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Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


What are the major changes to PvE, WvW and general balance?
P.S. I left right after the Shadow of the Mad King patch.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thoughtless.7148


did you know that there is a sub forum dedicated to documenting the changes made in each patch? i know…..it’s a mind kitten

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Honestly, I don’t want to go through 100 pages worth of patchnotes.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Here’s a great video that shows what changes you’ll see right away (applies to everyone)

And another video that highlights changes to WvW

You can see the release splash pages here:

And here is a searchable patch notes:

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


New gear tier to grind hours for.

People grind a path of champs in a couple zones for the most money now instead of trying to aoe tag events in Orr.

Champs give good loot now.

Class Balance rollercoasters.

Big balance patch coming on Tuesday.

Lots of new achievements and skins. Good achievement rewards/skins for achievement points, so achievements are good to get now, but Living World achievements are temporary (….)

Living World is 2 week temporary content, if you missed it, well then you’re a terrible person and Anet doesn’t care about you. =p

Living World becoming less temporary content, but the skin/chieve is still temporary.

They tried to redo Tequatl open world boss fight to make it hard like a raid boss, but they screwed up by basically mixing 2 things that should never be mixed. Open World randoms and hard content that requires organization, on top of that, it requires 80-100+ people to even do in the first place which is also a massive mistake. Hopefully they’ll learn what not to do next time.

Dynamic Events are still boring and unrewarding, and 100%‘ing a zone hasn’t changed, hopefully that’s next on their revamps.

WvW has gotten a ton of changes.

Spvp has more features/solo queue even though it also has it’s problems still.

LFG thing was finally added, it works pretty well for what it does.

Account Based wallet for all currency of all kinds that’s shared amongst all chars.

Karma was handed out like candy from certain parts of the game for a long time I think, then they recently hardcore nerfed it so it’s hard to get again, basically back to the way it was last October, mainly from events. Daily reward is poop now.

Greens/Blues are no longer just vendor trash. Magic Find was finally removed from gear, and now you can get up to 300% extra ACCOUNT-WIDE magic find, by salvaging greens/blues and consuming the “luck” they drop, so that’s nice.

Legendaries are a still a b***h to get because Precursors are still RNG-based junk, and prices rise along with the inflation.

Can’t think of much more, so there you go.

(edited by Knote.2904)

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


lol that is lazy

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hurrakan.4259


They also fixed culling in both PVE and WvW.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

The biggest change is the enormous grind that is now required to obtain best-in-slot weapons. It will be the same for armor soon. Also, start doing your dailies and monthlies as soon as possible because the rewards for them (“laurels”) are one of the main ways to get best-in-slot trinkets (fractals is the other).

You can make some gold towards the Ascended (the current best-in-slot gear) grind by doing “Champion farming” — go to either Frostgorge Sound or Queensdale for this.

WvW is in a disastrous state.

The addition of world abilities (that you buy with "world experience) adds vertical progression to WvW. Some of the abilities are extremely powerful so if you are into WvW, you need to start grinding out world experience as soon as possible.

Leagues are incoming to WvW where servers will be matched up, over the course of 7 weeks, with all other servers in their league. The gap in population coverage (which is the sole factor in who wins or loses) between top and bottom servers in each league is enormous. Pray that you are not on a server that is at the bottom of your league.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Thanks for your replies!

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


OP, you’re better off logging in and checking out the game yourself. Most game forums are filled with dissatisfied people complaining. There are those of us here who enjoy playing the game.

Whether you’ll enjoy it or not you probably won’t find out by reading the forums though.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephaust Zenith.8376

Zephaust Zenith.8376

OP, you’re better off logging in and checking out the game yourself. Most game forums are filled with dissatisfied people complaining. There are those of us here who enjoy playing the game.

Whether you’ll enjoy it or not you probably won’t find out by reading the forums though.

Pretentious much ?
What about those who enjoy playing the game and are dissatisfied with some of it ?

Anyway, regarding OP, a few posts above describe some of the major changes to the game since you last played so they should get you started on things to look out for, just don’t neglect forums as a source of positive and negative information even when not looking for those, since both are useful in their own ways.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arimahn.3568


I wouldn’t call any of those changes “major”. Minor quality-of-life features, perhaps.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


OP, you’re better off logging in and checking out the game yourself. Most game forums are filled with dissatisfied people complaining. There are those of us here who enjoy playing the game.

Whether you’ll enjoy it or not you probably won’t find out by reading the forums though.

Pretentious much ?
What about those who enjoy playing the game and are dissatisfied with some of it ?

Anyway, regarding OP, a few posts above describe some of the major changes to the game since you last played so they should get you started on things to look out for, just don’t neglect forums as a source of positive and negative information even when not looking for those, since both are useful in their own ways.

Nothing to do with pretention at all. A simple statement of fact. Nothing I said even implies all complaints are invalid…nor does it imply that some people like the game and have issues with it. Whatever you’ve read into what I wrote is your own thoughts and feelings super-imposed on my words.

I’m simply saying people come here to complain. It’s pretty obvious if you look at the threads. How does this make me pretentious?

Am I wrong to say that the only way anyone will really know is to log in?

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Haven’t played in a year, holy smokes, so you played like 1.5 months of the game before quitting and want to know what has changed?

I’m curious what was so terrible in those couple of months that made you quit in the first place. Most people hadn’t even hit 80 yet!

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Haven’t played in a year, holy smokes, so you played like 1.5 months of the game before quitting and want to know what has changed?

I’m curious what was so terrible in those couple of months that made you quit in the first place. Most people hadn’t even hit 80 yet!

By that time most of the people had multiple 80s, there were almost no people in 45+ lvl areas and all what was left was running broken dungeons (did they fix em?), farming Cursed Shore and zerging in WvW with people switching servers every day.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: incognito.4019


What are the major changes to PvE, WvW and general balance?
P.S. I left right after the Shadow of the Mad King patch.

Answer: The changes that occurred are of no relevance to you. They were temporary (very pathetic game design).

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


What are the major changes to PvE, WvW and general balance?
P.S. I left right after the Shadow of the Mad King patch.

Answer: The changes that occurred are of no relevance to you. They were temporary (very pathetic game design).

Really? No changes were made, say, to the necromancer which made it much more viable in all forms of the game? I had missed that. That wasn’t temporary. There’s no new dungeon paths? Tequtal and the Karka Queen and the new path of TA never happened? There are no new mini games. No one can play Southsun Survival or Sanctum Sprint or crab toss. There have been no quality of life updates, like the end to culling, the account wallet, the new targeting improvements.

Possibly the most disingenuous post I’ve read this year.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxyde.3820


this game is ruined by botters , they are everywhere, even in dungeon with 5 man group botting in HOTW, .i just saw it on other thread.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


this game is ruined by botters , they are everywhere, even in dungeon with 5 man group botting in HOTW, .i just saw it on other thread.

Name an MMO without botters and I’ll show you a complete dead MMO. Botters are a constant problem to all MMOs. I’ve played many MMOs where the botting situation is much much worse than it is here.

If botters are ruining this game for you, I’m not sure you can play any MMO.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

this game is ruined by botters , they are everywhere, even in dungeon with 5 man group botting in HOTW, .i just saw it on other thread.

The picture on the thread I saw showed the OP partied up with what he claimed were botters and a dungeon LFG panel. Now I have to ask you, how did he manage to party up with them? Bots don’t party up with non bots. They don’t advertise in LFG and they don’t accept party invites from anyone. This makes me believe that that picture is fake.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)