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Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derpinator.2894



1 is supposed to be there, but really isn’t. It’s not that you get nothing from lower level content, but to say its relevant is a bit of a stretch as implemented. But this will probably get tuned.

I’d agree with you that factually, pvp, wvw and dungeons exist. Do you actually “get” them? Hmmmm. Some do, some don’t. There are bugs/exploits/problems with each of these that make people not want to do that content, so while it may be technically available, it’s not really “ready” for them to get.

The rest of both lists is pretty accurate imo, but your final assertion that there is no carrot on a stick is simply incorrect. There are carrots, there are sticks. They’re just different colors and sizes than other MMO’s.

This game is different, but not different enough to warrant all the hooplah about it’s revolutionary new this and that, and “game changing” ballyhoo.

It’s another MMO with a few differences from still other MMOs.

That’s all.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


Still going at it are we Stark. Please stop kidding yourself!

sPVP has four maps, one game mode, and is unbalanced class wise – unplayable after a short while!

WvW has very long queue times so out goes any casual players almost immediately, people don’t want to wait around for hours. Again WvW has no meaning, besides going around in huge groups, or “zerging” as it’s referred to, just all very repetitive, and can be very laggy too!

Dungeons you have to stand around shouting out in map chat to attempt to find a group to begin with, nothing more needed to say on that matter.

World Boss encounter? Ok do that once, job done.

Achievements, I mean really, why? It’s a virtual number going up with no relevance. Nobody can see them, they serve no purpose, so just why?!

Maxing crafting levels serves no purpose what so ever either, the main reason for the majority are so you can craft exotic gear…which you can just purchase a full set for between 10-20 gold from the trading post. Certainly doesn’t take long.

To sum it up, this game doesn’t have a carrot on a stick, nor does it have any replayability or any fun factor once level 80 has been reached, thus other games with a “carrot on a stick” per say, will probably be more suited to other people, and maybe more fun too! Thanks.

^ Bingo!
Stark you really should put down the Kool-aid. This must be your first mmo though because you trying to bash “the other game” failed bad. MoP actually has a lot of fun to offer. So please don’t bash another game if you haven’t played it.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Still going at it are we Stark. Please stop kidding yourself!

sPVP has four maps, one game mode, and is unbalanced class wise – unplayable after a short while!

WvW has very long queue times so out goes any casual players almost immediately, people don’t want to wait around for hours. Again WvW has no meaning, besides going around in huge groups, or “zerging” as it’s referred to, just all very repetitive, and can be very laggy too!

Dungeons you have to stand around shouting out in map chat to attempt to find a group to begin with, nothing more needed to say on that matter.

World Boss encounter? Ok do that once, job done.

Achievements, I mean really, why? It’s a virtual number going up with no relevance. Nobody can see them, they serve no purpose, so just why?!

Maxing crafting levels serves no purpose what so ever either, the main reason for the majority are so you can craft exotic gear…which you can just purchase a full set for between 10-20 gold from the trading post. Certainly doesn’t take long.

To sum it up, this game doesn’t have a carrot on a stick, nor does it have any replayability or any fun factor once level 80 has been reached, thus other games with a “carrot on a stick” per say, will probably be more suited to other people, and maybe more fun too! Thanks.

^ Bingo!
Stark you really should put down the Kool-aid. This must be your first mmo though because you trying to bash “the other game” failed bad. MoP actually has a lot of fun to offer. So please don’t bash another game if you haven’t played it.

I had access to the entire beta.

You find it fun, I found it boring. After the beta and the few patches that went live before Pandaria, I decided to leave.

WoW now blows.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OutsiderSubtype.4329


1 is mostly untrue.

You have level 80 costs when exploring (waypoints, repairs) but you do not get level 80 rewards from DEs, renown hearts, or area completion.

There is a chance of level 80 loot dropping from mobs, but it is a very small chance compared to Orr or Frostgorge Sound.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swagman.9013


Still going at it are we Stark. Please stop kidding yourself!

sPVP has four maps, one game mode, and is unbalanced class wise – unplayable after a short while!

WvW has very long queue times so out goes any casual players almost immediately, people don’t want to wait around for hours. Again WvW has no meaning, besides going around in huge groups, or “zerging” as it’s referred to, just all very repetitive, and can be very laggy too!

Dungeons you have to stand around shouting out in map chat to attempt to find a group to begin with, nothing more needed to say on that matter.

World Boss encounter? Ok do that once, job done.

Achievements, I mean really, why? It’s a virtual number going up with no relevance. Nobody can see them, they serve no purpose, so just why?!

Maxing crafting levels serves no purpose what so ever either, the main reason for the majority are so you can craft exotic gear…which you can just purchase a full set for between 10-20 gold from the trading post. Certainly doesn’t take long.

To sum it up, this game doesn’t have a carrot on a stick, nor does it have any replayability or any fun factor once level 80 has been reached, thus other games with a “carrot on a stick” per say, will probably be more suited to other people, and maybe more fun too! Thanks.


Pvp is so balanced in other mmos I guess you are right.

And map variation, wow and swotor had that down on their release right? You like warsong gulch or warsong gulch?

