of attack range.
Other than that, the whole buy-to-play thing is another big bonus. I belong to the category of people who will not pay a subscription fee, not because I couldn’t afford it, but because I don’t think it’s right for me to pay for “access” to a game. Add to that the fact that most free-to-play MMORPGs come with a heavy lean on their cash shops, often resulting in the best gear being unavailable or unrealistic to get without spending money on it.
I don’t think I can go back to playing a game where your combat consists of walking up to a monster and using skills, being completely unable to move around.
(edited by Olba.5376)
Yes, it has ruined other MMORPG for me, by virtue of being a good MMORPG that I don’t spend a dime constantly. The combat not so much since, I have been playing action games for a long long time.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
In my case it’s more like other MMOs ruined other MMOs for me.
The only other one I’ve played in years is GW1 because something always put me off the others, usually something which GW2 doesn’t do. The subscription fee is a big part of it but also the fact that so many feel like a massive time sink or have things I really don’t want to deal with in my games like open-world PvP or kill stealing.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Same for me. I can’t go back to standard quests and static combats. I can’t go back to content that leads you around instead of giving you options. I can’t go back to worlds where NPCs tell me someone is attacking them but nothing is happening.
Whatever flaws some folks think that GW2 has, the alternative isn’t better.
Wish more people realize this ^^ soon !
No other game out there right now (yes NOT even wow) comes close to what gw2 has to offer in terms of quality and sheer fun factor.
Same for me. I can’t go back to standard quests and static combats. I can’t go back to content that leads you around instead of giving you options. I can’t go back to worlds where NPCs tell me someone is attacking them but nothing is happening.
Whatever flaws some folks think that GW2 has, the alternative isn’t better.
Wish more people realize this ^^ soon !
No other game out there right now (yes NOT even wow) comes close to what gw2 has to offer in terms of quality and sheer fun factor.
Yes, opinions are nice. Problem is we all have different opinions and some people have problems separating them from facts
WoW is regarded the pinnacle of MMO’s by many: To me it was stale and mediocre.
And no: GW2 did not ‘ruin’ other games to me. The only thing it DID actually ruin was a lot of the hopes and faith A-net left me with through 6-7 years of Guild Wars (you know… the original CORPG game).
GW2 is a nice game. They even appear to at least try to avoid/limit many of the usual sad/boring ‘MMO-staple’ mechanics based on time>skill. I like that, but trust me: If ANY new MMORPG, CORPG, MOBA, whatever your favourite acronym is, manages to implement 2% more of the stuff I loved in Guild Wars than GW2 does: I am out of here without ever looking back!
Has GW2 ruined other mmo’s ? Nope not really .
Both GW1 and GW2 “ruined” other MMOs for me.
Rift ruined other MMOs for me. GW2 has it’s highlights and I do enjoy WvW, but overall this game is terrible.
Stormbluff Isle
Im posting before reading..
WoW ruined MMOs.
Edit: Ok, after reading… Well, GW2 opened up the exploration factor, the gorgeous landscape, dynamic content, and the attempt at horizontal progression even though the game leads more toward grind and gear grind these days. I wouldnt say it ruined other MMOs for me, but I look at other Free to play games, like Neverwinter and I see large differences like the quality of movement and smoothness, things like that. A game like neverwinter which is completely free to download and play, has no barriers in terms of $$. Bank space gets annoying, but it does in this game too. Other than that, you must accept that neverwinter is a different style game: Heavily instanced, mini dungeons, awsome awsome mobs. Other free 2 play games have their own nichés so I don’t think that gw2 ruined it. But when I play these games, they dont compare with the gorgeous landscape and exploration factor…
(edited by cesmode.4257)
when i first tried gw2 beta i was playing tera and i had felt that tera had ruined the gw2 experience for me. i felt as if i was running in mud when i switched from tera to gw2.
now that i main gw2 its the same effect to other games.
point is if you play another game youll get used to it. even if play some old game like perfect world after playing gw2, youll get used to it.
Rift ruined other MMOs for me. GW2 has it’s highlights and I do enjoy WvW, but overall this game is terrible.
What’s so good in Rift? legit question cuz i never tried it but keep hearing about it
Rift ruined other MMOs for me. GW2 has it’s highlights and I do enjoy WvW, but overall this game is terrible.
