Having a disability and the new dailies
And it leaves me very little to play the game doing what I initially started to do. To give you an example: I am working on ascended armor, that means I need silk or gold to buy it. That means farming silverwastes or Orr, or doing dungeons, NOT hopping around in Dredgehaunt Cliffs or Gendarran Fields.
A few things here:
~I am in absolute agreement and am also working on an Ascended, so I need to farm.
~Also, I, like the OP, have a neurological problem and a palsy. The northern part of Dredgehaunt Cliffs has this weird snow effect that gives me seizure auras. I can’t go into that zone at all (unless I want to lose my driver’s license, and I really don’t want that to happen again ) . That also means I can’t get world completion, but I don’t mind that because I never planned on making a Legendary.
~I detest PvP and WvW. PvE and Living Story are why I got the game.
It feels sometimes like getting three dailies is like getting monthlies. Sure, I don’t have to kill 40 champs, but I have to pop all over the map. Sometimes the dailies are on maps that my character doesn’t have yet.
As for APs, maybe one AP could be given for the first two dailies, then ten if we get three. I think that would be a nice compromise.
OP and others, get well soon <3
OP, I actually think it’s awfull this has changed your fun in the game that much.
Though I would like to help you with my opinion on this, I’m a PvE player myself but I do most of my dailies in PvP
- Win as class doesn’t require you to do combat, you just got to win the game (might take a few games but eventually you’ll win one)
- Capture a point, you can walk up to a point where nobody is defending and capture it (I have had this multiple times, as I’m still low rank myself)
- If you’ve got to kill people in PvP, just run along with another team mate of yours. Try to stay by his side all the time, if you hit them and he kills them you’ll also get the credit
- Gain Rank points, I believe if you focus yourself on capture points and then run to the next one – should give you enough rank points in one game to get thisI’ve got no advise for the WvW dailies, maybe someone else got easy tips for you there?
If there’s anything I could help you with, just hit me up in-game
I’d love to help you in PvP
Please be sure to do this in PRACTICE mode. This allows you to leave matches at will until luck would have it you can join a winning team. Also, more importantly, you’re much less likely to be harassed by PvP players who want a serious competitive match.
Excusez moi, didn’t know you could do that in practice mode aswell ;3 does this also count for Custom Arena ?
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well i agree with OP .. before the dailies were just perfect. Now something like this can happen .. Forage plant in ascalon (ok) , mine in the shiverpeak(ok) now the rest of the dailies are PvP or WvW stuff you don’t want to do or can’t do …. and the last option to complete is a event like Fire Ele , Golem mark II or Jormag …. but wait .. you just logged in and missed the event by a few minutes.. now you have to wait 1 hour to get it done … some players don’t even have 1 hour of play time per day
It’s a good idea but some of the dailies is just plain bad like doing X amounts of event in a map .. this bring a massive zerg in a zone and the zerg do events at hyper speed .. so if you can’t catch up ….. well .. wait for the zerg to calm down and waste your time in the same occasion.
The dailies before weren’t perfect, we just accepted them because that was the only available system that we had. Same goes for most others systems that people are complaining about. Usually it is not even about how good or bad something is but rather that we are not used to do new stuff after getting comfortable we the old.
Same thing happened with WoW. WoW had its’ first expansion over 2 years after release and during these years, Blizzard’s forums looked the same as this one. Complaints and people wanting content. After the update however, alot of people started to complain that the company changed what was good with the game.
Frankly enough, WoW and GW2 has alot in common from a market point of view. Both had successful releases (arguebly the 2 most successful MMO releases in the last 10 years) and while WoW was apparently superior in popularity, GW2 still hold its’ own in today’s market. People ask for updates and yet feel sad to leave the old methods behind. I personally suspect that GW2 will end up the same in the coming years. Yeah, I await new content to be released and the game to be developed but I also await people mentioning the old days, pointing out that GW2 was best at release. Like how people nowadays say that WoW-vanilla was the real WoW and what came afterwards was lackluster.
