Hey guys, can I have a word?
A noble sentiment. One that I agree with actually, and I honestly applaud you for it.
But, this is the internet we are talking about. The place where every mental-child can hide behind their computer monitors and say whatever they want without fear of repercussion.
It’s a sad state of affairs, really… Everyone with an axe to furiously grind, or who thinks that can do everything better then the people doing it, comes out in droves and screams like babies…
Why? Because they can.
All I can say is, unfortunately… so long as this Anonymity of the internet prevails, there is little we can do about the angry children who throw their temper-tantrums. If they get truly vitriolic in Map (or any other) chat, report them for Verbal Abuse.No they wouldn’t. :p
The vast majority of internet babies are far too cowardly to step out from behind their computer monitors to ever do such a thing.
The moment any possibility of real repercussions comes up, regardless of what those repercussions might actually be, the majority of internet trolls suddenly find a way to control themselves.
Kind of amazing really, when you look at it…It’s hilarious how you claim to agree with the OP and yet your posts are the very definition of toxic.
The truth hurts, does it not? :p
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
The truth hurts, does it not? :p
Nah, I just think that if you’re going to complain about toxicity then you shouldn’t be just as horribly toxic.
Hm, apparently it seems to be an infraction on forum rules to be against toxcitiy, so I try again:
The so called “toxic” player have more than enough reasons to act how they do (for example See the current event). What I don’t get is why some player always try to call people “toxic” if these people only point out alot of the problems that exist in gw2.
Would be better if all would support these people in their fight for a change instead of calling them “toxic”.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Won’t actually quote your entire post for length, Noxicon – you sum it all up quite perfectly.
The general map chat response of “Oh well, who cares if we don’t get rewards, we’re having fun here!” idea can be quite inflammatory when you’re combining it with the frustration players are feeling at playing “waypoint-wars” just to lose money (net negative profit just from wp fees alone…) with no xp and no loot or bonus chest.
When you are stressed, when your guild is stressed, and everyone around is frustrated, is it really a surprise that people are going to jump on the first rainbows-and-unicorns commenter in mapchat? We have an actual expectation of quality. So, of course people lash out.
Edit – formatting didn’t pick up. :/
Kudos OP, i’ve done the same yesterday night..pretty sad if you tell me..people have no patience whatsoever
Wat r u, casul?
Ive played for the 3 years and I havent seen all of this broken content lol Maybe I am dumb. Ive seen a few bugs here and there like most MMOs.
Lols.. a few bugs here and there… hmmm
Admirable attempt at least though
IMHO the reason why the community was nicer in the past was that the
content was so easy and mostly couldn’t fail. Nobody is calling people names
when a Worldboss takes a little longer .. but if it fails .. then i begins.So in the end, the more ANet listens to the “make it harder, give us more fails” croud
the more toxic the map chat will get.Difficulty is not a problem, TTW isn’t toxic. This event isn’t hard, if anything it is super easy. There are no rewards, that is the problem.
What is TTW ? I know that there are at least a lot of discussions about people
wanting to kick other players out of SW because they are AFK or even want
to report them or whatever.Never heared anything like that for example at Shatterer or Clawmag and
especially never before the fail timers where introduced.Also i wouldn’t say that SW is hard .. but it has a decent failchance, and if it
fails then people always seek someone to blame for.Oh .. and the “no reward” idea is also someting that came from the community
i think .. so that only people who “work hard” are worthy to get loot and that
it is not “just another farmfest where you only spam #1”
Sadly Anet don’t do "effort/risk/reward content they prefer players to run like an angry swarm of headless chickens around a map in the hope they can tag something quick enough before having to follow the zerg to the next blip on the mini map…
Maybe that’s what they see as work hard with the added twist of making the rewards almost only achievable if you deprive your self of sleep and sanity for the length of the whole event, whilst holding out hope that such rubbish can hold players interest long enough to be able to sink enough gold from them and promote gemstore bling for a few extra day to boost gem sales.
This is often why maps turn toxic because the game isn’t functioning well enough to encourage players to play it rather than AFK it or "tag and run it
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
IMHO the reason why the community was nicer in the past was that the
content was so easy and mostly couldn’t fail. Nobody is calling people names
when a Worldboss takes a little longer .. but if it fails .. then i begins.So in the end, the more ANet listens to the “make it harder, give us more fails” croud
the more toxic the map chat will get.Difficulty is not a problem, TTW isn’t toxic. This event isn’t hard, if anything it is super easy. There are no rewards, that is the problem.