Sitting around shouting for players for a dungeon, you’re right I’ve never had to do that in other mmos, I’ve also never had to problems finding healers/tanks or if the tiniest thing goes wrong they instantly leave because there’s another group waiting for them. Never had that happen ever.

And oh let me tell you how useful crafting is in other mmos, glad I’ve never had to acquire crafting materials from raids that need at least 9 other people to do, oh and I’ve never had to compete with those people for said mats either.

Gw2 really does fall short of the mark seeing as how I’ve never experienced a worse or more tedious version of this ever.

(edited by Swagman.9013)

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkhorse.9846


WOW did not release with any battlegrounds. They were added 6mos to a year later. He is comparing it to a newly released game the has potentially genre changing updates. I feel it is a fair comparasion. WOW had some serious issues at release that I’m sure many people would claim are “game breaking”. The auction house was mess for the first 6 mos. And the loot lag was horrible for the same amount of time. The pvp in SS crashed the server daily and that is why the battlegrounds were added.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


Still going at it are we Stark. Please stop kidding yourself!

sPVP has four maps, one game mode, and is unbalanced class wise – unplayable after a short while!

gw2’s pvp, while not perfect, is the most balanced on the market currently. stop trying to faceroll like you do in BL2.

WvW has very long queue times so out goes any casual players almost immediately, people don’t want to wait around for hours.

queue times are bearable, and wvw is the mokittenn myself and thousands of others have had in pvp. the fact that queues exist speaks for itself.

Dungeons you have to stand around shouting out in map chat to attempt to find a group to begin with, nothing more needed to say on that matter.

so? dungeons are skill-based and fun. the best alternative is being a part of a community, i.e. a GUILD

World Boss encounter? Ok do that once, job done.

at least this game has world bosses. theyve already acknowledged the scaling issues.

Achievements, I mean really, why? It’s a virtual number going up with no relevance. Nobody can see them, they serve no purpose, so just why?!

achievements give you significant xp. nice try.

Maxing crafting levels serves no purpose what so ever either, the main reason for the majority are so you can craft exotic gear…

unlike other games, crafting levels you up. therefore, it has a very specific and important purpose. and if you craft a couple of rares/exotics on the way up, then all the better

To sum it up, this game doesn’t have a carrot on a stick, nor does it have any replayability or any fun factor once level 80 has been reached

thanks for YOUR opinion. sounds to me like u need to go back to BL2 and stop trolling our forums.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


theyre actually not opinions. im just clarifying the facts to you.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Vanilla WoW? That was what, around 7 years ago? Games have come a long way since then when launching. This game was under development for a very long time, there’s no excuses for the poor amount of content on offer

I dislike jumping down people’s throats, but your assertion that there is a “poor” amount of content is ridiculous. Just because there isn’t a gear grind that players can views as a “reward” does not mean there isn’t content. As far as PvE content goes? There are 8 dungeons, each with a story mode, and an explorable mode with multiple paths per dungeon. That is more dungeon variety than any other MMO I can think of upon release. There is obvious progression with these dungeons as they require you to be certain levels, and they restrict you to those levels. This simulates different gear levels without allowing an individual to “beat out” the content simply by outleveling it. It is a challenge every time.

The map is a substantial size that is by no means “poor.” Each of these zones has a lot of frequently occurring events that users can take part in; more than any other MMO I can think of on release. While these may be repetitive after the first few times, it is still a huge variety of content that is interesting to participate in.

There is more I could name, but I am currently at work and went from having nothing to work on to having 5 projects at once, but I felt the need to address this a bit. There is a LOT of content out for the released version of the game. Stat grinders just feel less of a desire to repeat the content for a reward that amounts to nothing statistically. There is a lot of content (although a healthy chunk is bugged, which takes away from it to an extent, but that’s what happens when you don’t have a true extended beta); it is just not formatted in a way that MMO frequenters can follow linearly and mindlessly, with obvious rewards.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katai.6240


Wow. Sometimes I wonder if you people just don’t like MMOs >_>

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roargathor.2743


Dude… you forgot the most important and compelling aspect that “the other mmo” has to offer….. Kung Fu Pandas. MOP > Gw2. End of discussion. ;P

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roargathor.2743


In all seriousness, this game beats all other mmo’s I’ve ever played simply because there is no gear grind for end game. WvW is why I bought the game. At 80, everyone has the same stats, so I don’t feel obligated to grind for gear just to compete. Thankyou Anet.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


In all seriousness, this game beats all other mmo’s I’ve ever played simply because there is no gear grind for end game. WvW is why I bought the game. At 80, everyone has the same stats, so I don’t feel obligated to grind for gear just to compete. Thankyou Anet.

I’m in the same boat. played quite a few MMO’s that featured PVP and not one have I played has an even playing field. It’s either grind your kitten off to keep up, or get stomped. Not even remotely fun.

I’ve been on top before. I used to also twink. one of the biggest things that drew me to twinking in any game… was the lack of grinding. You get the gear you need and you’re permanently a god/godess in your bracket. However, that being said.. it gets old and boring after a while. I like WvW here.. where I can jump in from level 1 and enjoy myself. Where although being level 80 and exotics gives an edge over newer players.. it’s not so much though that the newer player has no hope of winning if they play smart.

