Good evening
With BWE3 we have no more big reveals concerning healing and healing power in Guild wars 2.
The Problem is that you could buy DPS or Tank oriented gear and you would feel a big difference in the game play while Healing Power oriented gear does not have the impact it deserves as a stat.
I personally played a druid in BWE3 with clerics stats and while the specialization and the heal is nice, the cleric stats did not do much difference. I looked up some Healing Power scaling and i was truly shocked at the low numbers. In the best case scenario you can go up to ~1800 healing power, but that requires you to use Healing Power as your mayor stat which means you give up on a lot of DPS or Defenses.
The main problem with scaling is that the developers has been to cautious with healing power. The best scaling ingame is 1.0, which is only owned by high casting time / high cooldown skills like Empower (Guardian Staff 4) or Cleansing Wave (Ele Dagger water 5). In the case of Empower you will heal 3300 instead of 1500 with top Healing Power gear, which may be noticeable but simply not worth it.
Most skills have a much worse scaling though. Elixir Shell (Engineer mortar kit 5) will scale with 0.2 which means you will heal 1480 without healing power or 1840 with maximum healing power. I could give you other examples, but everyone who tried out Healing Power should know how bad it scales.
I really hope the developer don’t scare away from high scalings like 2.0 or even 3.0 . Especially high CD or high casttime skills should have a much higher scaling.
In the example of Empower you would heal 5100 with a 2.0 scaling or 6900 with a 3.0 scaling. I think that this sounds much more reasonable than the current scaling. The average Healing Power scaling is ranging between 0.75 and 0.06. Regeneration has a scaling of 0.125, which means a Healing Power character would heal 355 instead of 130. Although the difference is high, it is not high enough to be worth the stat line. The scaling of regeneration should be around 0.2 – 0.3 ish!
Another problem is the usage of water field blasts. While the mechanic is nice, Healing Power does not scale with water fields. This leads to more frustration using Healing power. The solution here is easy: make Water fields scale with healing power. And here the scaling should be higher than 1.0, too!
One problem of increasing the Scaling is the Celestial stat. But the solution here is easy, too. Either decrease the Healing Power amount on celestial gear or increase the Healing Power gain as Mayor and minor stats.
Summary / TL;DR:
-Healing Power stats have barely an impact ingame
-Healing power scaling is awful (minimum 0.06, maximum 1.0) -> should be a much higher amout (maximum of 2.0 or even 3.0 on high Cd & high casting time skills)
-Creating water fields doesn’t scale with Healing Power
-Regeneration scaling should be tuned by a little