Having a disability and the new dailies
Before the update I used to do daily without even noticing, after it I’m never able to do that…
1 or 2 out of 12? Or 1 or 2 out of the 4 you have decided to limit yourself to?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
OP, I actually think it’s awfull this has changed your fun in the game that much.
Though I would like to help you with my opinion on this, I’m a PvE player myself but I do most of my dailies in PvP
- Win as class doesn’t require you to do combat, you just got to win the game (might take a few games but eventually you’ll win one)
- Capture a point, you can walk up to a point where nobody is defending and capture it (I have had this multiple times, as I’m still low rank myself)
- If you’ve got to kill people in PvP, just run along with another team mate of yours. Try to stay by his side all the time, if you hit them and he kills them you’ll also get the credit
- Gain Rank points, I believe if you focus yourself on capture points and then run to the next one – should give you enough rank points in one game to get this
I’ve got no advise for the WvW dailies, maybe someone else got easy tips for you there?
If there’s anything I could help you with, just hit me up in-game I’d love to help you in PvP
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg
(edited by Guardian of Angels.9867)
I am sorry the chemo is limiting you (but glad you have the chemo to help keep you alive). How desperate are you for the AP and little bonus chests from the dailies? The old daily rewards are rolled into just logging in now. Me, I don’t care about the AP, not until the achieve chests have skins in them again, but the little bonus chests feel like fun presents albeit not vital ones.
So maybe you need to find a way not to feel driven to do the dailies. Perhaps pick some other long term achievement (Giant Slayer springs to mind), track that, then the dailies won’t pop up in your face each day.
Or do just the ones you find easy and ignore the 100% completion reward, which is mostly just a piece of gear to salvage. I do agree there should be more flexibility, however, as people have been discussing in the dedicated thread. Events in a region, not a single zone, for example. I’m guessing doing the events is the hard part for you, as gathering and vistas are extremely simple tasks (hint — find the easiest vista in the racial city in the required zone, for instance the one on the balcony near the LA gate in The Grove). Fractals could also be a real issue. Most activities should not be hard, especially South Sun, if you don’t care about scoring points but just need to complete the instance. In South Sun I usually find myself dead on zone-in, nab a few blue dots, drop some traps if I find a living player, and get credit at the end.
If they expand the daily options, they should still only give rewards for the first three done. Otherwise we’ll be back to the completionists complaints about having to spend their whole day ticking off the full list of dailies.
OP, my guild has a PVP room that people jump into to get the dailies done without any combat (unless someone needs a kill for the daily). I would suggest finding a similar guild with this setup.
Also, most of the WvW dailies aren’t bad to do if you just follow along with the zerg. Try jumping into EB or EOTM once in a while.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I only do PvE as the others are too difficult for me. I will try to look into PvP and WvW again though and give it another try.
well i agree with OP .. before the dailies were just perfect. Now something like this can happen .. Forage plant in ascalon (ok) , mine in the shiverpeak(ok) now the rest of the dailies are PvP or WvW stuff you don’t want to do or can’t do …. and the last option to complete is a event like Fire Ele , Golem mark II or Jormag …. but wait .. you just logged in and missed the event by a few minutes.. now you have to wait 1 hour to get it done … some players don’t even have 1 hour of play time per day
It’s a good idea but some of the dailies is just plain bad like doing X amounts of event in a map .. this bring a massive zerg in a zone and the zerg do events at hyper speed .. so if you can’t catch up ….. well .. wait for the zerg to calm down and waste your time in the same occasion.
(edited by Farming Flats.5370)
Dolyaks, Ruins, Guards and Camps are pretty easy in WvW. Usually no combat except with NPCs. Or Big Spender guarantees no combat.
It seems scary when you first enter WvW, but it really isn’t as bad as you might think. Also, Waypointing is free, as is Armor Repair, now, so even if you die, it doesn’t cost anything.
Good luck. =)
Logging in is the old dailie the new added rewards for doing task is a new system.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Thanks everyone for the replies. I only do PvE as the others are too difficult for me. I will try to look into PvP and WvW again though and give it another try.
You will find some of the PvP and WvW dailies to be easy. The PvP rank points only require you to participate in the match (you need to score at least a point) for about a minute or so to get the 50 rank points. You can also capture a point by going to the point closest to where you spawn. If you’re only doing PvP for the daily, stick to the hotjoin which I think got relabeled to practice.
