Haven't played since febuary. What is new ?
Ranger is still broken, Mesmer is still overpowered. Most of the content they have added since February was temporary, and has since been removed.
Currently we have the Dragon Bash festival running…and they added some guild missions I think… Not much has changed at all friend. Farming for materials is even harder than it used to be as well.
Oh and WvW got a much needed update, which is still up in the air if it was a good thing or not. sPvP got custom arenas, but I don’t know anyone that even plays sPvP anymore other than to just test builds.
Probably the best change was to add ascended gear to WvW, too bad it’s still gated behind laurel and ecto aquisition.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
Depends what you want out of the game and what your playstyle is.
The game is veering toward more grind and more RNG, if you are looking to get skins, mats, precursors, etc.
If you are interesting in just playing, they keep pumping events into the game. Some are more shallow than others. Verdict is still out on this current one…Im just not too impressed after seeing things like Wintersday.
Hi everyone,
Thanks to ProxyDamage for the link.
As the question is answered we are going to close this thread.
Thanks for your understanding.