Have i wrong feeling about bot?

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hohan.4016


That’s what is just happened to me when I’ve funny said to another player to report a Bot party.
Am i stupid if i report them or have I to play in a game where more bots it’s equal less price?

[sorry for my bad use of eng]


Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CommunityScabies.2587


The bots may keep the price of things down, but they are making gold with 0 effort while you (us) are working our kitten off to make gold.

Report them immediately! Even if it is your own guild member!

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Indoles.1467


If you don’t I will. Sure they keep prices down, but they entirely ruin a gaming experience. I don’t want to try and kill a few sparks for charged lodestones to find a bot train of 10 doing the same thing lowing my chance of getting drops. The main reason they do this is to sell that gold to people for cash. I want to be able to farm if I feel like I have the time and buy if I don’t, not be forcing into buying because farming is near impossible.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hohan.4016


I know guys ’ve always reported them but like this man on screen many players have the same opinion

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


They keep the price of T5 craft materials down. When T5 materials are released, they are a great source of income for farmers and casual players. When they are depressed by bots, they’re a great source of income for power traders (And obviously… botters), but worthless to Joe Average.

These bots are not helping you – sure, you can craft cheaper rares; but the price gap between exotic and rare widens making the climb all the harder for the average player.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

(edited by Ryuujin.8236)

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProphetSword.5427


Just make sure to report them when you see them. The only way they can be removed from the game is if players are diligent in their efforts to inform ANet about them. So, even if only you do it, it’s something.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


Sure the prices go down, so it’s cheaper to buy. But at the same time, profit from selling is down. The only people who make money selling are the bots because they have mountains of product to sell at a rock bottom price. Those of us who actually play the game are now sitting on small amounts of worthless product.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Botters are in my opinion still better than those people who try to artificially increase prices. Because there will always be an excess supply of crafted things compared to materials. And in this way (with farm bots), at least those who like crafting can do so.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.1840


Sure the prices go down, so it’s cheaper to buy. But at the same time, profit from selling is down. The only people who make money selling are the bots because they have mountains of product to sell at a rock bottom price. Those of us who actually play the game are now sitting on small amounts of worthless product.

But there is also a base revenue stream you get from playing the game (end-of-dungeon rewards, event rewards, merching blue/green trash). So lower prices for materials makes that revenue effectively more valuable/useful. This revenue doesn’t change with inflation, it is set by the developers and that’s what you get (no RNG).

Higher prices (by reduced supply from reduced botting) makes the base revenue less valuable — essentially forcing you to alternate revenue streams like farming mats, grinding for drops, winning the lottery in the mystic toilet, gem conversion, etc.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuz.5621


I’m not reporting them anymore.
The economy is too kittened up, we need them.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProphetSword.5427


Let me get this straight. There are actually people who want to keep the bots in this game? Now, I’ve heard everything.

Even still, I’m going to continue reporting them every time I see them. I hope others will do the same.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Let me get this straight. There are actually people who want to keep the bots in this game? Now, I’ve heard everything.

Even still, I’m going to continue reporting them every time I see them. I hope others will do the same.

And the problem is rising, I had a heated argument the other day about botting with my guild and quite a few were against reporting them. You know what they say, either you’re part of the solution or you’re a part of the problem…

Apathy isn’t an acceptable position on botting if people want the game to survive the long term.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.1840


Let me get this straight. There are actually people who want to keep the bots in this game? Now, I’ve heard everything.

Even still, I’m going to continue reporting them every time I see them. I hope others will do the same.

And the problem is rising, I had a heated argument the other day about botting with my guild and quite a few were against reporting them. You know what they say, either you’re part of the solution or you’re a part of the problem…

Apathy isn’t an acceptable position on botting if people want the game to survive the long term.

ANet is in charge of the game surviving long term — if the game is “good” (with all the depth and detail that “good” infers), then the game will survive.

Reporting bots is not the job of the Player, and you have to respect players that would rather play than police for their $60 USD investment.

I was commenting that reduced prices are a good thing for most players. Currently the source of that is bots. When bots are truly thwarted (if ever), the cost of everything in the game will become painful for the casual Player. Exotic gear will become a more significant challenge (and it really shouldn’t be if you value the Manifesto).

Funny thing is lower prices also make the gold farmers less profitable because Players need less gold — it’s a self defeating endevor.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


ANet is in charge of the game surviving long term — if the game is “good” (with all the depth and detail that “good” infers), then the game will survive.

Yes, to an extent. But most game economies have a finite lifespan, either due to inflation or unused stockpiles of items and materials depressing the price irreversibly (without major intervention) rendering new players unable to get a useful amount of gold.

Bots flood the market with gold and/or supply, speeding up this process – and this is the death of the game I’m talking about.

Funny thing is lower prices also make the gold farmers less profitable because Players need less gold — it’s a self defeating endevor.

Not really… any (Non newbie) trader knows the more you milk a good source of cash the faster it dries up. By that logic no investment is a good one because by investing you hasten the loss of the source of income.