For WvW, capturing a ruin is very easy as you just run over to one and sit there for about 30 seconds. Killing a veteran is no different than in PvE including the sentries. Spending badges requires you to go to a vendor. EotM is a good source of badges if you’re running low and one of the best ways to level without using consumables or crafting.
Dolyaks, Ruins, Guards and Camps are pretty easy in WvW. Usually no combat except with NPCs. Or Big Spender guarantees no combat.
It seems scary when you first enter WvW, but it really isn’t as bad as you might think. Also, Waypointing is free, as is Armor Repair, now, so even if you die, it doesn’t cost anything.
Good luck. =)
Some people struggle with capping camps as you have about 2 minutes to cap it before they start respawning. It’s more of a DPS issue and not stacking at certain spots to speed things up. However, those that can solo camps will find that achievement to be very painless to do.
OP, have you tried playing with your keybinds? I have neuropathy too, and spacing certain skills further apart on the keyboard helps me a lot. Of course, everyone is different, so I don’t know if it’ll be any benefit to you, but figured I’d mention it in case you hadn’t thought of it. I hope to see a wider variety of dailies as well, but maybe some crazy keybinds could help in the meantime?
1 or 2 out of 12? Or 1 or 2 out of the 4 you have decided to limit yourself to?
sPvP is not going to be a pleasant experience to anyone who has combat issues.
1 or 2 out of 12? Or 1 or 2 out of the 4 you have decided to limit yourself to?
sPvP is not going to be a pleasant experience to anyone who has combat issues.
For at least two of the achievement, you don’t even need to attack though.
I also have an issue with my hands, though mine is likely less severe (arthritis). Since I do like getting the Daily AP, I branch out into WvW to get “enough” tasks on days I do not see enough tasks I care for in PvE. I choose a character that has a compromise between a higher damage and bunker build (tough enough to take some hits, enough sustained healing to stay up, but enough damage to kill vets). You can find such builds in the class forums.
As others have already said, you can get 1 to 2 tasks done in WvW most days with relative ease, and those builds have worked for me in doing so.
Hang in there and good luck with your health issues.
I feel your frustration OP. I only have the use of one hand, so it’s jumping puzzles that are the bane of my gaming experience rather than open world play.
Not to attempt to put color blindness in the same boat as cancer, but Anet can’t even be bothered to throw in a colorblind recoloring option for for cursors and (way more importantly imo) ground effects and similar.
I wish it were otherwise, but if they care about the disabled population, its at the level of token sympathy, not actions.
Not to attempt to put color blindness in the same boat as cancer, but Anet can’t even be bothered to throw in a colorblind recoloring option for for cursors and (way more importantly imo) ground effects and similar.
I wish it were otherwise, but if they care about the disabled population, its at the level of token sympathy, not actions.
But they did make changes to aid colourblind people..
They firstly changed the damage circle indicators from a solid red line to a wiggly red line so they were more movement based rather than colour.
Then they changed it again to a more solid block which should stand out better rather than a thin line.
I think both of these changes were suggested by colourblind people, at least the movement of the red circles was and anet acted on it.
OP – here’s another approach to consider: The new system has changed both the content and the rewards from doing dailies.
From your post it sounds like you don’t like doing the new content, so that’s not a reason. But you don’t need to keep doing them to get the same rewards either, those now come simply from logging in.
So why are you doing the dailies? I understand it used to be a system you liked, but it isn’t any more. What do you get out of them? (Or what would you get out of them if you could do them?)
If you like the structure of having a pre-determined list of activities to choose from there are other ways to find it.
In fact, interestingly, since the GW2 wiki (like all wikis) saves all previous versions of the pages and used an automated script to report what the dailies were you can go to the archived page from before the system was changed and find out what todays dailies (or any days) would be if the update hadn’t happened:
Then pick from that list and complete them exactly as you used to. You won’t get 1AP per achievement but other than that it’s exactly the same.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
For days with jumping puzzles hang out in Lion’s Arch and wait for a mesmer to announce they are porting for them.
Not to attempt to put color blindness in the same boat as cancer, but Anet can’t even be bothered to throw in a colorblind recoloring option for for cursors and (way more importantly imo) ground effects and similar.
I wish it were otherwise, but if they care about the disabled population, its at the level of token sympathy, not actions.
But they did make changes to aid colourblind people..
They firstly changed the damage circle indicators from a solid red line to a wiggly red line so they were more movement based rather than colour.
Then they changed it again to a more solid block which should stand out better rather than a thin line.
