Heart of Thorns Wish List:

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

not a traditional paid expansion.
delivered via living episode, over the year 2015 in 12 months.
purely funded by gem store goodies.

paid expansions divide the community.
living story is good.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skya.9263


1. More diverse WVW environment with greater variety of terrain and environments, as well as more interesting siege/battle weaponry that does not just involve blasting a hole in the opponent’s wall (grappling hooks???? XDXDXD) or a zergfest.

2. mercenaries and other races to be more involved in WVW (Centaurs, ettins, dredge etc.) that do participate in battles, not just sit in their territories and cap camps.

3. home cities being threatened (LA doesn’t count). that would kick kitten .

4. more events around the map like teq/triwurm that can actually stress people.

5. new areas to explore! maguuma, fow, crystal desert etc.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: La Goanna.8142

La Goanna.8142

I think it’s very likely that we’ll get:

-at least 5 new zones in the Maguuma Jungle region, possibly more
-a new class, most likely the third missing heavy class
-some new weapons such a polearms and scythes, including more weapon choices for each class
-a handful of new utility skills for each each class
-raid content, or the implementation of raid-like content into certain dungeon instances
-several new dungeons
-guild halls
-plenty of new in-game armor and weapons unrelated to the gemstore
-new legendaries, but not necessarily precursor crafting or scavenger hunts
-mini pet battles; polymock making a return
-a few new PvP modes
-hopefully something new for WvW; at the very least some server balance changes

Now, wishlist? Personally I would love to see a new race (Tengu or Largos,) home instance customization, NO NEW LEVEL CAP, the introduction of Elona and that overhaul of the Zhaitan boss fight that Anet promised so long ago, but it’s always best to keep your expectations in a realistic mindset.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CeNedro.7560


Playable Skritt
5-15 new zones with more intense network of events, focused on soloplay and bigger impact on the world
Enjoyable Jumping Puzzles
Underwater combat improvement
An openworld Dragon encounter

(edited by CeNedro.7560)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hedix.1986


- New zones. Maybe Elona, from the hints in the Finale.
- New personal story with grindy achivements
- New weapons
- Guild Halls (there was talk about this)
- Small WvW changes

- ~~~~~~more Dungeons~~~~~~
- ~~~~~~more love to WvW, GvG etc~~~~~~
- No trait change = nerf. Not a fan of nerfs, to might, crit damage and the like. I enjoy high damage. Taking longer to kill stuff is tedious, not fun. Challenging encounters on the other hand are appreciated. But no need to nerf meta for it.
- No grindy changes that nobody asked for, like the trait farming in NPE.
- No locking of the new stuff or dumbing down stuff like in the atrocity that was the September patch.
- At least 2 new maps in the new zones from the GW1 areas. Priory basement hints at Elona, so hopefully that. Not only lvl80, but something for leveling too. Preferably with hearts.
- New class (heavy)
- New race
- New weapons for each class. Trailer hints at Spear, that is acceptable.
- 1-2 available character slots
- Underwater combat improvements – hopefully in preparation for S!Bubbles
- Raid content: not based on open world where it is difficult to learn due to AFKers. Also, due randomness of client crashes & dc, one has issues of playing with like-minded folks in open world and needs to spam to join the correct overflow. No, for the new raids, we need to be able to choose people we play with. Otherwise, it will just be frustrating because of technicalities, not the encounter itself.
- At least 2 new dungeons with full paths
- WvW changes on a bigger scale – now that there are seemingly different factions, maybe this can be translated into the Mist War too. Different modes: the maps that we already have, but also the human-Charr battles with the turned!Sylvari on a grand scale.

Pure wishful thinking: return of the Server Spirit from the Megaserver Tower of Babel via either switch back to server system, or server chat, or alliances, or heck having only main cities as real servers. Megaservers took away some great server team spirit in all game aspects and eventually killed our guild as a lot of people left.

[QQ] – ex RoS, current Piken Square
[DV] – megaboss community

(edited by hedix.1986)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TreK.3794


I’d love to see rifle on thieves.. how cool would that be, like a sniper who backs the team up from distance. Other than this, Anet has never really disappointed me, so I’ll let them amaze me again.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


-New dungeons with guild mission versions (raids). Feel like I would hate running an 8 or 10 man dungeon with pugs.
-address current weapon selection for less or almost extinct weapon use so that future weapons can be deemed necessary.
-continue the wide yet small balance updates ^^
-change the method in which legendary (and precursors) are obtained and add new skins. Make a contest even, some people are quite the artist on these forums.
-Add more recipes for bloodstone dust and dragonite ore and empyreal stars, I have too many :x
-Add more in game events that take place over a server not just a zone. Such as a bonus reward for finishing event X for the (game) day, or a personal bounty (solo a zone boss of your home region), or a mini dungeon. More things to make people explore and get actual rewards tailored to their expectations. The greens and blues with random stats don’t satisfy anything but my “luck” percent.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neilos Tyrhanos.5427

Neilos Tyrhanos.5427

— A significant amount of new land to explore!

