Hidden Godzilla in Guild Wars 2!

Hidden Godzilla in Guild Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: redcomyn.4651


If I am supposed to get something funny from the shapes on the map, I don’t get it.

Hidden Godzilla in Guild Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I think he’s trying to say that the lighter blue smear in the first screeshot looks like a silhouette of godzilla. I think the part on the lower left side of the lighter blue smear is supposed to be his face and mouth, looking towards the lower left, whereas the right side is his shoulder/arm or something to that extent.

The second screenshot is there to simply show that it’s embedded in the ring of fire island chain, which is a type of landscape where one might find godzilla (although he seems to have a thing for large cities, IIRC).

Some editing on the part of the OP would have been much more effective in getting the message across since they could’ve highlighted the parts of the screeshots they wanted to point out.

In any case, I believe the phrase “grasping at straws” is very applicable here.

EDIT: and it appears the OP magically disappeared, probably for the best

Hidden Godzilla in Guild Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


D’oh! And I was going to point out that in that one picture you could see the top of Sinestro’s head!

The table is a fable.