What’s so good in Rift? legit question cuz i never tried it but keep hearing about it
My favorite thing about it was the build freedom. You didn’t have to worry about stats (stats were uniform unlike this game); you created your build by choosing skills from 3 different souls(these could be considered similar to traits line although souls also gave you your active skills) and each class (mage, warrior, cleric, rogue) had 9 different souls (or 10 if you’re talking post Storm Legion) that were tailored to different roles. You could also slot as many skills as you wanted as well (You could have 6+ skills bars with 12 slots each). Then on top of that if you wanted to nudge your build in a certain direction you would put points into your planar attunement which gave you small passive bonuses.
I also love the trinity and raiding/vertical gear progression which Rift did very well. The raids and dungeons are interesting and bosses actually have different mechanics that make for difficult and varying fights.
The one other thing that became very noticeable after playing GW2 was that in Rift you were actually rewarded appropriately and not with the pittances they throw at you in GW2.
Stormbluff Isle
EQ and WoW ruined MMOs for me. I played both for 5+ years because I had friends that played. I have no friends that play GW2 so I find myself rarely logging in. And this day in age the social aspect for most MMOs is gone and I find it hard to make friends in game.
But that’s just me.
Rift is a nice functional game too. I liked the soulsystem and even bought a digital collectors ed. version when it came out. Was subbed for 3 months… Game was as gear-dependant and almost as stale as WoW.
1 month in I was back at Guild Wars. (Subbed @Rift for 3 months due to its “founder packs” and the fact that Trion is an overall nice company)
I may revisit, afterall its now F2P, unless everyone are still no-combo, skillrooted raiders in a wasteland where all dynamic invasions are best avoided because a single player cant finish them?
Rift is a nice functional game too. I liked the soulsystem and even bought a digital collectors ed. version when it came out. Was subbed for 3 months… Game was as gear-dependant and almost as stale as WoW.
1 month in I was back at Guild Wars. (Subbed @Rift for 3 months due to its “founder packs” and the fact that Trion is an overall nice company)
I may revisit, afterall its now F2P, unless everyone are still no-combo, skillrooted raiders in a wasteland where all dynamic invasions are best avoided because a single player cant finish them?
I haven’t played in some time but Trion pretty much destroyed Rift when they introduced Storm Legion in order to appeal to more casual players. Going F2P doesn’t bode well either. But as I stopped shortly after Storm Legion came out it could be better now, I don’t know for certain.
Stormbluff Isle
The combat in Rift is the worst. The amount of content and things to do trumps any game, however.
GW2 ruined questing in other games for me, aside from Neverwinter…was actually fun in that game too.
Gw2’s world ruined all other worlds for me because GW2’s world is a stud.
I’ve always hated mmos that called themselves rpgs. RPG ain’t a set of mechanics, copied from a system, copied from a system, that was copied from a system introduced back when people only had pencil, paper and dice.
Will see on August 2nd if SOE, of all people, have learned how to make a proper mmorpg.
I’ve had a lot of fun with GW2, but it is also lacking a lot of competition in the genre. A lot of MMOs tend to stick to a policy of ‘quantity>quality’, and while GW2 has lots of the latter, it could use a lot more of the former. Doing so in addition to knocking out some of it’s ‘MMO kinks’ would help it out a lot.
I don’t think I can go back to playing a game where your combat consists of walking up to a monster and using skills, being completely unable to move around.
Not that this is really a bad thing, it depends on how the game is structured. You couldn’t move while using any skill in GW1, and the game was catered around that. Being able to gauge when to fight or flight was a key skill at moments.
Same thing in Demon’s/Dark Souls. You could deliver a pretty painful combo, but you’d have to keep in mind that you couldn’t move while doing so, requiring you to pinpoint key moments where it’s safe to attack.
In all honesty, the buy to play business model of GW1 and GW2 is what ruined other MMOs for me. Call me old, but I refuse to ever pay a sub for a game again. It just makes me feel like I HAVE TO log in and play in order to get the most bang for my buck.
In all honesty, the buy to play business model of GW1 and GW2 is what ruined other MMOs for me. Call me old, but I refuse to ever pay a sub for a game again. It just makes me feel like I HAVE TO log in and play in order to get the most bang for my buck.
This is mainly why I’m not much a fan of how their implementing their ‘temporary content’. In WoW, I felt ‘heavily encouraged’ to ‘enjoy’ new content as much as I can so I could immediately experience the content aftewards. The same applies to GW2, not so I’m ‘up to date’ for the newer content, but because the content I’m experiencing won’t stay for long.
I can understand them attempting to create that feeling of a ‘living world’, but I’d be more than willing to suspend my disbelief (kinda have to for a whole lot, anyways) so I could replay the content, and allow many others to experience it for the first time.