— New dungeons.

— Guild Halls.

— More underwater zones, plz!

That is all.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diovid.9506


If I would make the expansion I would include the following:

- Tengu (including biography, personal story, capital and so on).

- More weapon types for all professions, specifically:

Guardian: Longbow, Warhorn. No off-hand weapons for guardians please!
Warrior: None (of the current weapons types, I’d like them to have a polearm though).
Thief: Off-hand Sword, Rifle.
Ranger: Staff (for Druid-y skills).
Engineer: Hammer and/or main-hand mace.
Necromancer: Off-hand axe, maybe torch (for creepy light stuff)
Mesmer: Main-hand pistol, off-hand dagger.
Elementalist: Off-hand scepter.

- More traits for all professions.

- More skills for all professions so that every profession has one healing skill and one elite skills of all the utility skill types that profession has access to.

- One more utility skill of each utility skill type currently available.

- More pets, specifically: Bats, Raptors, Skale, Skelk, Griffons and Crabs.

- A way to make all builds equally effective against objects. Builds that rely on critical hits and/or conditions (and/or certain skills such as marks) are disadvantaged right now.

- A way to deal with the condition cap in PvE.

- A way to give the ability to have a seperate build for land and underwater.

- A way to increase skill availability underwater.

- Make all stat combinations (both those already in the game and those not yet in the game) available for crafting.

- No new professions.

- No higher level cap.

- No equipment with better stats than ascended / legendary equipment.

- In terms of maps I would include all the areas marked in the attachment in light green. If I had enough resources I would also include the areas marked in red (courtesy of that shaman: http://thatshaman.blogspot.nl/p/historical-guide.html).


(edited by Diovid.9506)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spinecrawler.2874


I want those awesome-kitten flying ships for players to controll. Or for a aparty of players to control like: one is at the helm, other is a gunner ect. Make them race specific so sylwari would get more plant like model, charr would get mechanic/steampunk model, Norn maybe viking style You get the idea

Let them be used in WvW or other arena skirmish 10 v 10 ships battles.

Plz plz plz

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spinecrawler.2874


Kitten ? xD really ? You cant say bad-a** here ? :P

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


My wishlist:

- More tasks or objectives in WvW – More reasons to defend towers, dollies, etc. More stuff for small groups and scouts to do. Keep some zerg gameplay but break it up a little so there is a reason for players to spread out and find each other.
More sPvP game modes – Conquest is good fun, but for me (and many I am sure) it can get dull quickly. I would really like to see some more core game modes added, specifically games that require more players and can last longer than 15 minutes. I would love to see games like Fort Aspenwood (GW1) added, where there is a set attackers and defenders scenerio. We just need more variety beyond unique map mechanics, which IMO aren’t enough.
More mini games – Polymock, Archery, Permanent SAB. We have some mini games already, but these are very PvP focused. I would love to see some more PvE oriented minigames, like SAB and the wintersday event where you had to fight off waves of toys to protect the dolyaks. Maybe some kind of tower defense mini game or something.
Open world mini pet fights – Kind of an extension of Polymock, but with more limited skills maybe. Just a fun thing to have to pass the time while forming a dungeon party or something, like costume brawl, but with mini pets.
Many more Dynamic Events – I would like to see a LOT more dynamic event variety added to each zone. Make zones feel more alive, and not feel like a CD stuck on a short loop like they currently do. Dynamic events are great and they can bring areas to life, but they are often under utilized or very limited in variety. Many repeat so frequently that it can get boring quickly and seriouslly breaks that living world immersion. The DE’s should make a zone feel different each time you go there. Maybe not totally different, but it should feel like mini stories are occuring that change each month or based on player actions. Add some random events in there, to make it rewarding when you chance upon those events.
Customizable Guild Halls and GvG – Nuff said, I think most people want this. Whether it is part of WvW or a separate game mode in sPvP, I really think this needs to happen. And not just a basic GvG fight. I would love to see Guild Halls that can be customized with defenses and restructure to create strategic layout. Make the GH a strategic part of GvG battles, not just some arena for players to learn. Make each guild’s GH potentially different. Also add merits, influence and other GvG based rewards, such as points towards upgrading your GH. Have match tiers based on the level of your GH, so as you upgrade them and they get stronger so does your GvG tier rank..
Home instance activities – I sense Anet wants us to use our Home Instance more, but I hope it is not just for gathering stuff then buggering off. So I would like to see some extra things we can do there. Maybe a home instance mini game, scrimmage with invited friends, random mini events that sometimes occure when you enter your home instance. Make it more than just a gathering location. Make it so we want to go there, not feel we have to go there.
New Race – I would love to see another race added, and I (like I am sure many others) would like that race to be Tengu. I would also love to see Centaur as a playable race too, but that might be too much of a tall order.
New Profession(s) – So long as balance was Anet’s primary concern I would love to have a new profession or two to play with.
New zones – I would like to see more of the current map opened up for exploration. I know we are starting to push into Maguuma more with the LS seasons, but would like to see an entire new region or two opened up. I really hope that Anet does not go the way of GW1, in that sections of the world map remain unexplored. That always bugged me, so I would really like to see more of the map used this time round, before moving to Cantha or Elona. As much as I would love to see Cantha and Elona again, I would prefer to have more of the current map explored first.

