Hey Anet, we need more titles!

Hey Anet, we need more titles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kenjo.9651


This was a topic I was discussing in guild chat recently. I thought I’d post it here and hopefully get some feedback from the rest of you as well as bring this to the attention of the developers.

Anyway, the new feature patch introduced some great new achievements revolving around collecting things. Some of these collections require account bound only items and a great deal of dedication. So, scrolling through the new AP category I got to thinking “some of these would go great with a nice title.” And yeah, you put in a few which were very nice and thoughtful, but I think it would be great if we had more titles to go along with these now and into the future. I mean wouldn’t it be cool to run around with a title after completing the Ambrite weapon collection? I feel like titles like these would hold more merit in the pve community since some of them can’t just be bought and require a lot of dedicated playing. GW1 had a few titles like these that I enjoyed such as Legendary Cartographer. Since gw2’s end game is more focused on LS and cosmetics, I think that this would be a nice addition for more “end game” type of content.

What do you guys think?

Hey Anet, we need more titles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


It was recently posted in: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-titles-to-hunt-down-in-the-world/first#post4377883

Copied my point of view:
It’s kinda pointless for me…

I have like 35+ titles and I use only one.
You could make titles for each 10 titles you got, but that feels pointless also.
NOTE that with this update collectors titles will be up, so I guess I will move soon next to around 50 titles…
My the best title is: Champion of the Gods
The best because less and less people who did 50/50 HoM still plays GW2, so it’s becoming very unique.
I haven’t saw one in last few 2-3 months and everyone can get current titles

Hey Anet, we need more titles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sokia.3710


I recommend adding a Gem Shopaholic title.