I think both of these changes were suggested by colourblind people, at least the movement of the red circles was and anet acted on it.
As a colorblind person, I can safely say that (for me; not all that are colorblind are identically so) I couldn’t tell. The wiggling seems more like an art elaboration than much else to me. I could be wrong.
They should get a few colorblind people up there to help them refine that out some if you’re right, ‘cause honestly, I didn’t notice.
I feel your frustration OP. I only have the use of one hand, so it’s jumping puzzles that are the bane of my gaming experience rather than open world play.
I play one handed quite a bit due to having a 8 month old. Look in to getting a mouse with extra buttons. If you hold both mouse buttons you move forward and then I have jump, dodge, and next target on the thumb buttons.
I’ll be that guy.
It truly does suck that your situation is what it is, but seriously, your situation is so far outside the bounds of standard as to not even be anecdotal where concern over playability is considered. On the up side, though, dailies don’t mean anything. You won’t be able to get those free 10 achievement points, but really, big deal. All you have to do to get laurels and the rewards you used to get from dailies is log in every day. Regardless of your situation, if you can come here and complain, you can do that.
Sorry Danikat, but new daily system completely broke dailies for some people – those who wanted AP’s, something that is out of reach for them now because now they get 0 AP points unless they complete all 3 dailies (not everyone can do that – for various more than valid reasons), it was so easy to give 3 AP’s for one daily done, 6 AP’s for 3 dailies done and 10 or 12 AP’s for 3 dailies done and 0 AP’s for additional dailies done so nobody feels “forced” to do more than 3 dailies, instead we got this devolved daily system (which in general is a good idea but it’s a bit badly implemented).
Pretending you are doing dailies isn’t solution for anything, because then we can pretend we logged in and were able to solo Tequatl, but that won’t mean we did it.
I find it sad that we players and not them have to think of that, all the time we hear them saying how limited their time and resources are and yet they “constantly” do such changes which then require additional time and resources to be fixed, it’s “easily” avoidable by “simply” presenting idea before it’s coded and implemented so people can give feedback and then after collecting and filtering out that feedback they can code and release it (based on that feedback), sometimes those patches might end up “flawed” in some areas but not as often as they do now.
WvW “big spender” has come up for me many times. If you can run around in EotM for a while to accumulate some tokens, you should have the amount necessary to complete this every time it pops up (25 tokens required).
As people mentioned before, if there is a “capture a point” for pvp try to get into a practice round that is just starting and go to the closest capture point when the match starts. Usually you will find that point is uncontested, if not it’s only a matter of time in the pvp match before you will get an uncontested point.
One other relatively easy one is killing the dolyak supply caravan in WvW, hang out around a supply camp until one spawns and you should be able to solo it while it’s walking to its destination.
I don’t think I’ve seen a day yet without “event completion” in a certain area as well. Usually there’s a vista, event completion, and some sort of gathering. Most days that should give you a relatively easy way to get the 3 required for the achievement points, even if completing 4 events in one area does take a little while.
You dont have to be one to love one.
Sorry Danikat, but new daily system completely broke dailies for some people – those who wanted AP’s, something that is out of reach for them now because now they get 0 AP points unless they complete all 3 dailies (not everyone can do that – for various more than valid reasons), it was so easy to give 3 AP’s for one daily done, 6 AP’s for 3 dailies done and 10 or 12 AP’s for 3 dailies done and 0 AP’s for additional dailies done so nobody feels “forced” to do more than 3 dailies, instead we got this devolved daily system (which in general is a good idea but it’s a bit badly implemented).
Pretending you are doing dailies isn’t solution for anything, because then we can pretend we logged in and were able to solo Tequatl, but that won’t mean we did it.
I didn’t cover AP in my post (except in passing) because I was responding to the OP, who also didn’t mention AP. He/she said “What I do like is just wondering around, getting in a few fights, clearing an area of it’s resources, and completing the dailies.”
I was suggesting a way of maintaining the same way of playing, since that’s what the OP was talking about. If their post had been about wanting another way to get the odd few AP each day I would have written something entirely different.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
- Win as class doesn’t require you to do combat, you just got to win the game (might take a few games but eventually you’ll win one)
I wouldn’t want to subject someone to the abuse that would come sitting pacifistically through several matches in PvP. Plus OP would probably be reported for trolling.
I’ve got no advise for the WvW dailies, maybe someone else got easy tips for you there?