I’d like to add more, but I think that is more than enough to be going on with.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ronah Lynda.2496

Ronah Lynda.2496

I can’t call this a wish list, because the expansion is already done if they will anounce it but, I will say this:
There are imporant things which if not added will upset the majority of players while there are others, secondaries which if not added will upset only a fraction of the playerbase

The important ones are (imo)
- new playable race(s)
- new profession(s)
- new skills
- new weapons (including the expanding of the usable weapons / profession)
- guild halls and GvG
- new PvP modes
- new WvW map(s)

Less important or secondary ones are (imo)
- PvE duels or PvE team duels
- Mounts (for the new zones designed with them in mind)
- Air combat and Mounted Combat
- secondary professions for characters
- new crafting disciplines

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tank.7821


assault rifle for warriors and rangers.

that is all

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: acdspydar.8920


The Hype has gone too far!


Matthéo – North American Regime Change [Ruin]

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

-all dungeons scale to groups or heroes are added to the game
-necromancer gets to use a torch, great sword
-more bank tabs
-better legendary (hate the bows and staff)
-weapon dyes, or ability to customize particle effects of weapons
-new area, class, profession, dual professions
-trait system revamp

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


-all dungeons scale to groups or heroes are added to the game
-necromancer gets to use a torch, great sword
-more bank tabs
-better legendary (hate the bows and staff)
-weapon dyes, or ability to customize particle effects of weapons
-new area, class, profession, dual professions
-trait system revamp

The first one won’t happen

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moldur.6275


not a traditional paid expansion.
delivered via living episode, over the year 2015 in 12 months.
purely funded by gem store goodies.

paid expansions divide the community.
living story is good.

Cheap people who refuses to pay 300 people for their efforts divide society.
So basically you want an expansion that is living story, so you want living story…ok.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


what id want…hmmm…

- New skills
- New weapons for the classes
- Opening up more ways to play the current professions with new traits
- Hobosack fix (check engi forum if ya dont know wtf that might be)
- A magnet in the back of charrs to attract the backpiece to actually connect to the
back instead of hovering a meter behind em
- Armors that are visually designed for a specific class
- One or two more rustical ticket weapon sets (think belindas blade´s direction)
- Rytlocks new armor (seriosly.. there will be blood if i dont get it soon)
- A new load of named exotics with new skins
- Trophy type armors and weapons specific to enemies in design
- More respect for charr and asura armor
- One or two new dungeons using the fresh mechanics we got with the SW bosses
- More different enemies to get mauled by
- Raid content on teq scale
- More surface area to crawl arround on, stick noses into corners and explore
- Raid like champions on said areas (like the vine wrath, thats a perfect example)
- Wallet expansion to store stuff like crests, geodes and upcoming currencies
- Story content not focused purely on sylvari angst once in a while
- Guild content
- Lore dump till the cows come home (oil me up with it)
- Expansion on lore of other races besides sylvari for a change
- maybe a new profession… but i could survive without it
- Build templates
- Something to skip\turn off the NPE
- A bag of nice things for WvW
- Bob the builder invading LA and fixing it, the current builders suck

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exroyal.9053


Seriously guys all these lists are nice and all, like i want about everything listen in this thread, but i dont see 80% of them happening. As much is i’d like to be wrong, i dont see whatever Heart of Thorns is to be a big full fledge expansion. I dont see it coming with a new race and a new proff. I expect HoT to be a big feature pack mashed up with one or two Living Story season(s) which release expansion type content, but not as large as an actual expansion would be.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


Made a topic about this myself. Hadn’t seen this one (Was looking for the word ‘Expansion’).