(edited by nGumball.1283)
P.S. If you didn’t notice, it was already mentioned that the log-in rewards do not give you AP.
No but just about everything else in the game does so you can likely continue to do whatever you did before the changes and will still gain both laurels and AP ( though AP may come at a slower rate).
Can we please stay on the topic here and not transform this again into a “which is better old dailies or new dailies” instead of letting it be what it is, about players with disabilities not being able to do the new dailies properly?
Can we please stay on the topic here and not transform this again into a “which is better old dailies or new dailies” instead of letting it be what it is, about players with disabilities not being able to do the new dailies properly?
The OP asked for others’ opinions. My post, for example, was not about, “which is better,” but rather a response to a post commenting about a an inability to get AP through log in rewards.
Advice that one finding difficulty in completing the new dailies can continue to do exactly what one did before the change and still get both types of rewards so that, hopefully, they can continue to enjoy the activities they enjoyed before has nothing to do with which daily system is better and everything to do with hoping that those with disabilities can continue to enjoy the game by continuing to do what they say they enjoyed before.
No but just about everything else in the game does so you can likely continue to do whatever you did before the changes and will still gain both laurels and AP ( though AP may come at a slower rate).
Do me a favor and do that for.. I don’t know, a couple weeks? then come back and tell us how you feel about it.
Can we please stay on the topic here and not transform this again into a “which is better old dailies or new dailies” instead of letting it be what it is, about players with disabilities not being able to do the new dailies properly?
It seems to me, that if someone is sufficiently disabled that they can’t do 3 of the new dailies, then large portions of the game (and vast amounts of AP) would be inaccessible to them anyway.
Why are dailies so important, rather than, say, jumping puzzles or PvP?
Why are dailies so important, rather than, say, jumping puzzles or PvP?
Because they give AP.
Now obviously, if you got a disability which makes getting 10 AP in the new system impossible or at least really annoying, then I wonder how easy or difficult it was to get 5 in the old one.
I think the only correct solution here would be to do a more low-level change to the game, implement more solutions which allow players with disabilities to more effectively play the game. Not focus on the daily system because the problem is really much much larger than that (as the OP says, the issue is not the Daily JP, it’s doing the JP itself).
Over all, the new changes has been mostly negatively received. New player experience, got a lot of negative feedback. The new trait system is simply put, awful. The new daily and monthly system is lackluster and provides less choice then before.
I’m really not understanding what anet is thinking with these choices. They say they want to provide more choice and options but the changes do the opposite and limit choices and options.
Over all, the new changes has been mostly negatively received. New player experience, got a lot of negative feedback. The new trait system is simply put, awful. The new daily and monthly system is lackluster and provides less choice then before.
I’m really not understanding what anet is thinking with these choices. They say they want to provide more choice and options but the changes do the opposite and limit choices and options.
You are assuming that people that like the changes would bother creating forum-threads about it. That is usually not the case. People that are unhappy are much more likely to post.
You also assume that people on the forums actually speaks for the majority of the players.
Based on what I have seen in-game more people seem to like (or be indifferent to) the changes rather than dislike them.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Makes me wonder, yes I am a curious person, will you OP ever be able to game all the way again? I mean do all the things before you got this terrible disease?
I hope so….
I really wish they’d not changed whatever it is they changed. I never pay attention to them as they get automatically completed as I play normally in WvW, the only game mode I play. However I have definitely noticed that they changed something, as we’re getting more and more PvE noobs in WvW just doing dailies. Three nights in a row now we’ve had some kitten pop a commander tag in the borderlands saying he’s there “just to do dailies”. He pops the tag in hopes of getting people with him so he can cap camps, since he’s so obliviously incompetent that he cannot manage the task on his own. It’s the last thing we needed on the borderlands – PvE commanders.
~ There is no balance team. ~
Over all, the new changes has been mostly negatively received. New player experience, got a lot of negative feedback. The new trait system is simply put, awful. The new daily and monthly system is lackluster and provides less choice then before.
I’m really not understanding what anet is thinking with these choices. They say they want to provide more choice and options but the changes do the opposite and limit choices and options.