What is TTW ? I know that there are at least a lot of discussions about people
wanting to kick other players out of SW because they are AFK or even want
to report them or whatever.Never heared anything like that for example at Shatterer or Clawmag and
especially never before the fail timers where introduced.Also i wouldn’t say that SW is hard .. but it has a decent failchance, and if it
fails then people always seek someone to blame for.Oh .. and the “no reward” idea is also someting that came from the community
i think .. so that only people who “work hard” are worthy to get loot and that
it is not “just another farmfest where you only spam #1”Sadly Anet don’t do "effort/risk/reward content they prefer players to run like an angry swarm of headless chickens around a map in the hope they can tag something quick enough before having to follow the zerg to the next blip on the mini map…
Maybe that’s what they see as work hard with the added twist of making the rewards almost only achievable if you deprive your self of sleep and sanity for the length of the whole event, whilst holding out hope that such rubbish can hold players interest long enough to be able to sink enough gold from them and promote gemstore bling for a few extra day to boost gem sales.
Yeah this is getting a bit OT. But I’ll bite.
There’s nothing wrong with the event post-fix. They’ve apologized for the buggy start and assured everyone who missed out on some mordrem blooms will be compensated.
In ~4 days time with the daily bonus and a round or two after every daily finishing in the 10+ window for events complete, you’ll be able to get essentially whatever one thing you want from the event.
If you’re nuts hardcore, you’ll be able to get maybe two or three non-potion items. Make your choice(s) and plan accordingly.
This was never meant to be a “grind your heart out for every single reward on this list”. It’s a change of pace for people that wanted something to break the dry spell between now and HoT (besides the beta events).
A secondary feature is that you can get something really nifty out of it.
Really, try to have fun. That’s the point of this thing. If it’s no good for you, the rest of the game is still there.
This is often why maps turn toxic because the game isn’t functioning well enough to encourage players to play it rather than AFK it or "tag and run it
Yeah, no. If nothing else the format for this event is fantastic for countering AFKers.
If I have to choose between people running around to get the highest point count VS a format where people can tag something and then AFK for the rest of the event, I’d gladly choose this format going forward.
While the behavior of some people is quite sad indeed, GW2 is an online game after all. What did you expect?
If the clusterkitten that is going on right now really annoys you to a point where you can´t enjoy yourself anymore:
- Turn off /map and /say chat during large open world events
- Don´t try to argue with rude/angry/trollish people in chat, it is pointless
- If you did and they start whispering you, block them, report them and move on
- Or just stay away from the event maps altogether, you are not missing out on much anyways. The work/reward ratio is horrible and the “gameplay” (aka tag events until you reach 20 stacks and then afk) is kinda meh.
Problem solved.
New patch today, introduced pvp crashing. Just thought I’d let you guys know (op). another bug via update per usual.
New patch today, introduced pvp crashing. Just thought I’d let you guys know (op).
another bug via update per usual.
If you knew even the slightest thing about game development, or even just plain development in general, you’d know that bugs are inevitable. Please keep that in mind the next time you decide you let the world know of this obvious fact.
Yes you can have a word, you’re the proud owner of the word…puppies ^_^
The map chat has gotten more and more toxic since the second half of the anniversary sale. It then lead to the event that upset everyone. Then today’s patch didn’t help.
I’m starting to think it’s impossible to find anyone in this game I could possibly get along with because I am more positive than majority of the people I meet. u.u’’
Wish I had the privilege of seeing that toxic chat, at least those guys were lucky enough to get their patch downloaded to play the game
New patch today, introduced pvp crashing. Just thought I’d let you guys know (op).
another bug via update per usual.
If you knew even the slightest thing about game development, or even just plain development in general, you’d know that bugs are inevitable. Please keep that in mind the next time you decide you let the world know of this obvious fact.
My post was directed by the naysayers that don’t seem to know about game breaking bugs after anet updates. Just shedding some light for them. We know software has bugs in them across all platforms. Compare apples to apples, Anet updates compared to othe mmo updates. Who has the most bugs introduced after updates?