GW2´s art style/quality and game-play makes is almost impossible for me to go back to the ancient LotRO engine.
Though if things get too crazy in here, I´ll just have to bite the bullet I guess.
Rift ruined other MMOs for me. GW2 has it’s highlights and I do enjoy WvW, but overall this game is terrible.
What’s so good in Rift? legit question cuz i never tried it but keep hearing about it
it’s good for lazies that want everything to proc of a percentage based stat rather than actually moving out of the way of the attack. if you played wow don’t bother with rift same kitten different smell and color.
It has for me a bit. Recently I had a go with Neverwinter. Now, all in all, Neverwinter’s not a bad f2p MMO, the combat is fun and the Foundry is excellent, but it really just felt “last gen” to me – and I couldn’t stand the heavily instanced nature of it. I loves me the free-roaming open world feeling I get with GW2.
Contrary to what a lot of people have said, GW2 is a rgeat game…for what it is.
They brought to the table some truly innovative ideas. Others are somewhat meh.
Has it ruined other MMOs for me? Yes and no.
Yes, because everything els that’s out there are copies of the same old mechanics doing the same old thing. GW2 brought some things to the table that are fresh and different, and put some of the more “usual” mechanics together in such a way as to be entertaining.
No, because in truth, there will be something come along some day that will blow GW2 out if the water. Whether it be this year, next year, or next decade, there will be something better some day. It’s the nature of the game, no pun intended.
For now, I am enjoying GW2. With all of its problems and issues, it is still hands down the best out there RIGHT NOW.
I am an old schooler… Played UO and loved it… It was back before you could use dulfy etc… Hell wiki wasn’t even invented yet. You couldn’t look things up like you can now.
I have played them all. Every MMO that is at least popular.
I will tell you this…. Everyone copied w0w.
What blizzard did put the face of MMO’S on their back.
For once…
It’s nice to see someone give them a run for their money.
Games will now compete with the standards that GW2 sets.
Other games are already doing it now.
And rightfully so.
GW2 hasn’t ruined other MMO’s…
They are a BIG branch in that MMO tree that will make them all better.
While I very much enjoy GW2, it still doesn’t compare to my favorite MMO which I judge all others by, Lord of the Rings online. I enjoy the world, the content available, the classes, and the graphics.
Plus the music is great, and there has never been a community as awesome as the one found in LotRo.
So no, GW2 has not ruined other MMOs for me. It does things I like, but it is missing something that I can’t quite put my finger on.
Not at all.
I enjoyed the game at the beginning, getting 2 charterers to 80. After that it is just so kitten repetitive, and with the introduction of Ascended/fractal, endless gem store events, with all account bound stuff and rewards. To find myself falling behind and not able to catch up.
Honestly the only thing this game has it perfect imo is the art style specifically character animation, is just very well done.
Moved to Neverwinter (amazing combat system tbh), there are few interesting games that most probably will blow this game off soon enough. Best game I ever played is GW1 and GW2 is a total disgrace compared to it.
— Gwen
Thanks for all this feedback.
I guess for me, I like to be able to play A game for as long as I like which I found I couldn’t do with other mmo’s.
Once again I will use DC Universe as an example.
When starting off in DC Universe, the storyline and gameplay is terrific. However, when that ends you are pretty much forced to do instances and such with other people.
Here is where the problem begins with that system. EVERYONE has to play their role in order to advance. Well, everyone would not always play their role as they should which would result in huge in game arguments which would pretty destroy the mission you all were doing. Now when I say, PLAY YOUR ROLE this meant the healer would have to heal, the controller would have to give power, and the tank and dps would have to, well you get the idea. If one of these roles weren’t played correct, the mission is null and void.
I have yet to run into that playing GW2 because there are no specific roles. You don’t have to depend on a healer to stay alive. People can’t leave you hanging as easy as I have noticed in other mmo’s like, Yes you guessed it, DC Universe.
If DC Universe took on the same game mechanics as GW2, the game would be just as great.
Not a problem at all. Most people like variety in their games. I still play SNES games even though there are much newer and different games out there.
I love the idea of an MMO but I never found one that I liked. They all seemed so bland and boring to me. Then I decided to try GW2 and now I have faith in the genre again :P
MMOs have been ruined by the themepark mentality (wow wannabes) and oversimplification long before Guild Wars 2. GW2 just makes the themepark more accessible, but it still has all the warts of the all games in the genre and has created a few of its own. That said, it’s not as bad as most other MMOs.
