Heart of Thorns Wish List:

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


My wish list in order of what I most want to see:-

1) New WvW content, ideally something to keep us going for months.
2) New classes (I would like 2).
3) New weapons for all classes.
4) Dual professions.
5) Hero’s/henchmen.
6) More traits/healing/utility/elite skills.
7) New sPvP maps/gamemodes.
8) More 60-80 lvl zones only.
9) Legendary armour.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yanipheonu.5798


Man I just REALLY want a house. Part of it just because I love the idea of housing in general in video games. and frankly, well, everyone else is doing it. It’s one of the main things that draws me away from GW2 to be honest.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hennrick.4623


Wish list? hhm, i would really love to see a fix for previous living content. I started at the aftermath of Lion’ s arch and i did the new living story… who the heck is this people? why they call me boss? why that silvary is trated like s**t? i know tidbits by the wiki ( videos lasts far too much ) and at least being able to replay previous content or gaining an alternative to narrative would be OK.

Besides that I would mlike to see new game modes, new fractal floors… unsure about weapons classes and zones, because that woudl really split the community i think ( mostly zones) and instaurate a force-buy to the consumer… well, not like in most mmo games you won’ t buy aniway the expansion, but still…

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631


Yeah that’s the problem with their living world system. The beginning of season 2 started with one of those temporary contents.
We got to meet Marjory and Kasmeer while investigating Scarlet. And then there was a big episode about the new crew forming and fighting Scarlet which led to the awakening of Mordremoth.
But as temporary contents, they erased all of it and now new players become the boss of a crew they had no idea existed :/

Aaaah… PAX show is about to start. The hype train was fun while it lasted xD.

(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dyzanne.9467


1) new race
2) new classes (Ritualist and dervish from guild wars 1 would be awesome)
3) new zones
4) new legendary weapons
5) maybe not in heart of thrones, but in the future I would like seeing maybe legendary armor.
6) I really miss the henchmen/heroes from gw1. Obviously don’t have them for just roaming, but if they were there for dungeons and storyline missions I think it would be useful.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631


I can’t believe some of my lol-wishlist are actually going be THERE !!

Well done Anet !

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bird.5920


Well, one of my wishes came true…GUILD HALLS. AHHHHH. YES.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moldur.6275


To all of those who kept on wishing for a new race when I said it was an impossible addition:
I told you so

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Funny, I got my staff use on a ranger request.

Gone to Reddit.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aria Cloudancer.2780

Aria Cloudancer.2780

I would like for the HoT expansion area to NOT be jump puzzle dependant. I have never been a good jumper and it became a major issue when the new play areas opened and couldn’t go very far into them because of the dependance on jumping. As a result I very rarely play GW2 anymore. It used to be my favorite game before the mo0ney hungry and jumper elites took over

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I still want those Tengu, tho.

I guess it’ll be net expansion against Primordus…

No exceptions!

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nikdik.1934


So… how many times are we gonna let our speculation run rampant, then blame Arena.net when it doesn’t match our self-hyped desires?

Seriously, how many times are the fans going to do this to themselves?

I logged in just to tell you… you are WRONG!!!!

How does it feel to be so sure and then have the exact opposite happen? HA!

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: paradox.4135


1. 64bit client 4 gw2 = we can use more then 2gb sys ram

2. dx11.3/12? update cmon it is 2015, it will give us better gpu und cpu performance without an upgrade

3. new fashion 4 female asura/char

4. better performancein wvw

5. look @ 1 and 2

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Well aside from fixing conditions (my last post on this thread prior to the PAX) I would have to say that there is a small list for me.

~ More melee options other than just a 2 handed mace (one handers with a shield would be good)
~ They’ve already hinted in their video for mobile turrets, so I’d have to ask for racial designs on turrets, kits and devices for Engineers.
~ Dye-able gear including kit, turrets, backpacks (if they become optional) and weapons.
~ Complete re-evaluation of the explosives line of weaponry to make them more modern (modern as in the design found in game already on NPCs not more modern from Real Life expectations) more like the NPCs we’ve encountered, the same for chemical warfare options.
~ Gliders that fit the class/race.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JusticarArkiel.1564


agree 100% on all this, ESPECIALLY the fixing of the original personal story. put it back in original order, and yeah, since you have time now, make the cutscenes fancier. do this, and i will throw my money at my screen.

Fix what you have before you build something new

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DOGIS.6902


1) Remove pets(as a hunter pet)
2)EOTM char limit variable (10 max) instead 20vs80
3)New legendaries(armor)
4)Electro black dye
5)more gems as a “poly”
6)drop chance indicate at item(for example move the mouse on item to salavge it , nad u’ll get extra window with chance for drop list) (option could be disable by player as “show rarity option”

Thank you.

(edited by DOGIS.6902)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Update the game engine so it can handle massive amounts of people. This is after suppose to be an mmo right.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eduard.5640


I wish the cinematic dialogue back, don’t like to read the texts ….
The whole feeling lost.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iyeru.5240


1. No Raids

2. Allowing us to zoom with scroll wheel while holding right-click.

3. Engineer turret skill fix so that they can become perma summons again.

4. Make an entirely new engine for Guild Wars 2, because using the old one just heavily modified is meh. Up texture resolution slightly, better character models and detail.

* (A strange light fills the room. Twilight is shining ahead. You’re filled with, DETERMINATION.)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magicmom.4205


Movement speed increase or mounts.

I think its pretty sad and dissapointing that only 4 professions get a speedboost to unlock while the other classes can trundle along at an alarmingly slow pace. Fair enough it takes a while to unlock the skill, but all professions should get a speedboost fairly early, like before lvl30.

I dont care that the warrior and guardians are “heavier”, they should still get a speedboost like the thief and ranger.

Or just give us mounts. Lotro and swtor has them and they are ftp! Come on!

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


I just had the following idea. This is not so much a wish for HoT but an idea for a mini game that could be added in the future.

So my idea is as follows:

Toy Mount Racing Circuit

This would be a racing game, set in various locations, utilizing the toy mounts (broom, magic carpet, tuneling device). Each tracks could have different obstacles and each toy mount could provide different advantages. Some ideas:

Track Obstacles and Boons
- Mines (blow up and cripple/chill you)
- Nets (a net that is raised high in the air and buried a little way underground, those who hit the net are immobilized briefly)
- Wurm Holes (teleport you backwards a few meters)
- Air Stream (wind that pushed you forward faster) [only affects broom and magic carpet]
- Soft Earth (move faster while burrowing through soft earth) [only effects tunneling device]

Broom Skills
- Sweeping Rush (gain swiftness for a few seconds)
- Fly High (temporarily fly higher to avoid mines and wurm holes, but cannot avoid nets)

Magic Carpet Skills
- Magical Shield (entering a wurm hole will teleport you forwards instead of backwards. The shield also allows you to pass through nets unhindered)
- Carpet Burns (emit magic fire in a trail behind you, slowing any players caught in the fire)

Tunneling Device Skills
- Burrow Deeper (avoid mines and nets, but cannot avoid wurm holes)
- Dolphine Jump (leap out of the ground like a dolphine out of water, taking advantage of Air Streams)

Would take a lot of work, but could be a fun mini game.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.