And obviously this list is not very useful at this moment anymore, kinda late. Then again everything I suggested here I am pretty much saying for two years now, still for the sake of debate here is my list:

Oow and I will not hold back based on what I think they can / will and can / will not do, it’s a wish list.

- First of all I would hope an expansion would be the start of a model based more on expansion and a step back from the cash-shop model that we have seen being used over the last 2 years. A model more in line with GW1’s model, more regular expansion that pay the game in stead of cash-shop items. This so those items can move into the game-world itself, add meaning and reward to the content and remove the grindess in the game because the current model makes gold and grinding gold so important.

- Second I would love to see them having done a big update to the engine now allowing for a true open seamless world where there are no longer portals between all maps

- I would love to see the reintroduction of traditional quest. I like how event sheer up the world but imho they can not deliver what quest add to a game. Quest can give more feeling of adventuring and making a difference in the world where events are just things that keep popping up making them feel useless. Also reward system and small stories telling you about NPC’s can be delivered very nicely with the more traditional quest. So next to what we have now I would love to see those traditional quest

- I would love to see mounts being added and just as important fun ways to earn these mounts as that can be game-play by itself. So again no cash-shop items but earn them as reward for completing a dungeon op a JP or they might drop from a mob and so on. With this, addition the number of way-points might then also be reduce to give the world a bigger feel. This would also fit well with making it a true open seamless world.

- I would love to see some fun crafts. At this moment there are already many items (toys) in the cash-shop that in other game are rewarded by such crafts. A craft that also let you go all over the world to collect the recipe’s.

- I would love to see very customizable guild-halls.

- Also expanding on WvW would be great. Not only adding more maps but also adding to the way it works, making it more dynamic and more rewarding from a game-perspective. Maybe even partly mixing some of the dynamics in with the PvE world.

- And obviously I would like to see new maps, a new profession and a new race.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shoryuken.9435


I would like to see additional UI options. To add more hotbars for potions, food, macros and what not.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shoryuken.9435


I would like to see additional UI options. To add more hotbars for potions, food, macros and what not.

Also something like 6 man to 10 man Dungeon content for those who want that kind of thing.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


6 to 10 new level 80 zones, including an “elite” zone where every event is a group event and you have to go with a group. Upscale to level 80 like how EotN made you level 20 all the time on the expansion’s territory.

Massive overhaul of PvE party mechanics which promotes diversity of builds instead of just stacking berserker.

Ability to bring heroes in instanced content exactly like in GW1. Heroes could be DE 2.0 characters, plus new ones. Of course the missions that require specific hero(es) for the story can pre-select and lock them in the party, and let you fill the other spots. And in dungeons, heroes could fill spots if you don’t have 5 players.

Unharmed “weapon” skill for all profession. (ie: martial arts if a warrior, “touch” skills if caster, etc.)

New weapons. (Polearm and wand perhaps?)

New weapon skills for all existing weapons, and instead of the same fixed 2/3/5 skills you get to choose 2/3/5 skills from a pool.

New elite skills for all professions.

Minimum 10 new armor skins for all profession types. (soldier, scholar, adventurer) All ascended and non-trivial to get, but should be obtained from various areas of the game. (PvE, PvP, story, WvW, jumping puzzles, etc.).

Minimum 40 new weapon skins. All ascended and non-trivial to get. Again, should be obtained from various areas of the game.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kande.1930


Race change kits.

Yeah, I went there.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Wish list of stuff that would like, but probably won’t happen.

