Have I wasted my money?
Only you can be the judge of if you wasted your money. It appears you enjoy the game as you came to the forums to write a lengthy post about it, so I would say no you probably didn’t waste your money.
Only you can be the judge of if you wasted your money. It appears you enjoy the game as you came to the forums to write a lengthy post about it, so I would say no you probably didn’t waste your money.
True I really shouldn’t be griping as much as I am since it has no monthly fee. I’m just used to the monthly fee mindset. I need to get that out of my head at some point. Where I am having fun, I just don’t play it a bunch cause I really have no one to hang out with. Sure I can go make new friends, but that would take time to find people at different hours that I play. Cause my sleep is always all over the place.. Thats what makes a good guild easier for me and since I can not find one .. I just feel like at some point I wasted my money on a mmo that plays kinda like a single player game .. cause I really have no one eles to play with.
Sure as I said before I can try to muster a small force of friends to play with, but finding people as said to be on when I am is a pain cause of my sleep habbits. (I’m normally sleeping now, but I’m wide awake, but tomorrow I’ll most likely be sleeping around now..)
A MMO’s longevity is dictated largerly by having a good guild of people.
Any MMO will last very little alone or with a quickstart with MMO-zappers who will let you alone in a month, my advice is try to get a good tight-knit guild, or you’ll soon accumulate frustration and beef the ranks of forum complainers.
Seriously, GW2 is a blast even after 800 hours if you play it with good people.
A MMO’s longevity is dictated largerly by having a good guild of people.
Any MMO will last very little alone or with a quickstart with MMO-zappers who will let you alone in a month, my advice is try to get a good tight-knit guild, or you’ll soon accumulate frustration and beef the ranks of forum complainers.Seriously, GW2 is a blast even after 800 hours if you play it with good people.
Thats the thing about trying to find a good guild. I guess its just my bad luck, I’ve never had so much trouble finding a guild in a mmo before. As I said every time I think I found a good one, people scatter to other guilds cause its so easy to do so in this game.
There isn’t very much of a guild structure in GW2, and it is to the detriment of the game. There’s no reason to play with others, it fosters playing alone.
The chief reason is there is no form of guild/team progression like raiding… there’s no reason for your guild to get together and play together so… you get what we have here: an amazing world with no purpose to be in it. I’ve moved on long ago.
There isn’t very much of a guild structure in GW2, and it is to the detriment of the game. There’s no reason to play with others, it fosters playing alone.
The chief reason is there is no form of guild/team progression like raiding… there’s no reason for your guild to get together and play together so… you get what we have here: an amazing world with no purpose to be in it. I’ve moved on long ago.
True that there is not much of a guild structure in GW2 I agree on that part. But your wrong about the progression part. Sure most guilds are there for the progression and raiding, but the guilds I was in in other mmos (save for a few) wasn’t built around progression based terms, sure they wanted to work on it, but it wasn’t that, that made me and others stay. It was the kitten things we did .. IE Naked runs through places, sitting around town doing silly things… Other random things.
Just as I already said, its just to easy for people to go to other guilds … Oh I like guild A .. and they check out guild B cause they offer something guild A doesn’t and they find out they reather stick with guild B.
Most games that cost a flat $60, you’re lucky to get 50 hours out of.
If you get more than 100 hours out of it, I would say at least in my eyes it was well worth the price you paid for it.
As you mentioned thou OP, the game does have a very high turn over rate because it really lacks any substantial end game at the moment. It offers what its contemporaries offer and to steal a phrase I once saw on the swtor boards ’You can’t beat WoW at being WoW’.
There needs to be more activities to do at 80 besides dungeons and pvp, things that engage both the solo player and the guild player.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Most games that cost a flat $60, you’re lucky to get 50 hours out of.
If you get more than 100 hours out of it, I would say at least in my eyes it was well worth the price you paid for it.
As you mentioned thou OP, the game does have a very high turn over rate because it really lacks any substantial end game at the moment. It offers what its contemporaries offer and to steal a phrase I once saw on the swtor boards ‘You can’t beat WoW at being WoW’.
There needs to be more activities to do at 80 besides dungeons and pvp, things that engage both the solo player and the guild player.
Where it could use more things to do at 80 cause thats why most of the friends wondered off at the moment (hell myself I don’t have a level 80 so I can’t really speak on it myself other than what I heard .. Now people can see where my large chunk of time has been spent .. ya I love goofing off and trying classes out) I still want to point out what I’ve been pointing out. The multi-guild issue, it doesn’t take a great end game or lack of it to make a good guild as I said.
There isn’t very much of a guild structure in GW2, and it is to the detriment of the game. There’s no reason to play with others, it fosters playing alone.
The chief reason is there is no form of guild/team progression like raiding… there’s no reason for your guild to get together and play together so… you get what we have here: an amazing world with no purpose to be in it. I’ve moved on long ago.
