Heroic Edition chest

Heroic Edition chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joreel.9263


I’m curious as to why only one character gets to have the equipment and supplies from the chest you get in the mail. I know it’s a free bonus which is nice, but considering that all the stuff you get are really cosmetic at best, it just seems kinda stingy. If you upgrade to the Digital Deluxe edition, do they limit the bonus stuff to one character also?

Heroic Edition chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


You only ever get one Rytlock mini, but the Hero’s Ring and Banker Golem will appear on every alt you ever make. At least they do for me, I have the CE.

Bonus: The golem now lasts for 2 weeks rather than the original 4 days. Mine just ran out and my guardian was 60 when it did. Very handy having that thing around for leveling in the wilds!

Heroic Edition chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhou.3605


Uh here is an idea, stop whining about getting something for nothing. I have been playing since almost the very beginning, if I want those items, I have to spend real life money, or gold to buy 500 gems. Grow up. The rest of us did not get these items for free, let alone for buying the game at a reduced rate. We paid full price, and got no bonuses.

Also, the last time I checked, the boosters are in no way cosmetic. And an 18 slot mithril box would cost you about 2.5 gold if you bought it in game. That is really nice for a newb to have. I had to slave at the start just to get a 10 slot copper box. You are getting more than you deserve in all honesty. As a long time committed player, I feel that its a touch unfair, but what makes it worse? You complain about your hand out.

Heroic Edition chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


They actually don’t include the Hero’s Band with the game anymore, since that was a pre-order bonus. Of course, it’s a neat early-game trinket more than anything useful. /clarification

As for whether receiving just one suit of legacy armor to go with five character slots seems stingy, that’s only if you’re just looking at the numbers. In more practical terms, you’re probably going to find armor you like in the game itself, rather than trying to clothe all of your characters in Legacy Armor. Even if you did get a suit of each, that’s still three legacy armors for five characters before you start repeating yourself.

Personally, of the three legacy armor options, I’m really only crazy about the Krytan one anyway, which was totally my favorite in GW1. <3

Really, the “Heroic Edition” is about getting you excited about jumping into the game from the start, and maybe power-leveling through some of the early game. (Which is kinda a pity, since the early game has some of my favorite areas and characters.) The XP boosters are nice, but they’re just a drop in the bucket for the time you’d probably spend leveling a character to 80, and by the time you do that, you’re likely to have earned more boosters through storyline and daily rewards.

Similarly, the 18 slot box is awesome, but you probably won’t start feeling the need for one on each of your characters until you’re more than capable of buying/crafting your own, anyway.

And, er, as for the chewing out: Relaaaax.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Heroic Edition chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boxer.5369


I don’t know why I received a free heroic chest. I’m not new, I’ve been playing since the game came out. I haven’t opened the chest. My character is new because I keep recreating and I can not decide which profession I want to play as. I think guild wars might of made a mistake by giving me the free heroic bonus chest.