Some of these are pretty easy late in the evening, assuming your enemies don’t have Australians providing coverage at night. Capturing camps can be done solo, but takes a lot of fighting, is risky, and is generally not worth your time; doubly so, because you have to do it twice. Master of Ruins (capture 1 Ruin) is probably the easiest – just navigate to a Ruin unseen and sit there for about a minute. Land Claimer (kill one flag guard and capture his point) can be pretty painless; the guard is about Veteran level and can be soloed easily, and you can usually find one at a short run from the safety of your Borderland Keep. Capturing Keeps and Towers are only quick if you can join a group.
Camps are relatively easy to cap if you deal decent DPS and can cleave. The majority of camps have a spot that you can attack from that had the mobs run to you and stack. It makes dealing with the archers easier as their blinds are what defeats a lot of people. Don’t bother attacking a fully upgraded camp solo as it’s not worth the effort.
Logging in is the old dailie the new added rewards for doing task is a new system.
So?? and the point is??
It doesn’t make it good regardless of the symantics you use.
Sorry Danikat, but new daily system completely broke dailies for some people…
That sums up my boyfriend’s experience with this new daily system. He didn’t really play games until I introduced him to it and now Guild Wars 2 is his main game. He has been playing it ever since the game launched. He is retired and plays this game every night. Since this change, he has been asking me to find a new game for him to play. This change has really ruined the game for him.
Why are people having trouble understanding that the old daily system didn’t exclude people like the OP whereas the new system does? Why was this a necessary change?
Instead people would rather blame the OP’s psychology. Is that how low some of ANet’s defenders have lowered themselves; to attack the mentality of someone with a physical disability instead of admitting maybe the change in dailies was unnecessary?
ArenaNet Communications Manager
erndan — I’m sorry to hear about the health challenges you’re dealing with, and I do understand your input about the new daily system. I respect that you are not stating an opinion about the outcome or the rewards, but solely about your ability to do the dailies on a regular basis in any form. (I also like that players have made constructive suggestions that may aid the situation for you.)
I am going to share your feedback when I update update the overall report I sent to the development team prior to the holidays. Yours is an unusual case, but I think your comments are relevant to the discussion.
I wish you all the best for a very speedy and full recovery!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I have lost both of my arms so i play gw2 with my feet but i still manage to do the daily just fine. I dont do wvwvw so i dont realy know about it, but i focu on 1-2 in pve and 1-2 in pvp. My feet arent faster than other players’s hands in pvp thats why i dont join ranked or unranked matches, i go to the pvp list and i can find many server to complete my dailies there with ease. Good luck to you.
I find it best to play for the achievement mini-chests. If they’re not good or too out of the way, then I find myself just omitting them. Doing 1/3 or 2/3 is honestly enough to do quite well, especially considering exotic crafter.
IMHO the 3/3 reward is pretty marginal and I don’t really even factor it in when I do dailes. If a daily requires a detour that is slower than 2 minutes, I simply don’t bother.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I’m not sure if it will help, but have you looked into foot pedal controls?
A quick search shows them to come in a wide range of prices, but even a cheap 1 pedal control could replace something like “Jump”, right?
That said, I hope you get results with ANet as well. And if you do jump into SPvP, might I suggest a Turret Engineer with a pistol and shield? Make yourself tough, and give yourself traits for staying alive, and the turrets staying around as well. Grab a capture point, drop your turrets, and defend it. Even if they kill you, they’ll likely have to work for it, giving your team a break while an opponent is trying to deal with you. And the turrets control themselves, so even on a bad day they’ll still fight just fine.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I agree with the OP 100 percent. Not enough options to complete dailies in PvE. And please don’t make me travel across the world to kill one stupid boss as part of a zerg, or travel to some other high level area with my fresh toon. WvW players should not have to log into PvE to complete dailies if they don’t want to, and the same goes for PvE players and sPvP players.
“Play the game the way you want to?”
Thanks everyone for the replies. I only do PvE as the others are too difficult for me. I will try to look into PvP and WvW again though and give it another try.
I understand your problem. I’m not a PvP’er typically. I have bad nerves. However, I’m in a good guild that has their own PvP area so anytime I need the PvP ‘chievos we hop in there and take turns killing each other and taking points, etc. That way it’s fun, no sweat, nothing to get tense about. I suggest you might try the same!
Not to attempt to put color blindness in the same boat as cancer, but Anet can’t even be bothered to throw in a colorblind recoloring option for for cursors and (way more importantly imo) ground effects and similar.