This is my sort of pvp game.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enzi.5496


According to this list you can only craft in other MMOs. Really?

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


Arguing aside Anonymous, if you haven’t played MMO’s before, it’s hard to explain things. And fanboyism aside, I’ve played Everquest, Everquest 2, Rift and WoW, all good games in their own right, and none of those launches had any more to do than GW2 does now. In some cases, even less.

The amount of dungeons, world events, and content in general is about equal. The problem is that the lvl 80 real estate is horribly small and broken. Orr is small and currently infested with bots and zergs farming karma. The ones that work.

Im not taking sides with any specific MMO but I am disappointed that this game was rushed to beat out the wow xpac and it could have launched in a much better position.

I am just sick of developers rushing games out and spending more time on voice acting and graphics when the gameplay almost seems like an after thought.

Also…too many mmo’s these days focus on pre release and release and not enough on post development. They were NOT prepared for this storm. Now they are paying for it and up to their necks with catchup….even placing up ads on the front page looking to hire more people.

That last one has been a huge contribution to the last 4-5 new MMO’s failing.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoridium JackL.7463

Zoridium JackL.7463

firstly, it’s VERY easy to make such a subjective side by side comparison to make a game look good, you can see it in your post, it wasn’t an objective assessment it was you listing off buzz and glorified features and then taking WoW and using negative and often bullkitten words you make it sound like what WoW has is worse.

1.) The ability to continuously explore the world, and still get loot relevant to your level. (you can do this in WoW just without the loot, and in other MMOs you can do it with the loot)

4.) 30+ different dungeon paths for tokens to get cosmetic gear (different paths same dungeon, and that cosmetic gear? it’s a GRIND, yet you felt the need to use that in similar WoW listings, just not GW2… wonder why that is? (Don’t answer I already know, you didn’t make this list as an objective assessment you made it as a bias spewing piece of kitten))

5.) World boss encounters for loot ( I get that in other games, WoW included)

6.) Legendary weapon “grind” (I get that in other games, I also noticed you felt the need to leave out carrot on a stick part, like you did it in WoW, maybe you sould look into your bias problem)

7.) Achievement “grind” (can do that in other games)

8.) Ability to max all crafting professions (can do that in other games, also noticed you felt the need to say “max” while not using it for WoW)

1.) PvP, Arenas, etc. (grouping all PvP together here but not in GW2? Excuse me but your agenda is showing)

2.) Faction “grind” (yes it is a grind, and GW2 lacks factions in any real capacity as far as I can tell)

3.) Carrot on stick “grind” gear score dungeon runs, to next dungeon runs for gear with better stats (I see you used Carrot on a stick here, an you also grouped dungeons and loot grind together? you didn’t do that for GW2 you left them separate, probably some innocent explanation because you totally aren’t biased)

4.) Achievement “grind” (can do in other games)

5.) Pet battles (that’s right they did add that in didn’t they? never tried it myself but I did enjoy pokemon)

6.) Crafting (you forgot to say max all)

7.) From final dungeon runs, to raid “grind” for gear with better stats (here you go again with the grouping of raids and gear grind)

8.) Other stuff I am sure I’m missing (yeah I’m sure you intentionally missed stuff to, because you can only think of 8 things to list for GW2 and if you list more for WoW it might undermine you biased argument)

let me make my own list, and I’m not gonna be objective, I’m gonna list the things I can do in GW2 at endgame that interest me (because things that don’t are subjectivly to me a grind because I don’t enjoy them) and the things I can do in TSW endgame that I enjoy.

1. dungeons
2. quests
3. world bosses

1. dungeons (which I prefer to GW2s dungeons)
2. questing (again I think is better than GW2 questing)
3. lairs
4. world bosses (slight overlap with lairs here but not entirely)

end story, stop trying to present your horribly biased and subjective listing as if it were a completely factual assessment of the two games end game, it makes you look like a fool.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


This game does not have a carrot on a stick.

Yet. We have to wait and see how they expand with content patches and expansions before that distinction can really be made. WoW didn’t have too much of a carrot on a stick when it first came out, either.

Here's what it is, and here's what it isn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

The pvp in SS crashed the server daily and that is why the battlegrounds were added.

Ahh, good ol’ SS pvp; you’ve gotta admit though, as buggy and as frustrating as it was, that was a lot of fun.

Folks, it’s entirely futile to compare GW2 to Vanilla WoW. Expectations change right along with technologies, practices, processes, etc.

If some new car manufacturer releases a vehicle with a mess of issues, do they get to justify it by leaning on “well Ford and Chevy had tons of issues when they started selling cars”? No, because that was decades ago and the technology has evolved.

I’m not saying GW2 is a bad game, it’s got great potential; but for us to sit here and justify the game’s issues by comparing it to another released almost a decade ago (I cringe thinking about what software language I was developing on at the time), then there is a serious issue w/ the evolution of game development.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

(edited by Lance Coolee.9480)