GW2 has made me appreciate the endgame content traditional MMOs offer, that’s about it. Nothing in GW2 compares to the feeling of completing a raid for the first time with a guild, absolutely nothing.
No, absolutely not. GW2 was one of my favorites and is a cute little game. It lacks a lot of the robust features that I enjoy from other MMOs though.
Yup it did. I can’t go back to other MMOs because I’m used to the Leveling and Combat System, it’s always fun. Static combat and the linear leveling path held me off to return to my beloved Lord of the Rings online. That game is unique, always will be, but Gw2 is modern and more attractive. It’s like leaving your girlfriend for a prettier woman.
Rift ruined other MMOs for me. GW2 has it’s highlights and I do enjoy WvW, but overall this game is terrible.
What’s so good in Rift? legit question cuz i never tried it but keep hearing about it
The amount of choice in builds and playstyles in Rift leaves this game for dead. It’s not even close.
After the amazing success of GW1 relatively speaking, GW2 has turned out to be quite a pedestrian successor (except for the art style/direction, which are fantastic). They basically removed all the best aspects of GW1 (player choice, diverse and complex combat mechanics, skill capturing) and then copy/pasted a bunch of stuff direct from WOW (talent tree, totally pedestrian AI, gear-based progression, simplified class system) while adding some of the worst thought-out mechanics in the history of MMOs (downed state, unlimited rallying).
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
Rift ruined other MMOs for me. GW2 has it’s highlights and I do enjoy WvW, but overall this game is terrible.
What’s so good in Rift? legit question cuz i never tried it but keep hearing about it
The amount of choice in builds and playstyles in Rift leaves this game for dead. It’s not even close.
After the amazing success of GW1 relatively speaking, GW2 has turned out to be quite a pedestrian successor (except for the art style/direction, which are fantastic). They basically removed all the best aspects of GW1 (player choice, diverse and complex combat mechanics, skill capturing) and then copy/pasted a bunch of stuff direct from WOW (talent tree, totally pedestrian AI, gear-based progression, simplified class system) while adding some of the worst thought-out mechanics in the history of MMOs (downed state, unlimited rallying).
My experience with Rift was quite different. While there are a lot more skills, the fact that everyone pretty much macros them into a few buttons and the fact that there are good “accepted” builds that get you into groups means you have lots of options in theory but few options in reality. There are only one or two builds that allow you to get into groups.
And the gear grind, end game raid focus made Rift just another WoW clone. The forums called it WoW 2.0 while I was on them and I can see why.
If I wanted to play WoW, I’d play it.
The one thing I like about GW2 right now is the gear threadmill, end game Armor/weapon are easy to come by. If you want good skin? grind for it.
In other games, you grind for the end game. 2 months later new gears come out. Grind again. 1 months later, new expansion, you gear are useless.
While Legendary weapon are complete grindfest, it’s a one time grind not a grind every time a new patch come by.
Also even if you grinded for a nice skin and new end game gear comes out, you can alway get the easy to get ugly skin and transmute you own nice skin you grinded for.
Not for me. When I prefer a meaningful world, story, content updates, and characterization, I still play other MMOs.
However, for the times when I don’t care much for any of the above, and I am in the faceroll, “just-want-to-see-pretty-lights-and-colors” mood, I find GW2 sorta entertaining.
GW2 is the only MMO release since WoW that has been in the same ballpark as far as polish, attention to detail, and general quality.
GW2’s pace of content release puts all competitors to shame. That is the main factor that ruins other MMOs for me – the expectation that I will have to pay a $15/month sub, or suffer an exploitative cash shop, and still get less content updates than GW2 gives me for nothing more than the box price I paid nearly a year ago.
GW2 is not perfect, it could be improved, and it doesn’t stop me from looking at yet-to-be-launched MMOs with interest. But there is no doubt that it has significantly raised the bar than a game has to reach to keep me as a long-term player.
Actually, yep. I quit WoW not too long ago just because I couldn’t stand to go back to it after GW2. I never knew what “clunky” referred to until I played WoW after my initial GW2 playing. It didn’t help that GW2 got me used to the mentality of “If I dodge and heal correctly, I can solo stuff beyond my level or large groups of my level” while WoW had a motto of something more like “engage more than 2 enemies your level, and you’ll likely die.” Even small things like waypoints vs. flight paths, or the graphics of the two games, made WoW just painful to persist in.
