Help Uninstalling Desktop App
What do you mean by “can’t uninstall successfully”?
Is it giving you some kind of error message while uninstalling?
Or, after uninstall success, there are some file / folder left? If so, deleting those file / folder left manually should be fine.
* Event Timer (including HoT Meta), Daily, WvW, Pact Supply, Account. Trading Post, etc:
* Google Playstore Link
(edited by akenoyuki.8210)
Click destop icon the right click delete.
Find folder were you installed game do same right click and delete.
There now gw2 is gone from your system.
Click destop icon the right click delete.
Find folder were you installed game do same right click and delete.
There now gw2 is gone from your system.
That should be a last resort. You will leave old registry entries and other data on your computer from the program. You always want to uninstall a program with the proper installation program to limit the amount of clutter that you form in your PC over time. No need to make your PC run slow when it can be avoided.
If the windows uninstaller wont work, you can look for third party uninstallers that will delete the files then scan your computer to remove the stray files. Just be sure to research the program before downloading if you go this rout to make sure you get one that your comfortable with.
App? It sounds like you use macOS. Then install App Cleaner and it will delete all gw2 files, below are paths to these files:
App: /Applications/Guild Wars
Caches: ~/Library/Caches/com.transgaming.guildwars2
Preferences: ~/Library/Preferences/com.transgaming.guildwars2.plist
Click destop icon the right click delete.
Find folder were you installed game do same right click and delete.
There now gw2 is gone from your system.That should be a last resort. You will leave old registry entries and other data on your computer from the program. You always want to uninstall a program with the proper installation program to limit the amount of clutter that you form in your PC over time. No need to make your PC run slow when it can be avoided.
If the windows uninstaller wont work, you can look for third party uninstallers that will delete the files then scan your computer to remove the stray files. Just be sure to research the program before downloading if you go this rout to make sure you get one that your comfortable with.
even the uninstaller leaves registry data, the only way to be sure is to find the registry in regedit but if you don’t know what to do it can ruin windows.