Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gmotagi.3641


As it is right now only people who want to grind & craft have the possibility to get a legendary. What are you going to do to allow people like me who spend pretty much all their time in WvW to get one to? I really dislike crafting and I have a life so I wont farm the ridiciolus amount of mats that are currently needed. But I’ve paid for this game so how about some mechanic to allow me to get one as well.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Eventually at some point you will see Ascended weapons added to the game and there will be a way to obtain them through WvW. They will have the same stats as legendary weapons

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xaaz.8472


No farm, no grind = no legendary.

Leave the life argument out of it. You have time to spend in WvW so you have time to play. If you choose not to grind or craft then you also choose not to get a legendary.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


The general idea was this would take a significant amount of time like a year or more to make so it wouldnt feel like a grind. Obviously some people have made a big grind for themselves and got one early, fair enough, but its not forced on us to do nor expected.

Having said that, its an interesting point. I see no reason why a pvp legendary couldnt be introduced, obviously as long as it wasnt a shortcut to the normal way. Maybe a combination of achievements, fort captures, badges etc. maybe combined with spvp too.

I loathe all forms of pvp, but clearly wvw from what i see attracts a sizeable community base. A second legendary path for those players seems a reasonable discussion point?

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


Your commitment to getting a legendary must be … legendary. Otherwise, you don’t qualify. That’s all there is to it.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bashful Heart Bear.1953

Bashful Heart Bear.1953

You don’t get to have a legendary if you don’t want to grind for it.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


You are not one of their “most dedicated players”. Don’t worry, neither am I apparently.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sera.6539


As it is right now only people who want to grind & craft have the possibility to get a legendary. What are you going to do to allow people like me who spend pretty much all their time in WvW to get one to? I really dislike crafting and I have a life so I wont farm the ridiciolus amount of mats that are currently needed. But I’ve paid for this game so how about some mechanic to allow me to get one as well.

A good majority of the legendary will require gold, as even pure farming for some items is over the top. Seeing as you get money (albeit low amount) from WvW, you would eventually be able to purchase some of the stuff. Doesn’t help with the 500 (not much at all) dungeon tokens, but if you don’t want to farm tons of mats or gold, then you won’t get legendary.

Just paying for the game does not entitle you to a legendary. You choose not to do certain aspects, so you choose not to get a legendary.

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

(edited by Sera.6539)

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Anet has stated that in the future there will be “treasure hunt” type legendaries you can get so until then you’re s.o.l.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Anet has stated that in the future there will be “treasure hunt” type legendaries you can get so until then you’re s.o.l.

Actually, the treasure hunt activities will be to obtain precursors, not legendaries. However, that will be a significant cost of the RNG/gold grind for legendaries removed.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Volomon.9147


Legendaries are not a requirement, you are not required to have it. The game didn’t come with it either. Just cause you bought the game doesn’t mean you get everything there is to offer with no effort. To many spoiled gamers. I seriously dislike the legendary diaper syndrome that is floating around in the community. Anet is not here to give you a changing and a new golden diaper.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Norelation.3067


Legendary weapons show a mastery of all mechanics in the game. They’re also meant to be a long term goal, a holy grail. These things exist in real life too. Wanna go to med school? Be prepared to grind through a whole lot of college time. Wanna be a lawyer? Be prepared to grind through college and then law school. Yes, this is a game, it’s meant as an escape, I agree. However, the whole legendary mechanic was designed with this in mind.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

I had zero interest in legendaries, and am still quite surprised that people got into a “Legendary Wall”. I honestly don’t believe the majority reached any such wall, and while I’ll still play (although I am less than enthused), I just choose to do so without that element in my gaming experience. Exotics shall be the ceiling for me, even though I do consirer myself dedicated-I am just not as efficient as most, taking my time with everything, doing it at my own pace/leisure. I would recommend to not worry too much about such Legendaries, as even one is too expensive and are (were…) meant to be achieved over a long, long time.

To those who say it’s about putting a “Legendary effort” to get legendaries, and compare it to getting college degrees, well, this isn’t life. I never intended to go to GW2 College anyway, as not everybody wants to get such degrees in real life either (I do have a Master’s, I am mostly referring to the above comparison, life vs game.) It DOESN’T mean, though, that we do not succeed/seek to succeed-we just do so in our own way.