Ferguson’s Crossing
i don’t think it did, wow still best mmo, & no i don’t play that game, but i love following some of it’s community. For me, best mmo will always be Gw1. sux that it had to die for gw2
If you like cartoonish games then WoW is for you. GW2 may not be the best but it beats WoW IMO.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I don’t think I will say it has ruined other MMOs for me, but it has definitely raised the bar for what an MMO must have for me to get into it.
I can no longer get into MMOs that:
1. Have a static world. The dynamic events in GWII really makes the world feel alive, even if some of them restart way too quickly
2. Have static combat. Action orientated combat is a must for me now.
3. Have a subscription model.
4. Have exclamation mark quests. I want to explore the world and have the quest come to me. Sadly this means I will never be able to play Wildstar.
5. Forces me to grind in order to get into PvP. The PvP in GWII may not be the best, but it definitely has the best system ever. Everyone is max level, has the same gear and all spells unlocked? Yes please!
6. Doesn’t allow me to level up with freedom. The list of things that you can do to level up in GWII is ridicolously long compared to other games.
7. Has a short view distance. Does it really matter that there are no loading screens between zones if the view distance is so short that you can’t see the next zone until you are in it?
The only major problems I have with GWII are:
1. You can’t change your race.
2. There are no items that turn you into other races and allows you to fight as that race while in combat.
3. There are only two “sets” of items you can swap to. Why can’t I have multiple sets of armour that I can swap to when I feel like it? I’m a skin collector so this is such a pain for me.
4. You can’t transmute town clothes with normal armour.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
(edited by Naus the Gobbo.5172)
Rift ruined other MMOs for me. GW2 has it’s highlights and I do enjoy WvW, but overall this game is terrible.
What’s so good in Rift? legit question cuz i never tried it but keep hearing about it
My favorite thing about it was the build freedom. You didn’t have to worry about stats (stats were uniform unlike this game); you created your build by choosing skills from 3 different souls(these could be considered similar to traits line although souls also gave you your active skills) and each class (mage, warrior, cleric, rogue) had 9 different souls (or 10 if you’re talking post Storm Legion) that were tailored to different roles. You could also slot as many skills as you wanted as well (You could have 6+ skills bars with 12 slots each). Then on top of that if you wanted to nudge your build in a certain direction you would put points into your planar attunement which gave you small passive bonuses.
I also love the trinity and raiding/vertical gear progression which Rift did very well. The raids and dungeons are interesting and bosses actually have different mechanics that make for difficult and varying fights.
The one other thing that became very noticeable after playing GW2 was that in Rift you were actually rewarded appropriately and not with the pittances they throw at you in GW2.
^ This
(Keep in mind I mostly play GW2 and enjoy it.)
Ok that said, when Rift went F2P I tried it out, what you say is true every bit I actually really like Rift the rewards are very nice in that game but not common enough to be useless its a great balance. The LFG system is fantastic as well for dungeons and instant adventures. My beef with it though is the graphics for some odd reason I can only run Rift on lowish while I run GW2 on high with a better performance, makes no sense but low settings on Rift look bad and it kills me to go from this to that.
No, not really. GW2 is very different from the generic MMO. But it dsnt make the generic MMO bad. I miss the holy trinity, I miss raiding, I miss how your class was unique, with its own role. I miss mounts. I miss the PvP there. I miss being a caster, and a healer. So no, GW2 didnt ruin the other MMOs for me, should I say it made them even more attractive?! Maybe. I like GW2 for its own features tho.
At this time.. this question is a bit invalid. I would guess that many who tried GW2 at launch were already looking for a “new” MMO, their old ones already having ruined themselves somewhat. Some did not find what they were looking for, went back, moved on, and asking this now.. honestly.. most people who find GW2 did not “ruin” other MMOs are not here to post that.
The biggest discussion left is among ANET fans who are fine with GW2 and those who wish to see a “wee bit” more of “what we loved about GW1” (or a lot).
I would hope that ANET cares far less about supposedly “ruining” other MMOs and concentrates crafting a better game going forward. In any field, if all you look at is beating the “other guy” you are limiting your own potential.
For too long publishers have been puppies chasing the WoW automobile and not thinking about what to do when they finally catch it.
Also, the sphere of what you do matters. For people who like Jumping Puzzles in an MMO, well yes, GW2 pretty much ruined the field. However, if you like in depth crafting/merchantile systems, Homes and home decorating, Creating player made dungeons, collecting and using mounts, doing multi-group instance raiding, contesting world bosses..trinity.. etc.. well then no, GW2 ruined nothing in MMOs that offer those.. because they don’t offer them at all.