Seems to me there’s been as much support for the new dailies as complaints. Maybe more. If you actually tally by name the individuals for and against, you wouldn’t make this claim about the new dailies.
But you probably would about the Trait system.
Even the NPE many who complained have changed their minds after the first set of adjustments.
Try to find a high level char player who is willing to accompany you. Right now I am only level 17 so I cannot be of assistance, but I am sure there are plenty of people willing to help you out
OP, I actually think it’s awfull this has changed your fun in the game that much.
Though I would like to help you with my opinion on this, I’m a PvE player myself but I do most of my dailies in PvP
- Win as class doesn’t require you to do combat, you just got to win the game (might take a few games but eventually you’ll win one)
- Capture a point, you can walk up to a point where nobody is defending and capture it (I have had this multiple times, as I’m still low rank myself)
- If you’ve got to kill people in PvP, just run along with another team mate of yours. Try to stay by his side all the time, if you hit them and he kills them you’ll also get the credit
- Gain Rank points, I believe if you focus yourself on capture points and then run to the next one – should give you enough rank points in one game to get thisI’ve got no advise for the WvW dailies, maybe someone else got easy tips for you there?
If there’s anything I could help you with, just hit me up in-game
I’d love to help you in PvP
For WvW dailies, just stay with the zerg, you’ll most likely wind up getting a couple of them (just be sure to stand in the circle when capturing stuff). Only things I can see really being combat related is the kill people/guards and the yaks (and maybe the defend one). Almost all (cap camps and kill yaks being the exceptions) can be done in EotM too, which is just one big karma train, so you wouldn’t really need to do much combat at all.
Please give us a keyring…
Thank you everyone who took their time to respond to my statement. The fact alone that so many people responded has made the game more enjoyable for me. I am truly humbled by the response.
I really never expected Anet to respond as I felt that my circumstance was an “unusual case” as Gaile has stated, and I am impressed that they are even considering bringing this up to the development team. In my opinion, this is rare in any company today and I plan on letting a few of my friends who play that “other game” know this.
To be more specific, my problem is that some days my hands just do not work correctly. I think I am pressing the mouse button, but I am not. Other times I press the buttons without realizing that I am doing this. This is why I generally do not game with others. I do not want to “mess up” an attack by initiating it too soon for example. This has happened more than once for me and I know how annoying it can be for the serious gamer. The “easy” dailies gave me a sense of accomplishment since I play the game alone and I should have been more specific in my original post.
I have gone through all the responses again and I have a list of things that I am going to try. Although I do not fully understand all of them, I know that they will help and I am doing my research on some of them now.
Again, thank you Gaile and everyone who had a response/suggestion for me.
I don’t think it’s an unusual case or as rare as you think it is, to play with a disability.
Good you brought this up to the attention!
I don’t know if it’ll help anyone’s situation but I’ve just made a guide to how to complete your daily as fast and easy as possible. I’ve tried to be as informative as possible. Take a look and i hope it helps someone.
Can we please stay on the topic here and not transform this again into a “which is better old dailies or new dailies” instead of letting it be what it is, about players with disabilities not being able to do the new dailies properly?
It seems to me, that if someone is sufficiently disabled that they can’t do 3 of the new dailies, then large portions of the game (and vast amounts of AP) would be inaccessible to them anyway.
Why are dailies so important, rather than, say, jumping puzzles or PvP?
That is correct, and that is exactly what people who have posted on this thread supporting the OP are saying. We can’t play certain areas of the game because of our medical issues, so we would appreciate if the areas we CAN play wouldn’t be taken from us. I didn’t think it was that hard to understand.
Why are dailies so important? Because it was until the change one of the most accessible source of AP for disabled players. Believe me, due to our issues we deal with a lot of frustration in every day real life (I know it’s hard to understand for someone who doesn’t have these issues), and we’d love to be able to not have to deal with frustration in a game that gives us just that little happiness we lack so much sometimes.
they dont care about us, they need more money
end of story
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