- Give us back the old difficult fractal where Agony Resistance was only for an easy way to do low level fractal, but couldn’t help you at all in high end fractal where only active defence could stop the Agony from one shot you dead. It was the only difficult content in gw2.
- Hard mode for all dungeons so they give us a real challenge.
- A better reward vs challenge vs time system where CoF path 1 and 2 don’t give you more reward than a level 50 Fractal.
- A better currency system. We have soo much of them and a lot of those only have value for the time you need to get some unique reward. They rarely have a good value after that and that put the content they are linked to less rewarding as time pass.
- Eliminating RNG with item that you can get several times. Not much of those in the game, but they can be frustrating : Fractals weapons, ascended armor/weapons chest, etc. Don’t mind RNG, but not when it give me useless item several time in a row while never giving the item you need.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


• New Legendary Season – I think this is a no brainer, legendaries are still the driving goal line for the people that feel they need to have one and a new season of legendaries would certainly make a lot of people start their grinding in preparation. The big question if season 2 of the legendaries would mean that season 1 is retired. I don’t know that Anet would do that, but it really would make legendaries continue to feel like special items. Sure there may be a ton of Sunrise & Twilights out there, but if you can’t make anymore wouldn’t that give people something to scramble on for the next six months? Lastly would now be the time that they introduce legendary trinkets or backpieces [spoiler=GW1 peeps – could this be our coveted capes?]

• New weapon types: Spreading the current weapons around the current professions is certain (and honestly I’ll start a thread on the best ways of spreading the current weapons around). More interestingly, I do think we are likely to see at least two new 2 handed weapons or 1 new 2 handed weapon and 2 one handed weapons introduced. I think the easy guess (considering it is so heavily featured in the trailer for the expansion) is the spear. I wouldn’t be surprised if a crossbow was brought to bear as well. If we end up seeing 2 one handed weapons my guess would be a fist weapon and a flail type weapon (morning star, nun chucks – it’s another “type” where many weapons are opened here). Other options that I think are less likely but I’ll keep an open mind: Blowgun (we have a jungle setting – its certainly a viable jungle oriented weapon), 2 Handed Axe (we are essentially fighting trees here), and Whip (clearly they already have plenty of the animations already done).

• New sPvP match types: Whether it’s finally implementing a flag capture type game or just out and out ripping off a Hutball type match (I hate to say it but really that was the most fun in structured MMO PvP I’ve had in forever) new sPvP matches can be crafted to put an emphasis on builds that are against current meta. Basically making stuns, and control king in a field that already has plenty of high damage types naturally occurring (shark pits, firewall, character catapults). The fun of these types of matches is really in their zaniness, but it also offers a completely different experience for those who are so inclined.

• Raid “Type” Content: ArenaNET hired a raid content director. To be honest I don’t see the game developing vanilla wow style 40 on 40 events. But let’s say they expand the commander system to coordinate four groups of 5 and introduce a queue type WvW map with strategic objectives that’s treated more like a combat game. That may even be inviting enough to bring in the more skilled and mature of the Military FPS types which would bring ANet their coveted new players.

• World Bosses: Not just new world bosses, but alternative even more challenging versions of all world bosses that can be instanced by guilds.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

For as long as many of us from GW1 have waited for an expansion pack for GW2 I can say I will honestly be disappointed if it isn’t at least of the same size and scope as ‘Eye of the North’ was for GW1. It also needs to include a new profession and a new race and we need those new weapons they were talking about and I want new utilities and new Elite skills. Cooking and Jewelry need to go to 500 as well.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Stuff I would love to see:

- The basics – more dungeons, more guild missions, new dynamic events, new minigames, new maps, new professions, new races, new world bosses, new pvp maps/modes, new crafting profession(s)

- Guild focused growth through guild halls and more things for guilds to do together (please give us minigames we can do in guild groups).

- Serious horizontal character growth through new weapons, utilities and traits. I would also support some kind of sub class or secondary profession (ala GW1) system

- Evolution/improvement of existing in game systems (example would be developing an LFG style tool that better accomodates getting people into active open world maps).

Things I really dont want to see:

- Vertical character progression of any kind (so no new levels or gear tiers).

- Traditional MMO raids (with set numbers of people) – the model used by other games is antisocial and would take over and make GW2 a toxic game (that said, if GW2 took a different, friendlier approach to raiding that fit with the rest of the game – or better yet, focused their raiding resources on things like Vinewrath, I would be all for it).