True that there is not much of a guild structure in GW2 I agree on that part. But your wrong about the progression part. Sure most guilds are there for the progression and raiding, but the guilds I was in in other mmos (save for a few) wasn’t built around progression based terms, sure they wanted to work on it, but it wasn’t that, that made me and others stay. It was the kitten things we did .. IE Naked runs through places, sitting around town doing silly things… Other random things.
Just as I already said, its just to easy for people to go to other guilds … Oh I like guild A .. and they check out guild B cause they offer something guild A doesn’t and they find out they reather stick with guild B.
That’s just the point – there is no glue to keep guilds working together and progression is that glue. Wether you do it or not, it’s the foundation and it’s utterly missing in GW2.
For what it’s worth, don’t stress out about it. Give the game a couple of months, I think it will get better with the hints of changes Anet have given. There are a few things that would drive people away leading to this situation such as the loot issues, areas not being overly active, but hopefully things will change and give both guilds and higher level characters more of a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Also, do you play WvW? In games like this I normally don’t join groups but found a good guild which is always participating in WvW so there is always something to do and still lots of people online to party with in WvW even if your not in a guild.
Regardless, good luck with whatever you decide.
- John Smith
Waste your money? Nah.
However saying that, this game is solo friendly to an extreme and does not seem to encourage lasting bonds. If you want a more social atmosphere, this is not the MMO for you.
I have definitely gotten my monies worth from the game. The problem I see with some people is that they take 1 character to max level and feel they have done all there is to do and I think they are short changing themselves.
But I am an alt-aholic, I like playing every profession and exploring every inch of the game world, not just rushing through on a high level character using a website to tell me where all the POIs and such are located but genuinely exploring, as I level. The game world is beautiful, with lots of little surprises hidden away all over the place.
Anet spent a load of time to make the leveling experience a good one and I feel that too many players have the WoW mentality of rushing to end game expecting there to be more to do than leveling.
This is just my opinion and I know people have different views than I do, but this is what an MMO is supposed to be, a leveling experience to be savored, not an end game rush to get the best gear as quick as possible (Thanks WoW /sarcasm) and with no monthly sub, GW2 doesn’t force you to feel you are getting your sub fee’s worth of end game content.
The game is 4 months old, there will be more content that will cost nothing extra to experience. There is nothing wrong with taking breaks from the game to allow content to be added, since there is no monthly sub.
if you’ve had more hours of enjoying this then about 20 then yes, since that is the standard single player game length and even if you leave it now, this game will have served a cool experience.
If you bought the game with the intention of playing a true sequel to GW1. You wasted your money.
If you bought the game for entertainment value and feel like you have played 60$-150$ worth of value. You did not waste your money.
I wasted my money.
Over 1200 hours here. Found my guild at about 300 hours or so. I was actually strolling around Queensdale after hitting lv80 on my second toon, when I /mapped asking for a small guild. Accepted the first one I received. I’ve always felt that was a great stroke of luck. Luckiest I’ve been in this game.
My guild isn’t big. We actually only have about 10 people who play everyday. It’s even quieter right now because of Christmas. We dungeon, WvW, clear zones, sit around Cities talking on mumble. Everything everyday. We’re all content in the guild. Even those that have been gone lately due to reasons in RL, we all know what they’re doing, because we keep in touch with most of them.
Progression can be a glue for guilds, but only a certain kind. As I see it, there are two types of guilds. Those with purpose, and those with community. Progression is important for the first. The one that needs it. The members of this guild are there for a reason, not because they care particularly about one another. The second doesn’t need progression. It’s completely irrelevant in fact. The members of this guild are here because they enjoy each others’ company.
Find a guild of the second category. It may be hard, especially if you are looking for it. But it’s what makes an MMO fun in my opinion. My guild, for example, isn’t even entirely within GW2. We play games other than GW2, and we chat outside of the game. Even when a some of us aren’t in the mood to play games, you’ll often find us on mumble anyways.
(edited by Gisei.5749)
Let me help you answer your question.
Do an /Age in your game. Take that value and divide it over the amount of money you have spent buying the game + Gems you may have purchased.
That is the value of your purchase.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
That’s just the point – there is no glue to keep guilds working together and progression is that glue. Wether you do it or not, it’s the foundation and it’s utterly missing in GW2.
Progression / raiding is certainly one kind of “glue”, but it’s not the only one. I’ve seen raiding guilds fall apart due to lack of participation by members and casual guilds that don’t raid at all flourish for years.
IMO, the fundamental problem is that people have just become very complacent about contributing to a guild’s well being by actively trying to get to know new members, initiating groups and events instead of always waiting for someone else to do it, etc.
Being “social” without actual personal contact takes effort and planning, which most people rely on someone else to do for them.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
OP, theres a thread on how multi Guilds is a bad idea on GW2Guru. Obviously Anet were trying something beta on a triple A title.
Search for ‘Death of Small Guilds’ on GW2Guru
I’ve been lucky to have been in one of the big Guilds from the first game.
(edited by Paul.4081)