Hello all im new :)
PvE all servers share the same zones, same with sPvP. Only WvW are server based and you should look at the standings that you can find in that forum to try to determine where you would fit in best. If you think you have made a mistake you can delete all characters and transfer for free (as long as the server is not full). If you do this everything that is not character bound and in your personal bank will transfer with you.
Have fun with the game.
Thanks for ur reply okay if all share pve zones and pvp, then my question will be WvW what server would be best to choose then, as eu player xD? how can i find out what server is good to World vs World ? or maybe u know that or anyone else :P?
with that said i mean, i dont wanna join a server that Loose every WvW, and i dont want a server that win every WvW, i want a 50%50 if there is one like that ?
Hello and welcome to GW2, I hope you enjoy the game.
For WvW ranking information you can go here: https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/wvw
WvW is divided into tiers 1-3 (I don’t play wvw so don’t take it as accurate). It sounds like you want a tier 2 world with a lot of back and forth. Again, visit the wvw forums for more detail.
welcome xanario
the gold league servers (1-9) mostly have the best coverage at all times but in my opinion require you too run with the “zerg” (a big group of players following one commander) in order to really achieve something. the silver league servers (10-18) have less coverage but in my opinion give you the possibility to achieve things in smaller groups. the bronze league servers (19-27) have the smallest player base and for that reason the least coverage.
but to be honest i played in all tiers and always had fun, so you can’t really choose wrong. right now i’m playing on gandara a gold league server and it really is a blast when it comes to wvw, since the server only recently joined the gold league.
hope i could help and if u have any further questions please go ahead have fun with the game ( i’m sure u will
I would recommend Seafarer’s Rest because not only is winning fun, you also get 3 guaranteed bonus chests every Friday (as long as you fought at least a little bit in WvW), so you get more loot in the long run, opening 6 chests every Friday with the potential to get a ascended equipment item is fun. Also, there are WvW tournaments every so often with prizes, do you want to miss out on those juicey 1st loot prizes.
Don’t worry about joining a server that wins all the time, you still after ‘work’ for it and you will still die occasionally.
Trust me, you will regret joining any other server in the EU, if you like WvW.
Hey, and thanks and also thanks for the replies Again. the gold League servers sounds nice, with the big zerg Group, i used to play dark age of camelot, in the old days, and also a few month back, and they also used to just run in big Groups and zerg around. alot of fun xD could u name any of those “gold League servers” WHO does the big zerg Group thing ?
Hey meglobob, and thanks for ur reply. this Seafarer server is that a gold League thing? that do big zerg Group ?
actually every server does zerg. it usually just comes down to how many commanders are active and in that case at least the gold servers usually have at least one commander on the map.
my advise join gandara
Hey meglobob, and thanks for ur reply. this Seafarer server is that a gold League thing? that do big zerg Group ?
Yes, we are no. 1 in Gold league on a consistant basis. We also won the last WvW tournament.
Well we do zerg, we do it in a clever, organised way and have spys/guards in tier 3 forts etc, know all the best siege placements, have regular weekly meetings, good teamspeak and is just a very, very organised WvW server.
We also have a lot of fun.
Right, thanks alot all ppl, WHO did help me out here 1 more question before i start the game xD and thats about “race” can i take whatever race to whatever class or is there one specific good race for each class ? or does it matter?
Right, thanks alot all ppl, WHO did help me out here
1 more question before i start the game xD and thats about “race” can i take whatever race to whatever class or is there one specific good race for each class ? or does it matter?
Everything can be used by all races/classes. I suggest picking something and giving it a try, you have 5 slots to play around with.
Again, have fun.
thats about “race” can i take whatever race to whatever class or is there one specific good race for each class ? or does it matter?
Yes you can take whatever race/class combo you want. Its personal choice really. A few things to bear in mind (but are subjective, ie…some players may disagree) :-
1. Small character models ie…Asura are generally thought to have a advantage in combat (particularly PvP) because of there small size.
2. Most people consider the human models the ‘best looking’.
ah right thanks alot Guys
Also this thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/OMG-If-you-only-knew-this-tips-for-new-players/first
And other threads in the players helping players forum is very useful.
Feel free to add me if you need a partner in crime
This may be stated somewhere in that tips thread Yargesh linked to you, but if armor appearances are at all important to whether you enjoy a class or not, then Argos-Soft.net is a good place to see what armors are available to the different weight types, as well as weapons.
You can also browse and preview all available armor weight types and weapon appearances at your bank in any main racial city by going to the Wardrobe tab of the bank.
Also, keep in mind that each class currently has only specific weapons available for them that they are able to wield. Consider trying out each of the different classes to see how each plays with the skills available for the ranged/melee weapon options available to them to see what you enjoy most. Take your time and enjoy experimenting with each class and weapon combination to see what you enjoy most.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)