Help me select please

Help me select please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Big Tower.5423

Big Tower.5423


I cant find a fitting shirt/coat or anything that fits with this gear, any ideas? Can anyone help me out?) (imma a thief)


7800 hours ingame, and counting.

Help me select please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chrisblz.5249


Firstly, I would ask what armor set is the one you are wearing. By the way, have you tried achieving ascended armor, it looks sexy enough (I am a thief too and trying to get ascended).

Tassar D/D – SB Thief, Level 80
Valorahn GS – Sf Guardian

Help me select please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Big Tower.5423

Big Tower.5423

Firstly, I would ask what armor set is the one you are wearing. By the way, have you tried achieving ascended armor, it looks sexy enough (I am a thief too and trying to get ascended).

Im wearing whispers boots, catacombs shoulders, rest duelist. And i never craft so i cant get ascended armor :P

7800 hours ingame, and counting.

Help me select please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Big Tower.5423

Big Tower.5423

Bump………. 15 letters

7800 hours ingame, and counting.

Help me select please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


The problem is I can’t tell what things would clip, or cover stuff you want visible. For instance the Scout’s Coat (T1 cultural) will show your pants just fine but cover your gloves.

Take a look at

to see a lot of options (not all of them, there might be some gem shop or limited time items not in the gallery). The old Argos Soft had a list of all the places to acquire the skins. This new version doesn’t seem to, but you can wiki for the individual item name.

Help me select please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: megakittytron.5971


Go into the heart of the mists (the double swords at the top of your screen) and preview essentially all the armors in the game from the armor lockers there.