Help with Viper's gear
I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I’m pretty sure some gear for viper ranger is actually sinister. I may be wrong though because I don’t know the build well, but most viper sets call for some sinister gear. I’m sure you’ll get better responses, but in the mean time I wouldn’t worry too much and just grind out a ring, accessory, backpiece and amulet from Bloodstone Fen and Emberbay. That’s the easiest way for guaranteed vipers trinkets.
Half on bloodstone fen half on ember bay.
Bloodstone fen also gives you the option to reset stats.
Get back,a mulet and rings from bf abd earings from eb as stated above..
Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?
For rings you will have to either infuse or attune one. For earrings you will only be able to equip one of them.