Healing Power is under and overpowered.

Healing Power is under and overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

The scariest thing I’ve seen in the last two weeks;
I was walking into a freshly captured SMC, glancing around to find a corpse. It was some kind of caster. So I asked in /map, “Did we run a sweep of SMC?”
No answer. Me and my friend decided to sweep the castle, going all three floors, outside and inside, and as I found nothing I made my way to the lord’s room to see the corpse. Frightening was the sight of a shadow refuge activated, with the caster’s healthy rapidly rising. More frightening, that caster was a Mesmer, and within a minute we had 50 Dragonbrand players in our Inner wall (We were TC).

I ? Karkas.

Healing Power is under and overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


I think ratios for various skills could be tweaked, but overall healing power has a place. I build a moderate amount on my theif because it scales extremely well with danging dagger/shadow refuge 4hit ranged combos and the 9 heals per attack + assassin’s reward I get whenever I use death blossom (which is my primary source of damage)

It’s allowed me to play a tanky condition build that sacrificed burst for survivability, and without the investment in healing power and the recent buff to Signet of Malice just plain doesn’t work properly. It’s great at infinitely tanking trash in PvE, and holding capture points or baiting target focus in PvP.

I wouldn’t appreciate the loss of my ability to play a functional and fun bunker/bleed thief.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Healing Power is under and overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


healing power should reduce condition duration and maybe even increase potency of combos.

then it will be fine. until that happens, its mostly useless stat.

Healing Power is under and overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Well depends profession. Over 1k healing power in guardian is like god mode.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Healing Power is under and overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


I will weigh in on this since I run a Banner regen build on my warrior. My warrior has 3000 attack, 1200 healing power (with banner of tactics), over 3000 toughness, 20% crit chance (due to constant Fury from skills). I gain roughly 700hp/sec. Take that number into consideration for a second. If most higher lvl risen thrall in PVE hit for 200hp/sec (i actually tested this) It would take 4 higher lvl risen thrall to kill me. Which means 4 risen to kill me while i am just standing there doing nothing to fight back. Anything less then that and I will regen through it.

Lets now say the buff the scaling of Healing Power to make it more effective. Lets say give all skills a 1 to 1 ratio for instance like Power where 1 to power is 1 to damage.
I would have 1200hp/sec extra healing on top of my base healing while I am still hitting you for my high damage. No class would be able to kill me at this point cause there is no damage high enough in the game to counter it. At 700hp/sec it takes 2 thieves at least 3mins to kill me if i am just running away from them exposing my back for constant back stabs cause my healing capabilities. Giving me even more healing without taking away any of my damage would just be nuts. Healing for over 1000hp/sec would not be a good thing for the game.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Healing Power is under and overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Well depends profession. Over 1k healing power in guardian is like god mode.

Because that 1000+ goes straight to their 10 second cooldown heal on dodge trait.


Outside of elementalists, i don’t think you can find any short cooldown heals that also get a 1:1 payout from healing power.

Healing Power is under and overpowered.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


I will weigh in on this since I run a Banner regen build on my warrior. My warrior has 3000 attack, 1200 healing power (with banner of tactics), over 3000 toughness, 20% crit chance (due to constant Fury from skills). I gain roughly 700hp/sec. Take that number into consideration for a second. If most higher lvl risen thrall in PVE hit for 200hp/sec (i actually tested this) It would take 4 higher lvl risen thrall to kill me. Which means 4 risen to kill me while i am just standing there doing nothing to fight back. Anything less then that and I will regen through it.

Lets now say the buff the scaling of Healing Power to make it more effective. Lets say give all skills a 1 to 1 ratio for instance like Power where 1 to power is 1 to damage.
I would have 1200hp/sec extra healing on top of my base healing while I am still hitting you for my high damage. No class would be able to kill me at this point cause there is no damage high enough in the game to counter it. At 700hp/sec it takes 2 thieves at least 3mins to kill me if i am just running away from them exposing my back for constant back stabs cause my healing capabilities. Giving me even more healing without taking away any of my damage would just be nuts. Healing for over 1000hp/sec would not be a good thing for the game.

I run almost the same build. Yeah I regularly just go afk wherever I am. If I’m out gathering, and I want a coffee I can just go afk and know nothing can kill me. I posted in another thread about it, but I went afk while getting ore. Came back awhile later and this risen had been hitting me the whole time. I was still at full health. I let him live because you gotta love that never give up attitude.

I have adrenal health 360 .15 per 3 or 120 .05 per second, healing signet 392 .05 per second. With regen 130 .125 per second. I run a min of 536 healing power, sometimes more depending on if I want to go more regen or not. So I’m getting an extra 27 health per second from hs, and another 27 from ah, and 67 additional from regen. So healing for 566 health per second, if we have a banner (no cd banner is awesome btw) it’s up to 763. Ontop of the really high armor, we have 25k health. So far the only thing that’s killed me when I’ve been afk is when a champ event started where I was akitteng.

I think it’s too strong though. That’s 566 health per second passively with no input from me. If I drop a banner and just ignore it that goes up by so much.

Because that 1000+ goes straight to their 10 second cooldown heal on dodge trait.


Outside of elementalists, i don’t think you can find any short cooldown heals that also get a 1:1 payout from healing power.

Pretty sure it heals for less than that in pvp. Checked in the wiki and it says it’s a 50% reduction in pvp. So it actually has a .5 ratio instead of 1.

Still it requires using a dodge to heal, plus if the guardian specs that way they have no offense. The difference is that my warrior can spec for 500+ health per second, and still has great damage because of the stats I need. I only need healing power, condi damage, and toughness because I’ve got 20k base health. In pve/wvw I can mix it up and get even stronger.

Guardian only has one condi so they can’t pull off the same build. They get a choice of what magi/cleric?

With a full set of exotic clerics the guardian would have 315 hp, 224 power/toughness. So you can just ignore them.

(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)