Here is how we get capes in GW2
Or we could have side capes.
interesting, but I would call that a half measure.
I rather they take their time and do it right, rather than implement some half measure like side capes , not to mention all the negativity they would get if side capes were implemented.
Or we could have side capes.
interesting, but I would call that a half measure.
I rather they take their time and do it right, rather than implement some half measure like side capes , not to mention all the negativity they would get if side capes were implemented.
*only for Charr, the rest get the regular capes.
Cultural Back armor Anyone?
humans get capes
sylvari should get plants [not like the rose or Censer] but like thorns, Venus fly traps and vines
Charr should get something mechanical like [ animating spinning gears for example]
Norn … idk :P
Asura can get Sci- fi Esque back things…
I’m usually typing on my phone
Or we could have side capes.
interesting, but I would call that a half measure.
I rather they take their time and do it right, rather than implement some half measure like side capes , not to mention all the negativity they would get if side capes were implemented.
Charr would like friggin cool with that cape.
all other races get : capes.
charr: side capes or spinning gears like you said ^^, since they are the only race keeping us from getting capes in the 1st place.
Or we could have side capes.
That would probably clip with every shield.
Or we could have side capes.
That would probably clip with every shield.
even gw1 capes were not 100% free of clipping issues,
there’s no game in existence that has 100% clip free capes EVER !
expecting capes to be 100% clipping free is a pipe dream.
- having slight clipping issues only with shields and only when sheathed is to me a very acceptable compromise.
Or we could have side capes.
That would probably clip with every shield.
Or we could have side capes.
That would probably clip with every shield.
even gw1 capes were not 100% free of clipping issues,
there’s no game in existence that has 100% clip free capes EVER !expecting capes to be 100% clipping free is a pipe dream.
- having slight clipping issues only with shields and only when sheathed is to me a very acceptable compromise.
No, those would clip when not sheathed. Check the picture. Well unless they made the cape behave like it was glued to the hand then it wouldn’t clip but I doubt that would look very good.
Looking at the poses with drawn weapons, it looks like a normal cape would have much fewer issues.
Or we could have side capes.
That would probably clip with every shield.
Shields don’t stay on the back
When a weapon is drawn or when running have the cape foldup over the shoulder, freeing up the arm.
Hahaha, like Charr would be the race to go extinct. Rytlock will outlive Logan. (If there is any justice at all)
EDIT: Then again, I suppose the humans are more likely to run away than Charr, so… maybe not.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Not reall just a charr problem, what about engineers with kits equpped? Their fault too :P
Hahaha, like Charr would be the race to go extinct. Rytlock will outlive Logan. (If there is any justice at all)
EDIT: Then again, I suppose the humans are more likely to run away than Charr, so… maybe not.
good you seem to get my little story that makes me happy.
yeah the charr would keep fighting even if they know they will die.
think of it this way, they are the klingons of Tyria, dying in a blaze of glory is what they live for.
Not reall just a charr problem, what about engineers with kits equpped?
Their fault too :P
Kits hide back items now, no need to change it.
When a weapon is drawn or when running have the cape foldup over the shoulder, freeing up the arm.
nice pics keep them coming, I’m excited and maybe will get excited by them to and start secretly working on capes (if they are not already) I seem to remember there was a mention of some group at working on this cape issue but it wasn’t an official project more like something they were doing on their own time.
What I don’t get is that Anet wants capes to be completely free of clipping issues, yet my Primeval armor on my Ranger in GW1 stabs holes in my cape every single time I move. Even when I don’t move, the left glove still stabs through the cape.
Take a look at this Ranger and all of his glorious sharpness.
At this point, I don’t care if my character clips through the cape at all…. I just want a cape!