I don’t see the appeal of Legendaries, quite honestly. My Fiery Dragon Sword, Exotic version, is quite “leet” for my purposes.

No offense intended, as it’s OK for others to lust after those weapons-just not me.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malefactor.2971


Legendary weapons show a mastery of all mechanics in the game. They’re also meant to be a long term goal, a holy grail. These things exist in real life too. Wanna go to med school? Be prepared to grind through a whole lot of college time. Wanna be a lawyer? Be prepared to grind through college and then law school. Yes, this is a game, it’s meant as an escape, I agree. However, the whole legendary mechanic was designed with this in mind.

Getting a Legendary should show a mastery of all mechanics in the game, as of this moment it does not. It’s flat out dependent on massive grind and RNG.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kineticdamage.6279


Others have said it well, but the level of entitlement is so ridiculous that I have to say it too :

I really dislike crafting and I have a life so I wont farm the ridiciolus amount of mats that are currently needed.

This means that you are not legendary.
Therefore you don’t deserve anything legendary.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


How do you kill that which has no life?

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

Others have said it well, but the level of entitlement is so ridiculous that I have to say it too :

I really dislike crafting and I have a life so I wont farm the ridiciolus amount of mats that are currently needed.

This means that you are not legendary.
Therefore you don’t deserve anything legendary.

I agree that nobody should feel entitled to Legendaries; however, it has nothing to do with us “being Legendary”, for some of us don’t give a darn whether others think of us as “Legendary” by having a cute/unique skin. I’ll honestly don’t think people that have/will get legendaries as anything legendary-they just played the game long enough and/or bought some of the required stuff (which is OK if that’s their wish.) It doesn’t make anyone better than any other, which is why I don’t care for them in the first place vs the time/effort required for them (maybe in two years for me, that will be quite OK if I have tons of gold by then and don’t need anything else-my alts require upkeep as well, you know?) So yes, not everybody should have access to Legendaries if they don’t even play, but it is proof of nothing “legendary” about others or ourselves.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kineticdamage.6279


@Star Ace : I was speaking in game’s terms
So yes, acquiring a legendary proves that a character is legendary, sorry
From that point, if you don’t want to extend that attribute to the player himself, that’s your choice.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drifter.8453


..and what makes you so special for aNet just to give you one, with no effort on your part? You want a Legendary you either have to work for one or buy one like everybody else has to. You apparently have plenty of time for WvW, then take that time, and put it in the Legendary.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gmotagi.3641


You are missing my point. Why does getting a legendry have to be just about gathering vast amounts of mats? Whats so legenday about that? WOuldnt it be more legendary to have kill 10000 kills in wvw? or some other mechanic. I think thats more legendary than killing the same mob over and over or randomly throwing stuff in the forge.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xaaz.8472


No, and I’ll give you examples.

Warhammer – Keep trading all day to obtain event loot and rank
SWTOR – Kill trading in Ilum to get rank

Those are just two examples that took all of 30 seconds to remember that players will abuse to take the easy route.

Sorry, if you only want to play a small portion of the game, you don’t get a legendary. I hear WoW hands out plenty of gear for the entitled.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


How do you kill that which has no life?

That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.

Legendaries should be just that, a legendary achievement. Those that expect an easy path need to manage their expectations. I knew from launch that a legendary would he a long term goal for me that I would do at my own pace as a natural progression not a “must have now” grind that could burn me out. I just wish I didn’t have to do the whole gearing up thing again after I got my exotics. I could deal with legendary weapons, but Ascended gear is going to be BiS and now there will be confirmed gear creep in the future.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Langley.9205


I really hate Legendary weapons and love them at the same time. Thing is that back in my WoW years getting legendary weapon meant that u will be OP. I don’t think it’s the issue here. Also it meant time consuming mat grinding or parts farming which could take from months to years cuz they had like 0,000000000000000001% drop rate or every person was acctually lurking on them.

While time consuming part is alive and well, way to acctually get the weapon isn’t hard or unclear or much chance dependant. Moreover, every class can get one. So my point is: do u really want it? Time consuming part is ok, if u think about it. It’s legendary weapon after all, and it wouldn’t be much legendary if everyone would have one, right?