I wish it were otherwise, but if they care about the disabled population, its at the level of token sympathy, not actions.
But they did make changes to aid colourblind people..
They firstly changed the damage circle indicators from a solid red line to a wiggly red line so they were more movement based rather than colour.
Then they changed it again to a more solid block which should stand out better rather than a thin line.
I think both of these changes were suggested by colourblind people, at least the movement of the red circles was and anet acted on it.As a colorblind person, I can safely say that (for me; not all that are colorblind are identically so) I couldn’t tell. The wiggling seems more like an art elaboration than much else to me. I could be wrong.
They should get a few colorblind people up there to help them refine that out some if you’re right, ‘cause honestly, I didn’t notice.
I’m colorblind and it’s in improvement for me. On the other hand, not all circles have been done over. I still have problems with guild rushes, where you have the old thin red circles on green grass for example.
But the more solid darker or more vivid new circles have helped me improve my gameplay immensely.
OP, I actually think it’s awfull this has changed your fun in the game that much.
Though I would like to help you with my opinion on this, I’m a PvE player myself but I do most of my dailies in PvP
- Win as class doesn’t require you to do combat, you just got to win the game (might take a few games but eventually you’ll win one)
- Capture a point, you can walk up to a point where nobody is defending and capture it (I have had this multiple times, as I’m still low rank myself)
- If you’ve got to kill people in PvP, just run along with another team mate of yours. Try to stay by his side all the time, if you hit them and he kills them you’ll also get the credit
- Gain Rank points, I believe if you focus yourself on capture points and then run to the next one – should give you enough rank points in one game to get thisI’ve got no advise for the WvW dailies, maybe someone else got easy tips for you there?
If there’s anything I could help you with, just hit me up in-game
I’d love to help you in PvP
This is AWFUL advice. Please don’t do this. -_______- other people are negatively impacted by this sort of rubbish.
As for OP: I don’t see anything wrong with adding some more exploration or simpler dailies for people in your situation, or who don’t enjoy the current dailies.
I don’t mind them, but more options don’t hurt anyone.
I’ve been posting about the same thing for a while now (same boat, neuropathy from chemo + nerve damage from slipped vertebrae in my neck). There are days/hours when I absolutely cannot control my fingers properly, and even if I do decently with the hit 1-3-2 kill mob, the PvP and WvW and sometimes even events in a map swarmed by lvl 80s is very hard to do. Yes, I know we get daily login rewards but those do not give AP.
I had no problems doing dailies before. Now I waste 1-2 hours sometimes going out of my way to do them and I only can play the game doing what I like for maybe another hour, instead of enjoying the game the whole time I play it.
erndan — I’m sorry to hear about the health challenges you’re dealing with, and I do understand your input about the new daily system. I respect that you are not stating an opinion about the outcome or the rewards, but solely about your ability to do the dailies on a regular basis in any form. (I also like that players have made constructive suggestions that may aid the situation for you.)
I am going to share your feedback when I update update the overall report I sent to the development team prior to the holidays. Yours is an unusual case, but I think your comments are relevant to the discussion.
I wish you all the best for a very speedy and full recovery!
THIS is why I love the GW2 team. First Class response, Gaile! Thank you!!!
Some potential WvW advice: Capturing a single ruin is usually fairly easy and most enemies tend to let it go as long as their bloodlust doesn’t get taken away. Also, finding a solo yak going from a supply camp should be an easy kill on the days that is an option.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
Unlike the old dailies, there is no downside to only completing as many dailies as you feel like, each day.
That is to say, you’re no longer forced into some arbitrary amount of them.
See, the thing is, I wasn’t “forced” into anything. They were coming to completion during my normal gameplay, because, believe me, before, in 2-3 hours of normal PVE gameplay you WOULD complete the dailies before knowing it. It was just a pop=up and you’d go “ah, I did the daily!”
It is NOW that I am forced into going out of my way, on specific maps, in WvW, in Pvp, hopping from WP to WP in the hope that will get to the event in the few seconds that it takes the crowd of people to down a champ. And it leaves me very little to play the game doing what I initially started to do. To give you an example: I am working on ascended armor, that means I need silk or gold to buy it. That means farming silverwastes or Orr, or doing dungeons, NOT hopping around in Dredgehaunt Cliffs or Gendarran Fields.
