Hide other players and their effects (PVE)

Hide other players and their effects (PVE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reihert.1509


Please, Aion had this feature and it was a god send.

When zerging around in pve, seeing other players and their effects is overwhelming for melee. I can’t see bosses animation and reaction accordinly.

When there are mesmer around, I not even look for too long at my screen as it starts to gives me headaches (yes, I have the decrease visual effects option on and it doesnt do much).

I believe we could have any option where we only see commanders and party mates.
Everyone else should be hidden and only their name plate show (if you enable it).

Thank you.
PS. Armors in charr sucks in general (all strech out, no roles for tails and helms are just a sad joke). Terrible job.

Hide other players and their effects (PVE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hanslanda.3502


+1 but for WvW also!

Hide other players and their effects (PVE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Airwolf.5287



Improved Effects Culling

In the open world, dungeons, PvP, and WvW, the new effects-culling system will slowly start reducing the detail of each effect in order to increase combat visibility when many effect types are overlapping.