Hilarious visual glitch

Hilarious visual glitch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrFancyCloudMan.4635


Was doing SE story a bit ago with some randoms and this happens to the ele. I found it the funniest when he was dancing.


High As A Cloud [EDGE] FC

(edited by MrFancyCloudMan.4635)

Hilarious visual glitch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


You might want to edit to hide your paths in your screenshot…Unscrupulous people could use the information to find you.

but yes, I have had this happen as well, and it is funny.

Level 80 Elementalist

Hilarious visual glitch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrFancyCloudMan.4635


You might want to edit to hide your paths in your screenshot…Unscrupulous people could use the information to find you.

but yes, I have had this happen as well, and it is funny.

Didn’t even think of that, thanks.

High As A Cloud [EDGE] FC

Hilarious visual glitch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Better yet — use Ctrl + shift + H to hide the UI.

Hilarious visual glitch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Codata.2019


You might want to edit to hide your paths in your screenshot…Unscrupulous people could use the information to find you.

but yes, I have had this happen as well, and it is funny.

Didn’t even think of that, thanks.