See, the thing is, I wasn’t “forced” into anything. They were coming to completion during my normal gameplay, because, believe me, before, in 2-3 hours of normal PVE gameplay you WOULD complete the dailies before knowing it. It was just a pop=up and you’d go “ah, I did the daily!”
The old dailies have become the log-in rewards. Those are even less forced. Because wile a PvEer could frequently (far from always) complete their dailies during just playing, a PvPer couldn’t really.
The new log-in rewards have no impact on your gameplay. You can play whatever you want.
The new dailies – maybe a bad misnomer in that regard – are an entirely different system to the old ones. They add a bonus reward to doing something you’re not already doing (ideally). This is very unlike the old dailies, and very unlike the log-in rewards (which OTOH do something similar to each other).
(back on topic)
What I would like is – in general – more non-combat centric stuff. This includes the dailies. I <3 when MMOs experiment with this, the Simon Says in WoW, the Ace Attorney episode here, those things are amazing, please evolve these. That’s what I want from my RPG, more than just endless hitting stuff in the face 24/7!
(edited by Carighan.6758)
I suggest doing the pvp dailies in a “farm” map (either skyhammer or khylo), in the custom arenas. It’s easy, fast, and doesn’t require any skill whatsoever. done that you can go back to what you like best without the “pressure” of getting your daily.
Yeah I know that’s not “real pvp”, it’s just a means to an end.
Also, +1 on more daily options (in all 3 categories) when and if the devs decide to add them.
See, the thing is, I wasn’t “forced” into anything. They were coming to completion during my normal gameplay, because, believe me, before, in 2-3 hours of normal PVE gameplay you WOULD complete the dailies before knowing it. It was just a pop=up and you’d go “ah, I did the daily!”
The old dailies have become the log-in rewards. Those are even less forced. Because wile a PvEer could frequently (far from always) complete their dailies during just playing, a PvPer couldn’t really.
The new log-in rewards have no impact on your gameplay. You can play whatever you want.The new dailies – maybe a bad misnomer in that regard – are an entirely different system to the old ones. They add a bonus reward to doing something you’re not already doing (ideally). This is very unlike the old dailies, and very unlike the log-in rewards (which OTOH do something similar to each other).
Thank you for explaining to me what are the new dailies and how they function. I also feel obliged at this point to inform you that my disability is strictly physical, not mental.
Anyway, I think you are on the wrong thread. This is the thread about people with disabilities who have issues completing the new dailies. Because of their disabilities. Physical disabilities. Not the thread discussing how awesome the new dailies are compared to the old ones.
P.S. If you didn’t notice, it was already mentioned that the log-in rewards do not give you AP.
OP, I actually think it’s awfull this has changed your fun in the game that much.
Though I would like to help you with my opinion on this, I’m a PvE player myself but I do most of my dailies in PvP
- Win as class doesn’t require you to do combat, you just got to win the game (might take a few games but eventually you’ll win one)
- Capture a point, you can walk up to a point where nobody is defending and capture it (I have had this multiple times, as I’m still low rank myself)
- If you’ve got to kill people in PvP, just run along with another team mate of yours. Try to stay by his side all the time, if you hit them and he kills them you’ll also get the credit
- Gain Rank points, I believe if you focus yourself on capture points and then run to the next one – should give you enough rank points in one game to get thisI’ve got no advise for the WvW dailies, maybe someone else got easy tips for you there?
If there’s anything I could help you with, just hit me up in-game
I’d love to help you in PvP
This is AWFUL advice. Please don’t do this. -_______- other people are negatively impacted by this sort of rubbish.
As for OP: I don’t see anything wrong with adding some more exploration or simpler dailies for people in your situation, or who don’t enjoy the current dailies.
I don’t mind them, but more options don’t hurt anyone.
Excuse me, I didn’t tell him to AFK in a corner did I now?
This is mere suggestions to be a far capper / point breaker. Where little to no combat is involved. Besides if he stays near one of his teammates he can still help with the kills / caps while there’s always backup for him as he told he’s not good at that due to his hands…
I see little harm to players if he’s a farcapper / point breaker, or runs together with another player to make them a duo for capping points.
He’s most likely a low ranked, so there’s little to no harm done.
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg
I’ve been gone from the game for a bit over month during the winter holiday season. I used to do the dailies every time I logged in. As someone who really dislikes PvP as it’s in this game (and generally don’t like it much anyway), I find it’s pretty near impossible to complete without PvP. Oddly the inability to complete the dailies is reducing my desire to log in. We’ll see how that, and the changed dailies go.