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linaeus.6253


Having a rune/sigil system for pve which mirrors pvp. Losing gold to experiment is not fun, especially when the build doesn’t work. A system to swap armor/trinkets/traits quickly because it’s hard to be efficient when it takes a minute each time to swap all of these. A template should be separate for armor/trinkets and traits obviously. These things have been asked and discussed before and they wouldn’t be able to include it specifically in the expansion, but they should be included in a patch around when the expansion gets released so there will be a more fluid gameplay involved when starting it.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


- GvG
- GvG
- GvG
- GvG
- GvG


Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kortas.7345


Okay so here is what I’m hoping for:

- no new level cap
- new playable race: Tengu (coming with the Dominion of Winds → 1 City + Starting Zone)
- tengu personal story up to joining an order (possibly about convincing the own people the open the gates and start joining the rest of the world to tke on mordi), after that they could give a choice of taking down mordi (heart of thorns story) or being told the story of the fall of zhaitan (old personal story after joing the order)
- new profession: some kind of heavy armored spellcaster (hopefully introduced through Rhytlock remember that picture of him in new armor wearing a blindfold)
- 5-9 new zones ( 2 in magus falls, 2-4 in maguuma wastes and 1-3 on the isles/bay of janthir)
- 3 new dungeons (imho the best themes would be 1 for some Champ of Mordremoth, 1 for the Mursaat possibly related to the bloodstone and 1 not directly tied to the story about Mordi)
- 1 raid: fight against Mordi (15-25 people)
- hard mode like gw1 (meaning you could toggle a hard mode in every zone which creates an instanced version of that zone for your group, normal mobs become elites, elites become champs, champs become legends, slaying every mob in the zone counts toward the new vanquisher title)
- new tier of cultural armor so that every race has 4 tiers (that would make 9 new sets of armor for each type)
- new PvP gamemodes like normal deathmatches
- unique borderlands in WvW (so at least 2 new maps if one stays the same as now)
- Guildhalls!
- new weapon types: scythe, landspear, 2-handed axe, crossbow, morning star, fist/claw weapons
- new emotes (like /drum, /guitar, /flute or /sitchair)
- special activities in the racial capitals (charr: player dueling in the bane, asura: polymock, humans: minas target shooting range, sylvari: plants vs zombies style tower defense in the necrolith bay, norn: some kind of arena where you battle against waves of mobs, tengu: ?)
- permanent SAB
- one new legendary for each weapon type (except greatsword for obvious reasons)

In total that would make about 9-14 new maps (plus maybe 6-7 different themed guildhalls), 1 new class & race, 3 new dungeons, 1 raid, at least 27 new sets of armor (plus maybe some new armor for the new story), new skills for each profession (because of new weapons) as well as new minigames, PvP & WvW content.

I know we probably wont get half of the stuff I mentioned and maybe I’m a little bit unrealistic in regards of the amount of the added content but one can hope

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moldur.6275


Okay so here is what I’m hoping for:

- no new level cap
- new playable race: Tengu (coming with the Dominion of Winds -> 1 City + Starting Zone)
- tengu personal story up to joining an order (possibly about convincing the own people the open the gates and start joining the rest of the world to tke on mordi), after that they could give a choice of taking down mordi (heart of thorns story) or being told the story of the fall of zhaitan (old personal story after joing the order)
- new profession: some kind of heavy armored spellcaster (hopefully introduced through Rhytlock remember that picture of him in new armor wearing a blindfold)
- 5-9 new zones ( 2 in magus falls, 2-4 in maguuma wastes and 1-3 on the isles/bay of janthir)
- 3 new dungeons (imho the best themes would be 1 for some Champ of Mordremoth, 1 for the Mursaat possibly related to the bloodstone and 1 not directly tied to the story about Mordi)
- 1 raid: fight against Mordi (15-25 people)
- hard mode like gw1 (meaning you could toggle a hard mode in every zone which creates an instanced version of that zone for your group, normal mobs become elites, elites become champs, champs become legends, slaying every mob in the zone counts toward the new vanquisher title)
- new tier of cultural armor so that every race has 4 tiers (that would make 9 new sets of armor for each type)
- new PvP gamemodes like normal deathmatches
- unique borderlands in WvW (so at least 2 new maps if one stays the same as now)
- Guildhalls!
- new weapon types: scythe, landspear, 2-handed axe, crossbow, morning star, fist/claw weapons
- new emotes (like /drum, /guitar, /flute or /sitchair)
- special activities in the racial capitals (charr: player dueling in the bane, asura: polymock, humans: minas target shooting range, sylvari: plants vs zombies style tower defense in the necrolith bay, norn: some kind of arena where you battle against waves of mobs, tengu: ?)
- permanent SAB
- one new legendary for each weapon type (except greatsword for obvious reasons)

In total that would make about 9-14 new maps (plus maybe 6-7 different themed guildhalls), 1 new class & race, 3 new dungeons, 1 raid, at least 27 new sets of armor (plus maybe some new armor for the new story), new skills for each profession (because of new weapons) as well as new minigames, PvP & WvW content.

