Help me choose plz
Some classes are more optimal than others but all are viable for what you mentioned. Choose the class you feel you would have the most fun playing.
so lets say as a ranger or necro i wont be rejected from dung groups like i was told?
so lets say as a ranger or necro i wont be rejected from dung groups like i was told?
If they’re speed run groups that want specific builds or classes then you could be but for the most part you won’t be kicked.
I main necro (it’s the most fun class, imho) and don’t have much of a problem when LFGing for dungeons, as long as you can take care of yourself and don’t have to be babysat by your team you shouldn’t run into too much trouble. I have been kicked maybe 2-3 times by elitists before being given the chance to enter the dungeon though (and no, they were not advertising as such on their LFG)
((helping out non-thinkers since 1989))
so lets say as a ranger or necro i wont be rejected from dung groups like i was told?
I play engineer. I don’t usually care that much about party comp, but the exception is I always cringe when a necro joins my dungeon parties.
The meta pretty much dissolved with the last big update…
Anet is playing whack-a-mole with all the really overpowered stuff, so who knows where they will stop.
I mean sure you can still run full zerk teams… but for all we know condi might actually become the new meta… or atleast a hybrid condi + raw dmg.
I’d say play whatever profession you have the most fun with. Even if they aren’t all balanced well against each other at the moment, they are all viable for PvE.
As others mentioned some dungeon groups may be strict or elitist, but there are plenty of other groups that aren’t.
Currently necros are pretty bad in dungeons no matter the build, ranger have 1 build that brings extra damage to the party that no other class can offer (frost spirit and spotter), still not meta but acceptable.
Sadly, for dungeon speed run guard, war and ele are a must and mesmer and thief are tool classes depending on the dungeon.
But if you’ll play with friends or be in a guild then both classes can be used in dungeons quite nicely, and in that case go with whatever you prefer.
BTW necros are also great in WvW, not only in PvP.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I main a necro, and I never have trouble getting into and not being kicked from dungeons. If they see you camping a staff at range and pulling up a ton of minions, they may kick you. But if you play well and are friendly, you won’t get kicked from groups (not including speed run groups, which usually won’t be advertising on the lfg anyway).
I’d say play what you like the most! My vote goes for mesmer~
Necro and rangers do have a hard time, not as bad as the forums would lead you to believe, but if anyone is going to get blocked by elitism it’s one of those two.
GW2 pve is not challenging enough to require “meta” anything to clear.
Self styled ‘elites’ being elitist. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing, if only they weren’t so ill informed. Rangers and Necros are fine. What we’re dealing with here is the idea of ‘meta’ and ‘optimal’ neither of which really have much impact in day to day play. In some peoples eyes if a class outputs even 1% less damage than another than it’s apparently completely broken.
Now classes do have their own play-styles and it’s a subjective matter as to whether you like how a ranger or necro plays, but I can vouch that you can PvE, PvP and WvW with both Necros and Rangers (granted I haven’t pvp in a while, but I’m sure it hasn’t changed too drastically).
well i guess its not worth even trying
its so easy to balance pve in a mmo and if its not i can only assume they dont give a dam
Amar, every game has classes that are stronger then others. Balance isn’t that easy to attain, that’s why there are so many balance changes and patches in ANY/ALL mmo style games.
If you feel that negatively about it, then you are probably right, it would be better to not try.
For dungeons:
I don’t know who told you that Eles were “maybe” viable. They’re the best dps class in dungeons.
Thieves are pretty fantastic as well. High DPS and great utility. Stealth is very strong.
Engineers are great. Great DPS and good general utility.
Rangers are OK in dungeons with their unique buffs. It’s just that the Sword auto-attack is annoying.
Warriors are amazing in dungeons right now with high damage and banners.
Guardian and Mesmer fulfill similar roles with their reflects. It’s good to have one or the other in places with lots of projectiles.
Really, it’s just Necros who are in such a bad state >_>;
(edited by Neko.9021)
Amar, every game has classes that are stronger then others. Balance isn’t that easy to attain, that’s why there are so many balance changes and patches in ANY/ALL mmo style games.
If you feel that negatively about it, then you are probably right, it would be better to not try.
for pvp balance is very hard to achieve without destroying uniqueness
for pve its easy as kitten
you want all classes to have a place right? before we go into dmg calcs
just give every class a useful buff he brings to the party and no class will be "useless"or “unwanted”
here its rather impossible for a class to have a unique buff since its all the same might fury and swiftness
(edited by Amaranthe.3578)
Hi! Welcome to GW2 first of all.
About your post: Yes, most of speed runs and meta users avoid Necros and Rangers. That’s because there are very few players that play this classes “correctly” and even when doing so, they are outshined by the other classes because of utilities, boons and active defenses. Now, have in mind that you have 5 character slots on your account and you can try several classes and leveling is pretty easy compared to other games.
What class to chose? I’ve been playing heavy classes (Guardian and Warrior) since release, they’re great, reliable and always wanted in PvE. Also, they do pretty good in PvP and WvW. But I started playing Mesmer not long ago and must say i’m in love with that class. First of all, it’s the only class that’s exclusive from this game, you might find every other profession (or their archetypes) in most MMOs and RPGs. It’s a class that will show its true potential at lvl 80 and mgith have some mechanics that seem hard to master but it is really fun and rewarding. Right now they’re really good in PVE, PVP and WVW. They do have one problem and it’s mobility but you can take care of that equipping a Signet (Inspiration) or armor runes that give perma speed (Traveler)
TL;DR: IMHO for your first character Guardian or Warrior (Easy Mode) or Mesmer (not that easy, bit hard to level but unique in my MMO experience).