Headgear in Cutscenes?
They certainly can do it, as it is an option for characters like Zojja or Ministry Guards, it stranges me that they have not yet made it toggle able. But I guess it no longer matters since the team has fully given up on making cutscenes anyways.
Might I just say, your thief looks awesome. May I ask what armour your wearing. I know the hood is OoW, but the rest matches it well. I have a bad feeling its another case of male medium looking cool and female version skrimping on material, lol.
Btw yes headgear would’ve been nice in the PS.
At leas they have hair in the cutscenes. I remember the bug for a while that certain NPCs were Bald.
Might I just say, your thief looks awesome. May I ask what armour your wearing. I know the hood is OoW, but the rest matches it well. I have a bad feeling its another case of male medium looking cool and female version skrimping on material, lol.
Btw yes headgear would’ve been nice in the PS.
Thank you very much. Its all Black and Abyss dye:
- Order of Whisperers Headgear
- Prowler Shoulders
- Sneakthief Coat
- Sneakthief Gloves (Now i use Prowler Gloves, looks better)
- Sneakthief Leggings
- Sneakthief Boots
- Rox Quiver
At leas they have hair in the cutscenes. I remember the bug for a while that certain NPCs were Bald.
Yes you are right, i remember it too. But they fixed it. So do i, want my Asura Headgear in Cutscenes.
Oh thank for list. I have the coat and sadly it looks nothing like the male version. Im always very jealous of how the t3 and sneakthief looks on blokes. Oh and the females OoW helm does nothing to hide identity :S. As for the actual topic. If you go OoW isn’t there a quest that requires you to dress as a pirate….I am sure there was. I kept my feathery hat on for those cinematics. So headgear must be possible.
(edited by Alma.1769)
Oh thank for list. I have the coat and sadly it looks nothing like the male version. Im always very jealous of how the t3 and sneakthief looks on blokes. Oh and the females OoW helm does nothing to hide identity :S. As for the actual topic. If you go OoW isn’t there a quest that requires you to dress as a pirate….I am sure there was. I kept my feathery hat on for those cinematics. So headgear must be possible.
Female is rly different. I wish they added more covered gear for females too