I know we probably wont get half of the stuff I mentioned and maybe I’m a little bit unrealistic in regards of the amount of the added content but one can hope

I agree with everything you wrote, except that I don’t see why we wouldn’t get a new legendary greatsword (I mean the three twilight, sunrise and eternity doesn’t mean we cant have new ones those are kinda worn out)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evilunderling.9265


I’ll start with some QoL stuff I think might be cool (and not including things like build templates that have been requested a squadrillion times over):

  1. Selectable LFG descriptors for things like the expected skill level of the group.
  2. Dungeon runner profiles, per-character or per-account, with comments, selectable descriptors, and other relevant information.
  3. A ‘one-click’ option for the LFG to quickly form a casual ‘clear’ group for a piece of content, or alternatively to match you with people who share your claimed skill level and knowledge of the content you want to run based on your dungeon runner profile.
  4. A ‘vetted’ option for the LFG where people joining or merging are placed on probation and can’t actually join an instance with or do anything except talk to the existing party members — and that only on a separate channel to regular party chat — until the group decides to accept or reject them.
  5. A raid planning tool for group members and prospective group members to propose builds — including nourishment, traits, gear, weapons, and slot skills — to each other and possibly with some way to confirm that a player proposing to use a certain build can actually do so.

Some changes to levelling and the NPE that I think would be cool except for the riots that would result:

  1. Abolition of levels, in favour of obtaining improved gear as the sole form of vertical progression in the game, in a vaguely similar fashion to The Secret World, only more extreme.
  2. Equipment decay for lower-tier gear, used as a gating mechanism for higher-tier gear (e.g., equipping an ascended sword might require you to break nine exotic swords first).
  3. Use of tutorial quests similar to those found in Bravely Default to encourage players to explore the gameplay options available to them.
  4. With levels gone, the initial induction of a player into the game can be via something like a traditional quest. I guess this can be the “main tutorial quest”.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asgaeroth.6427


Raids with actual large scale guild instancing. This server hopping and carrying 30 random people in your hard earned empty instance for Teq and Trip make doing big fights as a guild just plain unfun.

We need real WvW. Have your current WvW designers watch some old footage of DAoC RvR. We need more match up persistence, less zone resets, significantly harder walls and doors with significantly less siege effectiveness. We have arcade version of RvR right now and it does not work. In DAoC siege had 50x the health and walls and doors took 1/50th the damage they do in GW2. This and the weekly resets make WvW a total joke. There’s no great cost of failure and no great reward in winning. It’s just a hollow bag farm pretending to be RvR.

(edited by Asgaeroth.6427)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Ssssshhhh! It’s not an expansion, it’s a movie deal. Don’t tell anyone.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


1. Tengu.
2. A new profession. Preferably the 3rd profession of the soldier class.
3. Tengu.
4. A story plot including Mursaat as a key component. Not mentioned. Not things done by them. Actual mursaat NPCs.
5. New territories.
6. Tengu.
7. At least 2 new dungeons
8. Tengu.
9. 4 new fractals. One of them reenacting part of the Tengu wars, one part of the Guild Wars, one a fight between Luxon and Kurzick before the Jade Wind (the side you fight for is random, the map would also be used for a new mode of PvP), and a boss fractal reenacting the fight between the gods and Abaddon, in which each player impersonates a god.
10. At least 4 new kinds of weapons. Giving at least one of them to each profession. Also giving access to existing weapons. In total, 1-2 new weapons for engineer, elementalist and thief and 3-4 for the rest.
11. Tengu.
12. A new starting story common for all races that starts in Lion’s Arch instead the racial cities
13. And tengu availableas a new playable race.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drindor.7901


New pvp modes such as capture the flag would be awesome

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drindor.7901


Also a dueling system where you can que for duals

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631


I want flying guild boats, and boats vs boats content.

(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nihlus.9724


64-bit Client
New Maps
New Dungeons
More Fractals
More Guild Missions
New Weapon & Armor Skins
New Set of Legendaries (One for each weapon type)
Guild Halls
Player Housing where you can choose any city as your home (Charr aren’t restricted to the Black Citadel)
More Traits
More Utilities
The Ability to Select Weapon Skills from a Pool of Skills
Build Templates

(edited by Nihlus.9724)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crise.9401



Amen to this, having played hard condi spec recently, as a Mesmer (dunno if necromancers are better or worse as far as conditions go, but judging from their use or lack there of they might be even worse off), I can really feel the hurt.