But if you never invest at all you make no profit. The botters might be self defeatting in the long run, but they are only here for short term gain; once their fount of cash dries up they’ll move onto the next thing

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

(edited by Ryuujin.8236)

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I’m not reporting them anymore.
The economy is too kittened up, we need them.

Since you want them so bad. Get a ticket to Korea and go to work for them.

Btw the pay will be 50 cents an hour
12 hour shift
6 days a week
no over time pay
no medical

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


The worst part is now these bots are not just running around automatically they are using hacked clients to teleport all around the world. Meaning in the time it takes 1 person to travel between waypoints + to pay for each WP used to collect materials. However, these bots are not paying for WP they are literally teleporting to every node and teleporting away…

Also, if these botters are using teleport hacks, what makes you think they wont sell these hacks to players to use in WvWvW ?

Botters / Hackers ruin any game, I don’t know why anyone would want them around?

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Also, if these botters are using teleport hacks, what makes you think they wont sell these hacks to players to use in WvWvW ?

People are already frequently caught teleporting in, even more frequently people arn’t caught due to misunderstandings of class mechanics

I’ve had a few people ask me to teleport into a place and set a portal for them and I’ve had to explain that yes, mesmer’s have teleport skills and portal but that’s not how these skills work; to which they respond “But some other mesmer did it the other day!”

Remember kids, if you see a mesmer teleport into your keep and open a portal; he’s hacking

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: draeath.8536


I think they mean “it keeps our prices down” – meaning the prices to buy from spammers.

Report them. With a vengeance.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: smug.3895


I just wish the DR wasn’t so ridiculously steep so I can actually gather mats. As it stands, there is no good way to farm anything without going to fractals and TP afterwards.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


I’ll never report them with this kittened up cross-server fluctuating market full of power traders.

Can I report power traders instead?

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Just report them, they have no place in the game.
It is a good thing to have actual value attached to resources and items.

Gunnar’s Hold

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Who cares if they help keep prices down. Alot of the time bots are using hacked/stolen accounts. Most of them bot, so they can sell gold for real money. If you support bots, you are supporting hacking/account thefts.

Just keep on reporting them!

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


Don’t report bots, they make more money than you, but they also risk getting banned at the same time rending all of it useless.
Buying gold from those that do sell it, is still cheaper than buying gems by the way.
Extreme power traders make more money than them, are considered legit and some do resort to gold selling as well without you knowing.

If you report bots, you only do it out of spite without rationally thinking about the consequences on the market that benefit you.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


I didn’t mind the bots at first, but now i’m saving up for the t3 armour the price of anything farmed is spiraling down :-(

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I’m not reporting them anymore.
The economy is too kittened up, we need them.

Since you want them so bad. Get a ticket to Korea and go to work for them.

Btw the pay will be 50 cents an hour
12 hour shift
6 days a week
no over time pay
no medical

WOW you genuinely think bots are alive don’t you? Wow just wow…

so these programs run themselves then? they just get banned and start a new account all on their own?

Then you have the websites. They are made by an AI then?

There are people doing this. There are people making real money off of pixels.

They are doing it with slave labor in some Pacific Rim country and people that spend this real money support and encourage this slavery.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


They are doing it with slave labor in some Pacific Rim country and people that spend this real money support and encourage this slavery.

Cute image, but incorrect.

Theres multiple ways botters use to level bots – thats why you frequently see very low level players in the ranger swarms or mole miners; they get xp’d up on the job that way, the swarms are clearly AI driven they all follow the same routine

I’ve seen two videos on youtube of a botter recording his antics. One was using a macro package and a teleport hack to teleport between nodes and automaticlly mine them. Another had a more sophisticated package that allowed more complex AI-like routines.

Neither had any human interaction beyond general oversight, a single person could probably manage a whole swarm of bots relatively easily that way, that’s probably how the gold farmers work, not a lone guy manually playing the game but someone in charge of a bot swarm – that’s what makes the bots all the more pernicious, just a single botter could potentially have dozens of bots set up at once

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


They are doing it with slave labor in some Pacific Rim country and people that spend this real money support and encourage this slavery.

Cute image, but incorrect.

Theres multiple ways botters use to level bots – thats why you frequently see very low level players in the ranger swarms or mole miners; they get xp’d up on the job that way, the swarms are clearly AI driven they all follow the same routine

I’ve seen two videos on youtube of a botter recording his antics. One was using a macro package and a teleport hack to teleport between nodes and automaticlly mine them. Another had a more sophisticated package that allowed more complex AI-like routines.

Neither had any human interaction beyond general oversight, a single person could probably manage a whole swarm of bots relatively easily that way, that’s probably how the gold farmers work, not a lone guy manually playing the game but someone in charge of a bot swarm – that’s what makes the bots all the more pernicious, just a single botter could potentially have dozens of bots set up at once

Oh I totally agree with this discribtion. Now multiple that by multiple servers on multiple games and you just added to what I said

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred