Haven't played in a while...
what kind of lag were you experiencing?
network lag? what is your ping? (use resource monitor to check) what is your location?
graphic lag? what cpu / gpu are you using?
graphic lag still occurs when there are a lot of models to render. try best performance settings. it helps a lot.
Sorry, it was framerate lag. I remember a ton of people having the same issue, it was a game problem. According to “canyourunit” I can play on max settings. It was a big deal back then
well, any decent rig can run guild wars 2 on best appearance i.e. max settings but performance may vary.
say, in sPvP where max players per game ranges from 10 to 16 (once in a blue moon, very rarely, sometimes 20 in player rented custom servers) max settings will have very playable frame rates.
however, in lions arch or WvW when there are 50 – 100+ players to render then max settings will have … very low frame rates.
i changed to “best performance” settings now to enjoy guild wars 2.
i change back to best appearance i.e. max settings when i am alone and doing personal story. or in a group of 5 doing a dungeon.
Hmm interesting..i’ll give max settings a shot when i’m out and about by myself. Although when in Lion’s Arch for example, even with literally every graphic option to the lowest setting (even off if it can), it was still really laggy. Based on my previous posts, it was around 7 months ago when people were having this problem.
the problem is still here, kinda.
because guild wars 2 relies much more on cpu more than gpu.
newer intel cpu say i5 4670 and above may have better performace.
Just turn reflection off cuz they eat too much fps
Performance seems to have only gotten worse since release.
But they finally added a way to throttle the amount of player models on screen, so that helps in large hordes of people.