I mean the idea of no kill stealing in open world PvE in GW2 becomes just a distant illusion when a Zerker comes along and kills something before your conditions have had a chance to do anything. And as for world bosses and champions/legendaries, while conditions have a chance to tick for most of them because they stay alive long enough the hard cap for stacks comes into play there, thankfully Mesmers have confusion that other professions have less access to so it helps a bit but it is not very effective in PvE compared to standard DoT conditions.

Also, doing Living story as hard condi build solo can be brutal, in a sense that it can take forever in comparison to other specs (especially coming from thief that can cheese some bits with stealth, the 7s mass invis with the trait just feels so lackluster in comparison and lacks creative use potential).

(edited by Crise.9401)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caliga Meshima.4768

Caliga Meshima.4768

Guilds Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls Guild Halls.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631


I want to see an arrow shot in bows animations just like for the legendary longbow.
It was bad enough to have to work your way through getting quivers why is it that only legendary bow gets to have an arrow animation ? I don’t like shooting air

and also better sword stance for male human characters. That’s the only reason I NEVER use a sword for any of my male human toon… even though sword seems kinda useful for thieves

(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


- A bunch of new maps
- Updates to WvW
- Legendaries that don’t look like Easter Eggs
- A dragon fight that is not as dull as Zhaitan
- Tengu. I don’t care about them being playable or not. I just want to interact with them, explore their world and learn their lore.
- Allowing people to replay mission from LS Season 1 as well as their own Personal Story.

- Speaking of Personal Story: Let Trahearne become corrupted. Let him turn evil. Then allow us to put him out of his misery. Repeatedly. It can be a tragic story twist with the loss of one of the First Born, sad music can play and the NPC’s can mourn his loss while players teabag his corpse with unrivaled delight Please? Pretty please?

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prophet.6257


New races.
New large maps (like double the size/number)
New classes.
New weapon types.
New personal story (or continuing the LS as a replacement for it)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


New races.
New large maps (like double the size/number)
New classes.
New weapon types.
New personal story (or continuing the LS as a replacement for it)

New game.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prophet.6257


New races.
New large maps (like double the size/number)
New classes.
New weapon types.
New personal story (or continuing the LS as a replacement for it)

New game.

Like it felt when Nightfall and Factions released for GW1.

So long as they keep the core of what the game is. Action combat. Beautiful graphics. Fun lore. Diverse characters. Etc.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iFocus.3781


Re-configure the class system. Instead of choosing a specific class you choose the weight class, then the traits and skills you choose will determine what class you are. To this more classes should be added.
- Heavy Class: Guardian / Warrior / Marauder
- Medium Class: Ranger / Engineer / Thief
- Light Class: Necromancer / Elementalist / Mesmer

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631


There’s one thing anet failed to provide : a meaningful drop system.
– One of the reason is the waypoint system.
– lol random drops.

I’ll explain :
usually in mmo (well those i know), drops are what gives value to monsters, making those with great drop opportunity, proportionally rare and strong, providing a high risk/high reward kind of relation.
The only thing known about those monsters, which spawn RANDOMLY, is the area they tend to appear. So the search for those vip monsters is a huge component for the entertainment value (and enhances the exploration of the world).

The problem is, with waypoints, people can instantly teleport to the location and it usually ends up in a zerg fest. So that part alone destroys the meaning of exploration and the drop system —--> which leads to the lolrandom drop system we know.

So what I wish (not necessarily for this expansion in particular but for the future):
drastically diminish the waypoints, destroy them all even, except those for towns, and maybe dungeon entrances.
(you can maybe do this in an expansion centered toward asuras)

Then, recalibrate the drop system so that there’s a hiarchical drop rate value among mobs.

And then introduce, for some maps, strong rare vip monsters with a very low spawn rate, and which appear in random locations (and those would be the monsters with a chance to drop precursors).

And last but not least, as an option : get rid of that stupid zone of activity for monsters. It’s obvious the current system hasn’t been made to make mob spawn all over the map but in just specific locations in a scripted way. WHICH IS GOOD FOR SOME monsters. But not all of them.

=> What it would provide the game :
- a more satisfying exploration of the world, by giving more value to waypoints and far-away lands. (why do you think some other mmos have teleport as a class specific skill ?)
- death would finally give a sense of defeat (lost travel progression)
- mobs would finally become memorable.
- towns would finally become more lively (well, more lively than it already is that is).
- a better use to world chat, and better communication overall.
- people wouldn’t make groups just for dungeons or taxi. -_-
- less zerg fest.
- and of course a satisfying drop system.

(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)