Hello...This is my public apoligy
I hope he/she reads the forums….
Huh? I’m confused. What kind of relationship do you have with the person you kicked from the guild? If you guys are casual, sounds a bit uncomfortable to do that to someone as a joke. Not sure what kind of jokes are funny to you but it left me wandering.
Just message the person and apologize. Chances are pretty slim that he reads the forum, unless he’s mentioned it before.
Beyond that, I don’t see the need for a public apology. Make it right with the person, if you can, and don’t beat yourself up over it. Learn from your mistakes and do better in the future.
i did msg him he didnt msg back ive told him about this thread in the hope that he will forgive me. last time i joke around like that with anyone tho T.T. i wont be reading this thread anymore ill just have to put this behind me and hope he will forgive me.
Oh you terrible person you! Public shaaaaame… no, but really. This is worthless.
If they are not willing to hear you out, you have your answer in regards to whether the relationship can be salvaged.
Sometimes a lesson is learned the hard way.
I don’t know what constitutes a joke for you but if that involved abusing a position of power over someone, maybe rethink your sense of humor. Yeah?
Take care buddy.
You never have to apologize if you’re never in the wrong.
It is really hard to be never wrong, though. You gotta work for it.
Shame. `ding´
Some things you simply do not do as a joke, next time you have a stupid idea just put yourself in the other person’s shoes first.
(edited by Aedelric.1287)
Friendliest community indeed. Some toxic comments here.
Some guilds do in fact do that as a joke but only to their most closest friends because they are just having a laugh and re-invite after and kitten. Jeez.
This is not very good publicity for your guild to let people know what kind of people they have as officers. Well, at least it can be taken as a warning.
I would not join back.
It doesn’t seem like a big deal, you shouldn’t feel bad, but just think about whether or not a joke will come across as a joke. Also if this person didn’t contact you back the they probably didn’t feel like a great fit in the guild to begin with and this was just a chance for them to move on.
It wasn’t a smart thing to do, but publicly apologizing for a mistake is too rare. Knowing it was wrong and apologizing is the mature thing to do. Lesson learned.
Friendliest community indeed. Some toxic comments here.
Some guilds do in fact do that as a joke but only to their most closest friends because they are just having a laugh and re-invite after and kitten. Jeez.
Indeed. I’ve kicked and been kicked from the guilds numerous times as a joke, some people really need to lighten the kitten up.
Reminds me of the time my friends and I told a guildmate in WoW that he could leave his PVP arena team by typing /gquit.
Good times…